Delaware Political Weekly: June 30-July 6, 2012

Filed in National by on July 6, 2012

1. Gilligan Retirement Leaves Things ‘All Shook Up’.

Speaker Bob Gilligan’s announcement that he would not seek reelection has created quite a seismic shift in local politics. As soon as the election is over, you’ll see all sorts of machinations as to who will get what position in what is virtually certain to still be the House Majority Caucus. But that can wait. Within 36 hours of Gilligan’s announcement, two candidates had already filed for the 19th RD seat currently held by the Speaker. Bill Dunn, who had been running for County Council President, switched races, and is now seeking the House seat. I’m not sure how the raison d’etre for his candidacy will survive the switch. Bill was running against what he sees (and I agree) as some of the most egregious practices in county government. Don’t know what the theme of his candidacy will be. He has a credible opponent in Kim Williams, who is Vice-President of the Red Clay School Board. One graf in Williams’ announcement release struck me, and, I think, will resonate with voters in the 19th:

The economic downturn that has hit thousands of Delaware families hard also has affected the Williams household. Kimberly was a stay-at-home mom raising her children. Williams’ husband Carl was working at the General Motors Boxwood plant when the facility closed down in 2009, leaving him without a job at 48. Kimberly eventually went back to school and got her real estate license. When Carl completes his real estate training, the two plan to work together as a team.

The 19th RD is full of families like this. I think this will be quite the race, and I think that the voters of the 19th have two worthy candidates to consider.

2. Dennis, About Those Back Taxes…

Look, I like Dennis P. Williams, I really do.  And I like Bill Montgomery, I really do. But this unseemly dance between Williams and the City over these back taxes that nobody disputes that he owes makes a mockery of the concept of ‘equal under the law’.  This, after, all, isn’t Williams’ first rodeo when it comes to tax delinquencies. From the News-Journal story:

Williams – who wields substantial influence over public money as chairman of the state Legislature’s powerful Joint Finance Committee still owes $1,486.94 in delinquent city property taxes on the Madison Street and Vandever Avenue properties that he owns in Wilmington, according to city records. He also owes $1,697.83 in delinquent water and sewer bills, the records indicate.

At the same time Williams, D-Wilmington North, has been extolling his financial acumen during public forums, the records show he has been habitually late in paying his city debts.

Williams has yet to pay any of his 2011 tax obligations on either property, and his unpaid water and sewer bills date back to May 2011.

So, the City doesn’t seek to collect b/c Williams is a powerful legislator who can send Wilmington money, or withhold money, depending on what kind of mood he’s in. And Williams doesn’t see any need to pay his bills on time. Maybe I’m missing something here, but shouldn’t someone who wants to be Mayor make sure that he’s not a chronic tax scofflaw? And shouldn’t someone else who wants to be Mayor make sure that all city residents are treated fairly and equally?

Talk about setting some horrible examples. How could either of these guys honestly argue that citizens have a duty to meet their tax obligations when, through their actions and inactions, they’ve both proven that the laws do not apply equally or fairly to them?

3. 3rd Senatorial District Finally Gets A Credible Candidate.

Eric Anderson, who has resigned from the Christina School Board to run. In addition to his service on the School Board, Anderson is also a teacher and coach.

Gilligan’s retirement could have an impact on this race, and it’s entirely possible that Anderson and Timothy Meades could end up as the only candidates. Assuming that Bob Marshall does not file for reelection, and who knows if that’s gonna happen, the conventional wisdom was that  State Rep. Helene Keeley would likely switch to the Senate race. With Gilligan’s retirement, however, Keeley could well be in contention for a leadership position and, at the least, chair of the Joint Finance Committee with the retirement of current chair Dennis P. Williams to run for mayor. The 3rd Senatorial is by far the most unsettled of races heading into Tuesday’s noon filing deadline.

4. Jack Markell Files.

’nuff said, we knew he wasn’t being coy.

5. Not One Statewide Endorsed R Candidate Has Yet Filed.

Quick Quiz Time. Name ’em. No cheating. Stop reading now………………….let’s see, Jeff Cragg for Governor, Sher Valenzuela for Lt. Governor, ummmmmm, Kevin Wade for  U. S. Senator, Tom Kovach for Congress, Ben Mobley for Insurance Commissioner. Is that right? They were endorsed like, what, three months ago? This Cloak of Invisibility Campaign of theirs threatens to make Carper primary opponent Keith Spanarelli look hyperactive by contrast.  That’s one badly-run Party there.

6. Two Sussex Representatives File.

Dan Short and John Atkins. Short faces teabagger and Sheriff of Nuttingham acolyte Patrick Murray in a Rethug primary in the 39th. Atkins faces a ‘Billionaires’ Rights’ opponent in Richard G. Collins.  Sussex County, ladies and gentlemen. Right state, wrong planet.

7. Jane Hovington Announces. Western Sussex Heads to Explode.

The winner of the Booth-Bodie 19th District Senatorial Primary will face a Democratic opponent after all. And not just any opponent. A black civil rights leader!  Jane Hovington, seen here addressing a rally following the shooting of Trayvon Martin, offers as clear an alternative as one could find this election year.  Good for her. A few contributions wouldn’t hurt.

8. Is Katz Running?

Still hasn’t filed in the 4th Senatorial. Deadline’s Tuesday.

9. Filings, We Have Filings!

State Senators Colin Bonini(R-16th SD) and Gary Simpson(R-18th SD); Darius Brown, for 3rd Wilmington Councilmanic District Democratic Primary; Sussex County Councilman Michael Vincent, who will face teabagger Scott Witzke in a District 1 R Primary.

10. DL To Provide the Best in Filing Deadline Coverage!

Stay with us up and through the Tuesday deadline as we’ll be providing updates until…the updates stop. Your instant analysis highly-encouraged! Then join me on a Special Wednesday Edition of the Al Mascitti Show as we discuss all the key primary races and ramifications of the last-minute filings. That’s Wednesday morning, July 11, from 10 to noon, on WDEL 1150 AM-Newsradio.

That’s it for this week. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. The 62 District Strategy for Both Parties [2012] : Delaware Liberal | July 7, 2012
  1. anon says:

    Eric Anderson is the cousin of David Anderson. That makes me uncomfortable.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    It shouldn’t. I would hate to be judged by the political leanings of some in my own family. I have an uncle downstate who still believes George W. Bush was Jesus Christ reborn, and who hates that “n***er Hussein Obama.” Thankfully, he is not a blood relative, but still…

  3. Geezer says:

    FWIW, David wrote at DP that he doesn’t share Eric’s political views. So there’s that.

  4. More filings. Former State Rep. Arthur Scott has filed to primary Stephanie Bolden in the 2nd RD.

    Tyler Brooks, who withdrew from what is now a 4-way primary in Wilmington Council District 3, has filed to run At-large.

    Oh, and Dwight Davis is back. Running for the 4th Councilmanic seat against Hanifa Shabazz.

  5. cassandra m says:

    One thing that the Williams’ tax deal reminds people of is the massive net the city cast a few years back to bludgeon people in trying to collect wage taxes. That effort didn’t win them many friends — especially since the city is pretty inept at dealing with wage taxes if you don’t work in the city — and I talked to a couple of folks caught up in that last night who were pretty mad that some people are exempt from the bludgeon.

  6. MJ says:

    Delusional David’s DP post even said that the voters in the 3rd SD shouldn’t hold it against Eric because of the familial ties.

  7. Josh says:

    on 2. Just another reason to support KK.
    on 1. I didn’t expect BD, to switch races.
    on 10. Sounds like maybe I should listen before I go to work.