Atkins simply can’t stop lying

Filed in National by on March 8, 2007

Here was Atkins’ reaction to the Ethics Committee report…

“I’m a little disappointed. I didn’t get a chance to appear before the committee, which is my right, and I don’t understand why.” – Representative John Atkins

Here is page 2 of the Ethics Committee report…

Pursuant to the Ethics Rules (Ethics Rule 8(a) (2)), Mr. Atkins was afforded the opportunity to meet with the investigators and we met with Mr. Atkins and his attorney.

(From Maria Evans at WGMD. h/t Hube)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Off topic. I overheard a woman saying, “Wayne Smith was my RA at Delaware in 1984. Pencader C, and he was a huge asshole back then too.”

    Small state.

  2. anon. says:

    Meeting with the investigators(a.k.a. lawyers) is not the same as going before the ethics committee, dumbass.

  3. Atkns must have a lot of good old boy charm. He thinks that between what he can pump out from between his ears and flash from behind his assemble ID card, he can change the troubles he has wrought.

    I have been into trouble, it is easy to get into and hard as hell to get out of. Having lots of money charm and connections can help, sure.

    Not this time for JA.

  4. doctornick says:

    Meeting with the investigators(a.k.a. lawyers) is not the same as going before the ethics committee, dumbass.

    So the Atkins line of defense is now that he did not get to lie about the drunk driving, the use of his legislative ID, the spousal abuse, or the running the stop sign directly to the committee? But, instead, he had to lie to the committe through its ivestigation?

    Let me guess, you also think that the press is not telling the GOOD news about Iraq. Right?

    The right’s ability to remain in denial is truly amazing.