U.S. sending third carrier strike group to Gulf

Filed in National by on February 12, 2007

From Newsweek’s “The Hidden War With Iran.”

At least one former White House official contends that some Bush advisers secretly want an excuse to attack Iran. “They intend to be as provocative as possible and make the Iranians do something [America] would be forced to retaliate for,” says Hillary Mann, the administration’s former National Security Council director for Iran and Persian Gulf Affairs. …

A second Navy carrier group is steaming toward the Persian Gulf, and NEWSWEEK has learned that a third carrier will likely follow. Iran shot off a few missiles in those same tense waters last week, in a highly publicized test. With Americans and Iranians jousting on the chaotic battleground of Iraq, the chances of a small incident’s spiraling into a crisis are higher than they’ve been in years.

When the Bombs drop, Caper and Castle will say that they “support our troops”, the regime Bush hates will remain in power for another 20 or 30 years and by all accounts 70 million Iranians will become radicalized. There might be a smattering of protest here which might get covered by the NJ provided no former Playboy Playmates kicks the bucket. Then a few months will pass and Celia Cohen and Ron Williams will have a big old laugh at us poor dumb civilians who think we actually have a say in what the goverment does.

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  1. I liked Duncan Black’s take on this:
    Where We Are

    A mainstream news outlet basically says that the Bush administration will do whatever to provoke a war with Iran and this is seen as a perfectly normal and acceptable thing to

  2. liberalgeek says:

    NYT is suggesting that this could be an attempt to cause a Gulf of Tonkin-like incident. The reasoning is that the Congress would never fall for the WMD trick again. So if you attack because you were provoked or because the troops are being harmed by the Iranians on the battlefield, it’s acceptable. Or at least, by the time the lawyers are done sorting the legalities out, we are already engaged. The sad part is that there were some of us asking the same questions in the run-up to Iraq and it made no difference. I hate being right (luckily it is rare).

  3. donviti says:

    did you possibly get this :

    “When the Bombs drop, Caper and Castle will say that they “support our troops”, the regime Bush hates will remain in power for another 20 or 30 years and by all accounts 70 million Iranians will become radicalized. ”

    from Crooks and Liars?…… 🙂

  4. I read it first at Talking Points Memo, but good catch.

    Here is the Think Progress link: Does Cheney know bombing Iran will backfire?

  5. annon says:

    Each Congressman gets five minutes to speak on the Iraq resolution before the Friday vote. Does anybody have the time and the equipment to capture Castle’s five minutes?