Brotherly Love
Eric Bodenweiser is challenging Senator Joe Booth for the Republican nomination in the 19th Senate District. Booth, as you know, won the special election to replace the late Sen. Thurman Adams last year.
Eric Bodenweiser, if you didn’t know, is a particularly odious teabagger and former chair of the defunct SKKKOR, otherwise known as the Sussex County Community Organized Regiment. He is a 9-12 Delaware “Patriot” and member of the Delaware Tea Baggers. Last year, Bodenweiser lost the GOP nomination for the special election to Booth. Aside from his teabagging activities, he works full time but for free (which in the real world is called volunteering) at the Sussex County Bible Church as a general contractor where he was (as of May) overseeing plans to build a new sanctuary. I suppose he doesn’t have to work full time, since Bodenweiser claimed he has deep pockets, which I guess means he is independently wealthy from his past career as owner of Bodie Daily Markets.
As for his political platform, Bodie’s website spouts your typical teabag platitudes about cutting spending, eliminating taxes and regulations and keeping government in the hands of local people (which I guess means all elected officials at every level must be residents of Sussex County). Of course, Bodie deigns not to offer specifics on what programs he would cut, although since he wants to eliminate all taxes and regulations I guess that means he will eliminate all of them, including Medicare and Social Security and road maintenance and the police and fire departments. And on top of all that, Bodie touts that he is a moral Social Conservative, which means of course that he feels it is his business to tell everyone else how to live and how to worship and would tear the First Amendment to threads by establishing a national religion.
But enough on that. I have been away from our local Delaware politics for two months now, so I am not in a position to know if St. Bodie poses much of a threat to Joe Booth in this primary. He presents himself as just another whacky David Anderson or Christine O’Donnell. Crazy and deranged yet not really dangerous unless, of course, they get real power.
I suppose Bodie’s brother, Paul Bodenweiser, thinks his brother is dangerous, because you should see this website he put up.
My name is Paul Bodenweiser and I am Eric Bodenweiser’s older brother. Although I haven’t lived in Sussex County for over 30 years I have family, friends and a Godson that live in Sussex County of which I care and love dearly. Unfortunately my brother has decided to force a good man into a primary and it’s my intention with this page to bring to all of you the truth about my brother and why I support Joe Booth in his bid to remain your Delaware state senator. If nothing else I know Joe to be a fair and open minded person that not only has the experience, education,and ability to work for ALL of the people of his district no matter what their race, creed or political leanings. My brother is not even close to being the man that Joe is and I want to help the people of not only the the district, county and the entire state help avoid making a HUGE mistake. Unfortunately my brother doesn’t tell you the WHOLE TRUTH about the person he has become over the years and hides behind his unknown to you deeply religious beliefs.
To watch a person do all he can to buy an election, knowing that person is NOT what he’s describing himself to potential voters and do nothing would be something that would haunt me the rest of my life.
LOL, some bad blood between brothers, eh? You can read Paul Bodenweiser’s rather poorly written website to discover what one brother alleges of the other, and needless to say, it alleges that Eric Bodenweiser to be just another member of the radical religious right who does not practice what he preaches. That is not shocking, or even surprising, for whenever someone on the right claims to be morally superior, he or she almost always is morally inferior. And again, who knows if what Paul Bodenweiser says is even true. Indeed, the way the website reads, there definitely seems to be some real bad blood between Eric and the rest of his family. I only pass this on to show you a picture contained on the website, which purports to be of Eric Bodenweiser in high heels.

I can’t say it enough, if you are going to run for public office, make sure you destroy all embarrassing pictures of you that exist.
One thing that I do know about Eric Bodenweiser being fake is that he did make his money by selling Penthouse, Playboy, beer and lottery tickets in his convenience stores, and yet he now says gambling and racinos are the root of all evil.
I’m guessing brother Paul got screwed out of his inheritance (all the Bodie’s convenience stores) by brother Eric. At any rate, this should be very entertaining. My wife went to school with Eric, and says he’s a real douche bag. She never lies. I can personally attest that most of the Booth family are asshats (that includes Joe). Looks like I vote Democratic this time.
