Around the Horn Friday: “License, Registration and Proof of Legislator Status” Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 9, 2007

Well in a week where John Atkins was found to have brought the Legislature into disrepute (quite a feat in Dover) and The PSC holds open hearings on new sources of power, we have our honor roll or notable posts this week.
Last week I screwed up and missed Tommywonk in the roundup. Never again, I say. This week Tom brings us lots of goodies on the Bluewater v. the Fossil plants including the unredacted version of the spiel that he prepared for the commission hearing last night.

Blue State Rising has a post about the great things that Ann Coulter brings us (like hopefully more blue seats in Congress).

At Citizens for a Better Sussex, Joan has a not-so-veiled threat for politicians that look back in energy production, rather than forward.

Hube has a story about the death of one of his heroes, Captain America. I would like the record to state that Captain America died on George Bush’s watch! 🙂

Delaware Grapevine talks about how happy the Brandywine Hundred crowd is doing their version of Ding Dong the Witch is Dead over Wayne Smith’s departure.

Dana at Delaware Watch shows that the US is disliked in the world more than North Korea. For the record, Canada tops the list. Also check out the BS that he had to go through to try to get off work for a half and hour.

Donviti is looking for an apology from Tyler over Newt Gingrich. If you see that there are 65 comments attached to this post, you can assume that 30 of them are from Tyler and 30 from Donviti. There will be 5 that don’t care about Gingrich. BTW, De La Where is not work safe at the moment.

DWA has checked in with hat tips to Nancy and Kilroy. Paste-eating seems to be a spectator sport for him these days…

First State Politics has been on a partisan jag this week with perceived bias and gotchas on Harry Reid, CBS and House leadership…

Over at JttR, there is a wrap-up of the CPAC (Coulter Political Action Cmte). Ryan was there and has some up-close-and-personal stuff.

Karmic Jay is back and layin’ some heavy stuff on you. Good luck with the parents, Jay. Also, the mascara billboard is pretty funny.

Kavips has been on a tear this week on the PSC and the attitude of Delmarva. Keep on it, we are making a difference in this power debate.

Kilroy has John Still’s number and he has it on autodial, with a little bit of Aunt Bea bashing along with it.

Merit Bound Alley has some words on the forgotten war, the war on drugs.

Nancy at Delaware Way has been busy this week. My favorite post has Bush being burned in effigy. She also has a great post on the Gary Soulsman article comparing Tommywonk’s Tom Noyes to Kilroys John Allison.

Update: Just Heard from MOT Newbie. He is neck deep in pre-childbirth hell. All is well, and he wanted everyone to know that he will be back to his blogging as soon as time permits, but that may not be until April. For more info, watch this space.


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  1. donviti says:

    I would like the record to state that Captain America died on George Bush’s watch!

    that was freaking funny!

  2. Dr. Nick says:

    Jttr on CPac:

    I don’t like Mitt Romney…His speech was lame, and he only won the straw poll because he had the most paid staff in attendance.

    In your face FSP!!!

  3. IIRC, Tancredo is Ryan’s first choice. I’m not exactly surprised. And the paid staff this is a meme. even if it were true, it’s a sign of organizational strength.

    Watch the speech and judge for yourself.

  4. Ryan Mc. says:

    I guess I am no longer part of around the horn??

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Sorry Ryan, I must have missed you. Still working out the kinks… Next week.