Profiles in Impotence

Filed in National by on February 14, 2007

Our congressional delegation has been especially attentive to the needs of the domestic auto industry. For years, we have worked with DaimlerChrysler, GM, and Ford on issues involving national policy in order to help you compete in the global marketplace

– Delaware Congressional Delegation to Chrysler President Tom LaSorda

Shove it!

– Chrysler President Tom LaSorda to Delaware Congressional Delegation

AUBURN HILLS, Michigan — The Chrysler Group says it will cut more than 13,000 jobs as part of its restructuring plan.

The company said it would close its 2,100-worker factory in Newark, Delaware,
that assembles the slow-selling Dodge Durango and Chrysler Aspen midsize SUVs.

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  1. MOT Newbie says:

    …trying that again…

    I particularly like (sarcasm) them asking Mayor Funk to be tied to his phone for personal notification (“because it’s the respectful thing to do”), but read this.

  2. Damn. Whatever you did in that link, wordpress does not like it.

  3. MOT Newbie says:

    I think Deiter-Sprockets saw it and tried to kill it. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t called Vance yet, he’s looking over our blogs for bad press.

    Feel free to delete the duplicates, looks messy.

  4. MOT Newbie says:

    Actually, junk that first one, wordpress apparently killed that link. The second one works fine.

  5. Well…? what was the link to? I get nothing.

  6. MOT Newbie says:

    Oh man, there is a seriously suspect comment on that Vance Funk link I posted about Chrysler workers. I would like to know who this person knows, because from what I know of all the non-management, this is an outright false statement. I am posting the comment, so it won’t go into SPAM. Cite: Wilmington News Journal of 14 Feb 2007 (

    Posted by: misa- Wed Feb 14, 2007 9:59 am
    Chrysler workers will be fine. Most will receive 100k package. Chrysler provides job assistance. Workers take engineering courses at Del Tech, U of D, or Del State to enhance your skills acquired while at Chrysler. It will take 2 years to close, reportedly. But that may change since the Aspen and Durango are due for upgrades that year. However you have 2 years to save and make wise investments. The workers I know at Chrysler live in 300k+ homes, drive luxury cars, own additional properties, maintain a second job and even promote social events in addition to having a great pension, 401 and receive quarterly employee checks. These workers will be fine, either way they receive great packages and if invsted wiseley, i can hold them over for at least 2-5 years.

  7. MOT Newbie says:

    I can believe the 300k+ homes, thanks soley to massive appreciation of the recent past and the “luxury” cars, thanks to the employee programs. “Luxury” is relative to the person speaking, of course. I don’t call the Dodge Magnum or Chrysler 300 luxury, but they are nice. Second properties, though? Quarterly checks? Who? Awfully broad brush used there. I would be SHOCKED if more than 1% of non-management fit that description.

  8. Newbie,

    It sure sounds like the rank and file should be jumping for joy. They get a 2-5 year paid holiday after which they can easily land 100k jobs at any all the business in Delaware clamoring for Del Tech trained engineers.

    What’s not to like?

  9. MOT Newbie says:

    Is that actually documented somewhere or just this person’s comment? I have yet to substantiate his/her claim.

  10. “They get a 2-5 year paid holiday after which they can easily land 100k jobs at any all the business in Delaware clamoring for Del Tech trained engineers.”

    With the entrepreneurial atrophy that we have after 14 years of career politician Democratic Governors controlling DEDO, there’s no guarantee that there will be businesses in Delaware clamoring for employees of any kind, much less $100K engineers.

  11. steamboat willy says:

    2009 will be a big year for the auto industry. The current “no job loss” UAW contract will expire and the downsizing will begin in ernest.

    The Newark plant’s fate was determined by market forces, not political ones.

  12. Steamy,

    If by “market forces” you mean bad managment and short-sighted political “leadership” I guess you have a point.

    Otherwise, how do you explain recent Toyota expansions in Alabama?

  13. steamboat willy says:

    competition from Toyota is a market force, as is the transportation cost associated with the Newark plant.

    Toyota’s suv’s are doing well in the marketplace against Chrysler’s Durango etc.

    Markel is supposed to be the business wunderkind, does he share the blame for the plant closing? What about super-wonk Carney?

    if the problem is political… what law or regulation needs to be changed to keep the plant open?

  14. G Rex says:

    Durangos were selling well for quite some time before the gas price hikes, but I can’t remember ever seeing an Aspen on the roads. I can remember my astonishment when Dodge discontinued the incredibly popular (and fuel efficient) Neon, but I guess they didn’t think anything without a Hemi would sell anymore. Then came the Nitro. What the hell is that supposed to be? Is it a car or a sport ute? Well anyway, Daimler has spent a lot of effort bringing the Mercedes marque back up, but apparently at the expense of Chrysler.

    Hopefully Kasey Kahne will win the Daytona 500 in his Charger this weekend, and the Camrys will finish at the back of the field.

    I bet you thought I was gonna bash the unions, didn’t you! Well, they still suck, especially the UAW, but this closing is more a corporate measure than a labor issue.

  15. Hopefully Kasey Kahne will win the Daytona 500 in his Charger this weekend, and the Camrys will finish at the back of the field.

    I bet you thought I was gonna bash the unions, didn’t you! Well, they still suck, especially the UAW, but this closing is more a corporate measure than a labor issue.