That could be, Miscreant, although from my reading of Paul’s website, the animus seems to revolve around Eric’s treatment of his father and his father’s companion, and Eric becoming “born-again” and treating others badly because of it. I have had experience with the latter situation, and it is not pleasant, although whenever a “born-again” asks me whether I have found Jesus, I always say “I never lost Him and you did not find Him.”
Did Bodenweiser wear those white shoes after labor day? Shocking!
Miscreant – If you want to vote Democratic, you’d better keep on looking. The Dems haven’t nominated anyone yet, and only have another month to do so. Slackasses.
I was about to say I don’t think they have a Democratic candidate for that seat. Hopefully they’ll get their act together and nominate someone.
“The Dems haven’t nominated anyone yet, and only have another month to do so. Slackasses.”
“I was about to say I don’t think they have a Democratic candidate for that seat. Hopefully they’ll get their act together and nominate someone.”
Whoever it is, they’re going to have a tough row to hoe. Unfortunately, Booth is extremely popular down here.
“…from my reading of Paul’s website, the animus seems to revolve around Eric’s treatment of his father and his father’s companion, and Eric becoming “born-again” and treating others badly because of it.”
I just finished reading brother Paul’s message on his website to my wife, and nearly blew my whiskey out of my nose. It’s hilarious, but the wife says it’s all very believable. She recalls the whole family to be rather … eccentric.
Eric is a dangerous vicious person, who thinks that because he answers to GOD he can do and say as he likes – he’s is the worse kind of self-proclaimed “christian”
I have screen shots of the racism and hatred that the 912ers tried to clean off their website – and screen shots from the racist post and chats of SCCOR when they were in business -sent to me some times ago by a concerned person who joined – then got out quick when they realized how dangerous these groups are – and I am willing to share with you all…
they are friends on and other racist sites – have posted death threats against elected officials – openly discussed falsly registering to vote outside their districts in order to effect the elections and many other things – these people are Bodenweiser’s friends and supporters…and I have the proof as do several others – people that need to know.
just contact me – I will send it and we can post it here for all to see….but be afraid, be very afraid…….
The hilarity continues on Dan Gaffney’s Facebook site:
If you have an account, log in and check out the comments. Bodenweiser’s pastor just weighed in.
St. Bodie Girl – a “moralist” in the worst sense of the word. Pornographer, bootlegger, gambler. But that can all be forgiven because he found G-D.
I can’t wait to hear what the talking asshats at WGOP do with this on Monday.
Email me at Thanks.
” …and Eric becoming “born-again” and treating others badly because of it.”
The douche bags will inherit the Earth. Just as Jesus planned it.
Why is it that everyone who promotes their Christianity in a campaign for public office ends up being a moral & ethical cesspool?
I sent a sampling off Delaware Dem – the dots are connected……enjoy!
I have more……
Does that NT verse Pastor Fum quotes actually mention drunkards and homosexuals? I’ve only read the Pentateuch, in the original Aramaic, so I’m not up on this new version.
Here’s a link to a site on which you can compare the various versions.
I gather if one looks hard enough, one can find a version that translates the ‘word’ to say whatever one prefers to hear.
i hope to see Aonie’s findings soon…. a juicy scoop for DL!!!
Let’s see, the Libs have Bill Clinton getting a BJ in the Oval Office, John Edwards poking a staff member to get a love child, Barney Frank has a male prostitution ring in his house, Jesse Jackson counseling Clinton about Lewinski while he has a love child, Rangel is a tax and elections law cheat.
All of the above claim to know God. BJ Clinton had the nerve to defend “Sheets” Byrd the KKK racist as something he did when young to get elected.
Here is a juicy scoop. Booth loses and so does the D opponent.
The Libs are such fools and cry babies. Make sure you call the failed food critic to get this scoop on the air Monday.
You forgot Andrew Jackson. So weak. So very laughably weak.
WTF is the most aptly named commenter in DL history, for whenever he read his inane musings, I say What. The. Fuck.
Democrats do not claim to know God. Some of us say we are religious, and some of us are not, but any truly religious person knows they can never know God, and they can never be morally superior to anyone, for all of us sin and fail.
Bill Clinton never claimed to be morally superior. Sarah Palin does.
John Edwards never claimed to talk to or know God. George W. Bush did.
