Pelosi Plane Scandal Revealed!

Filed in National by on February 20, 2007

It was big news until AnnaNicole died.  Now it just lives in the zeitgeist of the electorate.  Turns out that not only was it bogus, but the republicans spreading the rumor didn’t do any research before jumping in with both feet.  I am so glad these jokers aren’t in the majority any more.

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  1. anon says:

    And yet the idea that the media is “liberal” simply will not die.

  2. Hube says:

    Actually, the story is legitimate. A request was made for a larger aircraft (for Pelosi to use) than what Dennis Hastert used. But it seems Pelosi didn’t make the request herself; the House sgt.-at-arms did.

    Acting as if only one political party jump on questionable stories is, well, quite par for the course for this blog, isn’t it?

  3. G Rex says:

    Anybody remember the hue and cry over Gingrich’s complaining that Clinton made him exit Air Force One by the back door? Now THAT was some damn effective whole cloth fabrication!

  4. liberalgeek says:


    Acting as if only one political party jump on questionable stories is, well, quite par for the course for this blog, isn’t it?

    As is the case for your blog as well. The fact of the matter is that The Sgt-at-arms requested it and the White House approved. Then a stink was made by uninformed members of the house. I give them credit for at least admitting it, but I actually think they are proud at their ability to make a story out of nothing.

    G, remember travelgate? or the stories of a trashed white house when Clinton left? How about the list of people that Clinton had killed? Please don’t try to discuss whole cloth fabrications… You guys have it all over us when it comes to that.

  5. happycon says:

    Oh, I see, it’s the Sgt at Arm’s fault… he went off on his own and requested a larger plane… yeah, good help is hard to find.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Umm, actually, it is. It is his job to secure the Speaker. If the Secret Service decided that Bush needed some additional widget on AF1, would they wait for him to ask for it?

  7. G Rex says:

    Please, Geek. Travelgate?

    “Hillary Clinton gave “factually false” testimony about firing the White House travel staff, but not enough to warrant indictment.”

    -Indy Counsel Robert Ray

    also, “However, Ray said his office found “overwhelming evidence” that the president’s wife played a role in the dismissals of the seven longtime employees in the White House travel office.” from NewsMax, 19 Oct 2000

    I don’t remember a list of Clinton death warrants, but eminently reliable source G. Gordon Liddy claimed HRC had Vince Foster whacked to cover up their affair. Hardly a national news story.

    I do remember the story of junior staffers stealing all the “W” keys from the computer keyboards, and thought it was so juvenile and yet so funny that it had to be true.

    Now then, who hired Craig Livingstone, and why was he going through peoples’ FBI files? Just more right-wing mythology, right?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    not enough to warrant indictment… Point made, thanks. Since when do personnel changes about who arranges limo entourages mean anything?

    Clinton trail of murder BS

    White house vandalism

    for your perusal…

  9. G Rex says:

    Hillary had the staff fired so she could reward a supporter by hiring his firm. Nothing warranting indictment, but still sleazy. Sucks to be canned by the Hero of the Working Class and then have her lie about it.

    Appreciate the links, tho; I’d forgotten about Ron Brown – still, the Death Warrant list was wingnut stuff, on a par with Cheney having Wellstone’s plane downed. Also I note that the vandalism was never denied by the administration, but rather downplayed as exaggeration. Sheesh, they were so interested in getting the name Clinton off peoples’ minds that they didn’t even bother to investigate his sleazy pardons.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    Of course they are wingnuts. We got ’em too. We call them Greens. My point is that the ‘cons’ have wingnuttery down to a science and seem to brag about their ability to distract from what I think we all agree are important issues.

    Also, are you saying that Cheney didn’t have Wellstone killed? 😉