Tony Blair Emboldens the Enemy

Filed in National by on February 20, 2007

Those stawart supporters of our adventure in Iraq, the Brits, have decided to set a timetable for withdrawal.  Almost half of their boys will be home by Christmas.  1,500 could be home by Easter.  Thank God the Bulgarians and Slovenians aren’t pulling out their 2 dozen troops from our coalition of the willing.

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  1. anon says:

    Fish and chips-eating surrender monkeys!

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, if there were any good foods from the U.K. I would dump them down a sewer. I say we rename chips to fries. That’ll teach ’em. Oh wait…

    Or we could make a big deal over the day that we declared our independence from them. I’ll have to look the date up… It’s sometime in the summer.

    I also say we all start speaking French or German (the brits hate German) in a show of our distaste of their decision to cut-and-run.

    Auf Weidersehen, Limeys!

  3. anon says:

    This morning on WDEL the White House said this was a sign of “success”.

    All we have to do is leave….and we win!

  4. G Rex says:

    Ooh, will Prince Andrew fly into Basra in his Harrier and declare Mission Accomplished?