Rangle.. under the bus (by Dems) Edwards… put on an ice float and sent out to die (by Dems) Jesse Jackson (interesting you would credit us with someone who is a cilvil rights advocate, not a democrat.) … in any case, has been made irrelevant (by Dems) … Sen Bryd… repentant for over half his life (i thought all you had to do was repent or sins and all was forgiven…. or does that only apply to republicans)
Clinton… let off the hook, cause he’s awesome.
SO, pumpkin, now that we got THAT out of the way… let’s play the “but here’s what you did!”
Newt Gingrich…. advocated for sanctity of marriage WHILE cheating on his wife
Strom Thrumond…. ran as a segregationist only to be welcomed for the rest of that pathetic hateful life by REPUBLICANS never repenting for his past.
Larry Craig… Mark Foley…Ted Haggard… all those Bible thumpin spiritual leaders the GOP claims to represent.. well YOU KNOW.. (they either denied being gay, or have since claimed to be “healed”.
Tom Delay…. GOT ON TV!!!!!
This is a fun game
DD, from what i can tell from hearing her comments about her book, Saint Sarah claims so SPEAK for God.
Indeed. And it proves my point, because she is 100% pure grain white trash.
Hmmmm, I think I’ll spend the $$$ to blow-up that picture of St. Bodie Girl and put it on billboards along Rt. 113 in Georgetown and Rt. 13 in Greenwood.
Strom Thurmond never admitted nor acknowledged publicly his child that he had with his family’s 15-year-old black maid. But Robert Byrd is worse. We get it, Republicans.
a. price, you only hit the surface with the cheatin’ Republicans. John Ensign (under FBI investigation), Mark Sanford hiking the Appalachian Trail, Newt Gingrich is on his 3rd wife, not to mention the closet cases like Larry Craig.
News flash: Those of us who live in civilized Delaware and visit the nether regions only for vacation couldn’t care less which homunculus you pick to best represent you. Although I suppose you see yourself in all God’s creatures, WTF, for yea, they all defecate.
i got craig and the other “fun-boys”. But yes, there are MANY MANY more.
OMG GREAT PHOTO – I am so stealing that. Maybe this will get as much attention as the Don’t Vote For My Dad website.
One thing is for sure, this primary and the general teabagger ethos in Sussex is making Booth take a dive further to the right. Jud Bennett sent this along: Booth bragging not about what he actuallyaccomplished this year but about what he’s tried to block and tackle.
“Dear 19th Senatorial District Resident:
Hello, again from your State Senator! Let me thank you once again for supporting me in the Special Election on August 3, 2009.
It has been a very busy year serving you as your Senator. I have attended many town council meetings, school board meetings and civic association gatherings, getting to know the issues facing our District better and, more importantly, getting to know YOU better.
I have worked with Representatives Dave Wilson and Ruth Briggs King, attending their coffees and working together on legislation facing our districts. Further, I have attended meetings of the Chambers of Commerce and Volunteer Fire Company functions to fulfill my promise to be visible and accessible in the 19th.
I wanted to share a few pieces of legislation that I’ve fought for this year.
à SB 230 – I was the prime sponsor of this legislation, also called “E-Verify” to make sure that illegal immigrants can’t receive public employment or public benefits in Delaware.
à HB 495 – I was the co-prime sponsor on this bill, which would have reduced the Gross Receipts Tax, also known as Delaware’s “Hidden Sales Tax”, cut the state workforce by 500 positions…saving you money and improving the economy for small businesses.
à HCR 28 – I was a sponsor on this resolution, which said that the federal government does not have the authority to impose ObamaCare on the citizens of our state.
à The Budget – This year I voted against the state budget and the Bond Bill. The budget increased spending by a whopping $200 million! That kind of increase is fiscally irresponsible and unsustainable.
As you can see, I’ve been putting our conservative values into practice in the Legislature. There is a lot more work that needs to be done to get Delaware back on the right track, and I’m honored to do my part.
The Primary Election in this district will be held on September 14, 2010. This is a very important primary election. I hope I can count on your vote for me – The Right Choice – in the primary election on September 14.
Senator Joe Booth”
I’m gonna quit fighting with my sisters!
