Republican Speak

Filed in National by on February 12, 2007

In the “up is down” world of Republican political and economic theory we know that the way to prevent war is to attack people. And if the we as a people could only pray harder and pretend better, the poor would be helped by further enriching the rich.

Today we learn from Mike Mahaffie that there are Republican/Orwellians who want to bring that problem solving style to Delaware.

The Republican solution
to Sussex County’s out of control growth – faster out of controll growth. I wish I was making this up.

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  1. Unfortunately, FSP backs this lunacy, or has to in his bid ofr leadership down there in loonyland. I got on the PGA google links last night after reading Mike;s post.

    There are some DOOSIES out there to document the atrocities. Check it out.

  2. You all are out of your minds. (Not that that’s news or anything.)

    Rich Collins, although a registered Republican, doesn’t speak for Republicans and has, in the past, worked against Republicans in county elections. He’s a free agent.

    I will give almost anyone the ability to guest post on FSP. That’s the only “backing” I’ve ever given Rich Collins. I also let Jud Bennett post regularly, and he is diametrically opposed to Rich Collins. Why not say I “back” Bennett instead of Collins? Because it won’t fit into your Republican-bashing?

    Face it. Land use in Sussex County is controlled by Democrats — the three in the majority on Sussex County Council and the one who runs the State Senate. Anyone who has problems with growth in Sussex County can look to the left for the culpability.

  3. Al Mascitti says:

    Oh, Dave, when will you ever acknowledge that some problems can’t be traced to the letter after an elected official’s name?

  4. Joan Deaver says:

    Respected firststatepolitics says, “Anyone who has problems with growth in Sussex County can look to the left for the culpability.”

    Maybe but I don’t call these 3 guys lefties:
    1. Lumber dealer Dale Dukes 1 (D),
    2. Steel merchant Finley Jones 2 (D) &
    3. Sign maker Lynn Rogers 3 (D).
    And chicken farmer, realtor Vance Phillips 5 (R) who votes for most every development project is a Republican & confessed Conservative.

    Rather than running along political persuasion lines, it seems that the divisions are
    1. those who think they’ll do better financially without zoning regs; and
    2. those (such as the ones like us who just made tremendous investments in living in Sussex County homes) would like regulated growth.

    Rich Collins seems to be just a hired gun for the PGA which is an “Extreme Property Rights” group. Certainly not run by the left, just run by deep pocket developers.

  5. Al — You always jump my bones for being partisan, but I’m only responding to Jason’s attempts to paint this with partisanship. Jason did not once mention the name Rich Collins in his post, only Republican. But you jump me?

    If he tries to paint it one way, I’m going to show that it’s the exact opposite.

    And Joan’s right about the 3 Dems not being lefties. Poor choice of words on my part. However, they are still Democrats, and they control the Council.

    Joan can also back up my claim that Collins has worked against Republicans in the past.

  6. As I’ve already noted my “Dems only” policy breaks down when it comes the Sussex County Council. [Thanks for your comments here Joan!]

    But I stand by the fact that this Collins’s comments betray a distinctly Republican worldview in which there is no objective reality or objective truth.

  7. Just for the record, I tried to keep my post on this non-partisan….

  8. You did Mike. But for the record, I try to keep every post partisan.

  9. Nancy Willing says:

    Rich Collins seems to be just a hired gun for the PGA which is an “Extreme Property Rights” group. Certainly not run by the left, just run by deep pocket developers.
    no, Rather Rich
    Collins is very much a hired gun for the PGA.

    One of the facts that a simple google search unveils is that Rich gets a solid 33K
    for being the PGA mouthpiece.

  10. Nancy Willing says:

    Now we must look to land use lobbyists here in our county

    Bob Weiner and his now Co-chair Paul Clark of the County Council’s Economic Development Committee has invited lobbyist Bev Baxter and her cohort, Committee of 100 Land Use Committee CHAIR (WITH Pammy Scott-Paul Clarky), to sit with them at the February 26th meeting.


    Now, the Honorable Bobiscus Weenie (who suddenly has a co-chair)has refused to allow me to speak at HIS MEETING (he said as much in those very words…) I took the matter to then Attorney General Carl Danberg (no surprise here) who could not find the law in that the public was refused the right to make a brief comment for the record at a county council committee meeting even though a “knowledgable member of the public was similarly brought to the TABLE and allowed to speak.

    Weinerweenie is off the wall.

    Paul Clark is poised to take up Committee leadership assignments again in the county council Executive Committee meeting tomorrow at 5:00 (8th Floor French Street).

    It looks to be the new THANG to assign co-chairs to the committees. Paul Clark is bound and determined to spread his thinning loyaly to best effect and he has removed Powers from the co-chairmanship of the Land Use Committee and replaced him with Stephanie McClellan.

    Stephanie should be home by tomorrow afternoon. She, Bob Weiner and John Cartier went on a nice little junket on YOUR TAX DIME to far away California…..three councilpeople get to fly off and learn things together.

    Stephanie is one of the fatuous four who voted for the Paul Clark Ethically Challenged Ordinance that would have removed the language, “appearance of impropriety” from county ethics law. Paul lost his bid.

    Is McClellan, hwo has no expertise in Land Use, replacing Powers, who has an extraordinary grasp of land use issues, because Paul is rewarding her loyalty.

    So, does she get to fly away on junkets as a reward for votes? (I wonder about John cartier on this too)

    How many henchmen can the developers march into land use and get land use laws amended to their ever increasing advantage?


  11. Nancy Willing says:

    oops my post was so long I forgot..

    Who is
    our very own General Manager of Land Use Dept. Charles Baker is the Co-Chair (with Mrs. Paul Clark) of the Committee of 100’s Land Use Committee.
    Mr Baker also is the Chair of a committee in the NCC Realtors Association named something like New Realty Opportunities.

    Can someone tell these people that ethics is spelled
    E T H I C S ?????????????????

  12. Al Mascitti says:

    Dave, fair enough. Jason, too, should realize that party affiliation has no bearing whatever on the Sussex development issue. Forgive me; I usually expend all my powder browbeating Jason over his constant harping about Mike Castle.

  13. I think you may have noticed that the volume on the constant harping about Castle has been turned down from “11” to “8”.

  14. an0nym00se says:

    I think you may have noticed that the volume on the constant harping about Castle has been turned down from “11″ to “8″.

    Wenk finally got that restraining order, huh?

  15. Hello,

    Interesting comments you have on this Blog about Republican political and economic theory.

    Perhaps you should visit Congressman Ron Paul’s web site? Congressman Ron Paul is a man who truly believes in freedom and he is running for the Republican nomination for president in Texas.

    Why don’t you visit his website, watch his video and show him your support?

  16. liberalgeek says:

    Perhaps Ron Paul should have a better astroturf team. Posting on a month old posting with an obvious spam-like posting. Ron Paul must be a schmuck.

  17. doctornick says:

    Is he running to be the President of Texas?