Wingnut Language Police

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 2, 2007

For a group of people who complain about “political correctness”, wingnuts seem blind to their own brand of PC-mania when it comes to language. The currently verboten word in wingnut circles is wasted.

When you use the word wasted in proximity to our troops, you might as well be peeing on a picture of Ronald Reagan or hanging your poop stained underwear over the head of a statue of the Virgin Mary.   Oh the humanity!

Barrack Obama was the first to fall into that PC language pit and he was followed a few days later by John McCain. Both had the poor judgement to say that the lives of our service men and women are being wasted in Iraq.

For two whole days you could hear wing nuts fainting all over the blogoshere. Well here is a good definition of wasted“not used to good advantage: squandered.”

How does that NOT describe how Bush has treated our troops in Iraq?


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