WTF just completed my wingnut scandal response bingo card! Is he actually Mike Protack using a proxy? (Note – not an outing or anything – “Bill Clinton got a BJ” is Protack’s answer to everything)
Joe Booth forgot to take credit for penning the unconstitutional SB 230 that never got out of committiee – and the R’s attorney didn’t catch it either – what are they…asleep at the wheel or just unconscious.
it violated the 14th Aammendment and was in direct violation of SCOTUS decision “Plyler v Doe” and would have opended the door for a flood of lawsuits on the state for violating the US and Delaware Constitutions
yup – and he’ the “better” choice than Bodenweiser??? too bad…years ago he would not have done that
funny how he neglected that one!!!
whoops – he did take credit for it – missed that – then even bigger shame on him – he left out the unconstitutional last line in hins missive – you know the unconstitutional part…. I referenced above
Sad to say but when liberals lose an argument they always have to find someone to blame, in this case Protack who I am pretty sure does not care. Otherwise he would come on here and offer an argument.
The democratic party is full of hypocrites and fools who offer blame and bad policies but little else. The Liberal Loser Scorecard is an ongoing nightmare for America.
QOD, why do liberals look to prop up a failed system which has denied them their rightful place in the world? Work hard, be happy and piss off a liberal.
can we play the KKKonservative loss scorecard” game?
1776 – loyalty to the king of england
1860s… opposition to the union and support of slavery
most of the rest of american history.. opposing civil rights bills, opposing women’s rights bills, opposing child labor laws,
anyone else wanna jump in?
DFTT sounds a lot like that asshat Curly from WGOP 3-7 M-F show. Have some beytzim, Bill and use your real name.
Disclaimer – I have no idea if DFTT is Curly, but just what he/she (or is it he-she) wrote, it sounds a lot like the crap he spews every day.
@a.price – the Jews own everything and caused the banking crisis.
I just read what Eric Bodenweiser’s brother wrote and also what some of you here have said.
Bitterness is ugly, whether it resides in the heart or throws up on paper.
Does a man really deserve to have his entire life declared a sorry failure because his brother is mad at him or because He has turned from living in sin, put his trust in Jesus Christ, and now desires to do something most people would never have the courage to do… for office?
Well, if you noticed Bunni, I took great pains to say that I did not know what Paul Bodenweiser is even true, because it could very well not be true. Still, it is legitimate to cover as a development in this race, as it would be if Jeb Bush had written something similar about George Bush.
As for deserving this, I am sorry but you Republicans have made politicians’ private lives public domain for decades now, and Eric Bodenweiseer cannot possibly complain. He knew what he was getting into, and if he didn’t, that is his problem. Finally, believing in Jesus Christ and repenting for your past sins is not a shield about learning about your past sins, as you Republicans have taught us time and again.
Moral of the Story is Bodenweiser is a whack job. No one should vote for this affair having clown. It amazes me that he thinks he is ready for public office. I sure hope he stays away from my kids when he mentors (who knows what this guy would do)
You assume I’m a Republican. Your assumption is incorrect.
Right. And you assume that Bodenweiser has found Jesus. He wouldn’t be the first politician to have claimed to have done so. As if it gives him a blank slate. Like Dubya who, come to think of it, WAS a blank slate.
Politicians claim to have found Jesus to get a lot of gullible idiots who won’t or can’t think for themselves to vote for them. Just like ‘leaving your brain at the door’ when you enter church.
Jimmy Swaggart, Larry Craig, David Vitter, Wilbur Mills, Ted Haggard, Jon Hinson, Robert Bauman, St. Bodie Girl. What do they all have in common – moralists who got caught in compromising situations.
Love the heels, Bodie. Perhaps you can make a surprise appearance at drag volleyball on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend down in Rehoboth.
Robert Bauman wow that one is out of the archives. Remember he replaced a guy who blew his brains out in his barn? I was thinking bodie would look great at Sat afternoon happy hour at the Blue Moon. Only problem the clientele doesn’t think much of Hypocrites:)
I once met Bauman at Tracks in DC. Not that I wanted to meet him. He thought he was the bees knees and would hit on anyone under 30. He boasted that he was a former Congressman, yada, yada. He was actually pretty grotesque.
i saw him a few times in reho after he fell from grace i got the impression he was trying to clea up his act. Oh well
Here’s the weird thing – the heels look like they are his size.
Dude needs a matching purse.
a pink top and some tight shorts:)
Wonder if those here who feel so free to draw and quarter Eric and his faith would be quite as descriptive if he was a Muslim?
actually absolutely
Bunni, he could be any religion. If you’re going to ride your moral high horse and tell others how to live their lives, and that they’re all sinners, yada, yada, yada, be prepared to get called out when your closet is opened.
