O’Donnell Supporters Get Excited

Filed in Delaware by on June 16, 2010

If you’re an O’Donnell (or Urquhart) supporter and you read a poll like this, you might get excited:

There’s one missing piece to Christine’s campaign resurgence and that is the voice of the Delaware voters. What do the voters think of Christine? Preliminary polling results from the educational non-profit group Founders Values suggests that conservative T.E.A. party candidate Christine O’Donnell out polls Congressman Mike Castle among likely Republican voters in Delaware by more than 3 to 1. In a survey of likely Republican voters the results give O’Donnell the edge 65%-18% in the race for the Republican to square off against Democrat Chris Coons in the November general election.

Also being released are the preliminary results of polling among the same likely voters for the U.S. House Republican Primary battle. The preliminary results in that race give Glen Urquhart the edge 53% to 18% over establishment candidate Michele Rollins.

If you’re part of the reality-based community you might be a bit skeptical. Dialogue Delaware digs a little deeper.

The problem for O’Donnell and Urquhart is the poll might not qualify as scientific. You decide.

The results come from the Founders Value, a group that identifies themselves as a 501(c)3 education group and organizes tea party rallies across the state.

Evan Queitsch, communications director for the group, explained in an e-mail that the poll is the result of the group sending e-mails to 300 “likely Republican primary voters.” Queitsch explained that since 60 responded to the online survey, it “a sampling base that is statistically in line with our projections.”

The group includes a 5 percent margin of error “to account for individuals misreading or not understanding the questions.”

So, of the 60 Republicans who answered the questionnaire from Founders values, 39 said they would vote for O’Donnell and 32 said they were voting for Glen Urquhart. I’m sure Michele Rollins and Mike Castle are shaking in their boots right now.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. What Happens If The Tea Party Doesn’t Win Big? : Delaware Liberal | June 16, 2010
  1. pandora says:

    The problem is that they really believe she is going to win, and if she doesn’t win then… what?

  2. cassandra m says:

    People who have paid their way into Fantasyland aren’t likely to leave anytime soon….

  3. cassandra m says:

    Love that explanation of the “margin of error”. Talk about creating your own reality!

    So where are the crosstabs for this thing? That ought to be a hoot….

  4. RSmitty says:

    A poll that can be freeped supposedly sent to FV-friendly-Republican list. What should be noted is that she couldn’t even get above 65 in that scenario.

  5. Geezer says:

    “if she doesn’t win then… what?”

    Then the excuse-making begins.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Then the excuse-making begins.

    It already has. The mantra is she will win, but it’s the establishment’s fault if she doesn’t.

  7. Geezer says:

    I think she should pray to a big, 60-foot Jesus to help her pull this out…oh, wait.

  8. MJ says:

    You’re going to be struck by lightning for that one, Geezer. Oh, wait. 😉

  9. missundaztood says:

    A 5% margin of error? I’m going to go out on a limb here and declare it more like a 50% margin of error.

  10. RSmitty says:

    What was the margin of freeping %?

  11. Delaware Patriot says:

    The O’Donnell campaign has some legs because the voters are so mad this year but in the end she has nothing to say of substance. The looks are not there anymore and neither is the brain.

    Sad but true there are and were GOP candidates who could have knocked off Castle but the hacks who run the GOP have made the reality that if you win against Castle you will get no support in the fall. Suicide mission.

    Clowns like Tom Ross who has failed at every political level, Rakestraw who has been at the helm while the GOP has gone to hell, Little Dick Forsten who is the GOP lawyer who is a complete weenie, Michael Fleming the NCC GOP head and the state GOP ED whose name escapes me are first class morons.

    Two guys, Copeland and Protack could have taken on Castle but both know the best thing to do is let Castle win and wait for him to serve out foot in the mouth Biden’s term and then move up if they want to. By then Copeland will be a distant memory to voters and Protack will likely be sorry he got elected to County Council. Other hopefuls will be reapportioned out of office by the Democrats, guys like Kovach, Lavelle, Ramone, Miro, Hudson and Manolakos are going to find those safe GOP seats combined in to two GOP seats. There is hardly a bench now and in 2012 there will be none.

    What I am saying is O’Donnell has nothing to lose as the GOP in Delaware is dying and nearly dead. Why not try to speed up the death watch?

    The D’s in this state suck but the GOP sucks more.

  12. cassandra m says:

    The O’Donnell campaign doesn’t have legs, but it is fairly impressive that her supporters think so. When — in fact — all O’Donnell has convinced these people to do is pay her bills.

    Stone Cold Grifter.

  13. jason330 says:

    The O’Donnell campaign doesn’t have legs…but it has a huge ass.

  14. anon says:

    It has several huge asses.

  15. anon says:

    [ Waves to Delaware Patriot ] Hi there, Mike’s router repairman.