Boehner Got Slapped [Humiliations].

Filed in National by on August 1, 2010

We all know that Republicans lie when they open their mouths in public. What I didn’t know is that they actually believe their lies. Which of course means that Republicans are pathological liars. But I guess we knew that too. But here is a little story that proves it:

Mr. Obama, who did not join the Senate until 2005, reminded Mr. Boehner and the Senate Republican leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, that the tax cuts’ architects purposely left the deficit problem to a future administration, according to aides from both parties.

“I wasn’t there,” Mr. Boehner quickly countered. “I didn’t structure that deal.”

The room briefly went quiet as participants seemed to ponder that statement from a legislator first elected in 1990. “How long have you been here?,” a Democrat asked Mr. Boehner, and the others broke out in laughter.

You see, Mr. Boehner just lied to the President of the United States and his colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the room. A brazen, bold faced lie, to their faces. As Steve Benen points out, Boehner was not only there, he structured the deal. LOL. Everyone in the room knew they were being lied to by the orange faced man. But still, that is the ultimate sign of disrespect. And I am glad that the Democrats in the room shoved that lie down Boehner’s throat and laughed in his face.

Republicans deserve nothing less.

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  1. Wow, that was pretty bold.

    Speaking of Republican slap-downs, Dave Burris over at Delaware Tomorrow posted a link to this op-ed by David Stockman (Reagan’s OMB director) about fiscally irresponsible Republicans. He links the fiscal irresponsibility back 40 years, to Nixon.

  2. anonone says:

    Great commentary/summary on/of Stockman article:

  3. John Boehner, Freedom Clown, listen to him and weep:

    John Boehner, in summary, doesn’t trust those pointy-headed economists and their “numbers.” John Boehner has listened to the American people, and they tell him they want something for nothing. And that’s what he wants to give them.

    Host Chris Wallace noted that “a number of top economists” believe that the nation, right now, needs “more economic stimulus.” Boehner replied, “Well, I don’t need to see GDP numbers or to listen to economists; all I need to do is listen to the American people.”

    How much more proof do people need that Republicans are not serious about the deficit or about the economy?

  4. Rebecca says:

    When it comes to governing, any sort of governing, Republicans are not serious or competent. Cue the clown-car.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    I think you meant “anecdote” because there is no antidote for stupid.

  6. shoe throwing instructor says:

    Your talking about the party that is a firm proponent of trailer park economics, they honestly feel that this country would be better of if workers worked fo half a ham sandwich a day and demanded tax cuts for the rich.

  7. I agree shoe but Republican policies don’t even make internal logical sense.

  8. shoe throwing instructor says:

    Tope; For all the harm the republican party has caused the general public over the past 30 years they should not even exist, but somehow they keep persuading southern trailer park trash to vote republican, If you live in the Greenville area, voting repub is understandable, but living in a sussex county trailer park and voting for the party of the rich, just boggles the mind.

  9. Don't Fear The Truth says:

    Yes and Obama said unemployment would not go over 8% with the stimulus, the boy supported more offshore drilling and then goes after BP. Biden cheats in Law School, plagiarizes speeches and doesn’t pay his bills.

    For all those who think the loser liberals or dummiecrats are the answer, they are in charge and have been in charge for 2-4 years and everything has gotten worse.

    You bozos forget to mention the 66 deaths last month in the Obama War.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    I need to invent a term for a comment that is left hanging by an undocumented change to the original post.

    Like if someone says that the sky is purple, and they are corrected in the comments to point out that the correct color is blue. Then the post is changed. All future readers will say “what the hell was that commenter talking about???”

    I need a word for that. I’m leaning towards “Chad” in honor of hanging, pregnant or otherwise damaged chads circa 2000.

    I’ve been chadded!

  11. anon says:

    Better yet, note at the end of the original post that it was edited, and admit the mistake. Simple enough.

  12. Mercedes Marxist says:

    Yep, the Liberals are steaming, the liberal nirvana paid for by our money does not exist so it must be Boehner’s fault.

    LOOK IN THE MIRROR, liberal economics is an oxymoron. Ask the millions who have lost jobs since Obama became POTUS. Obama lies and the economy dies.

    Trailer park economics is real as we will be living in a trailer park if Obama is not voted out in 2012.

  13. So when are these conservatives going Galt already?

  14. a.price says:

    mercedes, everything in your entire post is a bumper sticker slogan. when will you people learn to form your own arguments and not just spew the most recent one liner to show up on Saint Sarah’s hand?

    but you’re right. We all remember what awesome shape the economy was in when Obama took office… i believe old man McCain said it best it was “strong”

  15. Geezer says:

    Shorter MM: Wah! I don’t wanna pay my taxes! And rich people shouldn’t have to pay theirs, either!