So, get off your damned high horse, Bunni.
And now the NJ is running the story ––Candidate–an-evil-person-
notice how all the “but the dems did it too” teabagers vanished from this thread when we shined a light on their corrupt side and how the individual parties dealt with it.
sort of like cockroaches, eh a.price?
This is going to hurt both Urquhart and O’Donnell. Booth is a popular guy, and no doubt his supporters will show up to defeat a whackjob whose high heels fail to match the Christianity he wears on his sleeve. Every normal-person Republican who votes for Booth is a potential vote for Castle and Rollins as well.
LOL – now the stupidity is over the top – see below – Bill Colley’s post to Dan Gaffney’s FACEBOOK page on this issue:
“Bill Colley Somehpw I think Joe Booth has a hand in this. I’m guessing it tells us a lot about Joe. Next week I’ll share my experience from the Great Conservative Cookout with the whining State Senator.
14 hours ago”
I mean REALLY Bill?? and Colley and his resistnet buddies and the 912ers like Alex Garcia and Russ Murphy are gonna be looking to Joe Booth for favors when he is elected Senator – unless the Dems oppose him – talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!
is Colley really either this dumb or this arrogant – of course neither would surprise me…
ok Joe – I read your letter – lets look at what you have done – really…..
à SB 230 – I was the prime sponsor of this legislation, also called “E-Verify” to make sure that illegal immigrants can’t receive public employment or public benefits in Delaware. THIS BILL WAS UNCONSTITUTIONAL IN THE LAST LINE AND DIEd IN COMMITTEE BECAUSE OF IT – YOU DIDN’T CATCH THAT, NEITHER DID THE PARTY’S LAWYER – SO MUCH FOR UNDERSTANDING THE 14TH AMMENDMENT AND PRIOR CASE LAW REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
à HB 495 – I was the co-prime sponsor on this bill, which would have reduced the Gross Receipts Tax, also known as Delaware’s “Hidden Sales Tax”, cut the state workforce by 500 positions…saving you money and improving the economy for small businesses.YUP, CUT THE STATE WORKFORCE -GOOD ONE – NOW YOU CAN EXPLAIN TO EVERYONE THAT GOES TO DMV AFTER A MASSIVE SPENDING BOONDOOGLE THAT CREATED A BLOATED NEW BUREAOCRACY AND PEOPLE ARE SPENDING ALL DAY THERE FOR A SINGLE LISCNSE – NICE ONE JOE –
à HCR 28 – I was a sponsor on this resolution, which said that the federal government does not have the authority to impose ObamaCare on the citizens of our state. HOWEVER – YOU WANT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO NOT SUE AZ OVER SB1070 – EITHER THE FEDS ENFORCE FEDERAL LAW OR NOT – YOU CANNOT HAVE THIS BOTH WAYS JOE – YOU CANNOT HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO – FERDERAL SUPREMACY IS JUST THAT!
à The Budget – This year I voted against the state budget and the Bond Bill. The budget increased spending by a whopping $200 million! That kind of increase is fiscally irresponsible and unsustainable.
Joe – you might be a step up on Bodenweiser (coz you are still taller than him even in his high heels) but your “conservatice values” are still not mine
now – can you Dems get someone to run against him??
“is Colley really either this dumb or this arrogant – of course neither would surprise me…”
All the above, and more.
Curly has no problem spreading stories about anyone without facts. It’s his MO. But he’s handed his ass by a few folks over his latest blog post at WGOP –
Curly is a joke, a bad joke at that. But he’s got a microphone and he uses it like the good propagandist he is. He was fired from WFBL in Buffalo for this type of crap; wonder when WGOP will wise up and cut their loses.
xstryker Can you make up some bingo cards? pretty please? We’ll play at the next drinking liberally i can attend.
“…these are the following adjectives and nouns I used to describe and refer to Eric Bodenweiser: […]”
If I recall, Angel, I opined that Bodenweiser was a douche bag, and Booth an asshat. By actual interaction with these two turds, I firmly stand by those assessments. If categorization is possible, I consider myself somewhat conservative, but consider these two (and Colley) to be an embarrassment to conservatism.