Kerry Questions Swift Boat Contributer

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 1, 2007

When I saw the headline, I must admit that I was thinking that this was going to be some silent intrigue piece about how mad they were at each other but didn’t say anything, but that wasn’t the case.

This is a very interesting read and a view. This guy, Sam Fox is up for an ambassadorship to Belgium. He is interesting in his negative views of 527s and his admiration of Kerry’s military record. It is sickening.


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  1. anon says:

    That huff-post is awesome. I’m glad that slime bag, Fox, is so lacking in common sense that he let his name get put forward for an ambassadorship.

  2. happycon says:

    good thing they are sending him to a backwater like Belgium. If he can’t handle a pissant like Kerry, I’d hate to see him in an important diplomatic post.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    It’s got to be hard to find a Republican that admits to speaking French. Besides nothing important happens in Belgium, it’s only the home to the EU. Pretty much “Old Europe.” Good point HC. You obviously have a phenomenal handle on the facts.

  4. happycon says:


    actualy Belgium is only the EU capital half the time… for six months out of the year the EU capital is in France. That’s probably why we have a separate ambassador to the EU.

  5. anon says:

    NATO is also headquartered in Belgium. Good thing Bush picked a GOP groupie to head up that backwater post. Nothing ever happens in Belgium.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    …And an excellent handle on sarcasm.

  7. happycon says:

    I love that you all get excited about my slighting Belgium, but not Kerry. 🙂

  8. G Rex says:

    Ah Belgium, the Delaware of Europe. Why do I have a sudden craving for waffles?