Restroom Rights Bill

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 9, 2007

Rep Joseph Booth (R-Georgetown) has introduced legislation requiring retail stores to provide bathroom access to customers with medical requirements even if the store doesn’t have “public” restrooms.  Hmmm, I wonder if Mr. Booth owns stock in a company that makes those little urinal cakes…  I smell scandal, or maybe it’s the guy with irritable bowel syndrome that just asked to use the restroom…


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  1. donviti says:

    Hopefully they don’t turn out like the Bathrooms at the JC Penny’s on Kirkwood Highway.

  2. This is a story that has run out of gas…
    I figured it would be a bill that helped state tourism and stranded motorists in general, a forced good samaritan bill. But no.

  3. kavips says:

    If anyone out there still appreciates tasteless satire, here is a rescue concerning this bill that was originally published in January.

  4. Kilroy Was Here says:

    How in the hell would an employee know what an eligible medical condition is. A guy walks into a retail establishment and says, “My ass hurts I need to shit.” The clerk calls the manager and asks,” if a man’s ass hurts do we have to let him us the bathroom?” Manager replies, “Does he have to shit shit or is it diarrhea?” The clerk turns to the man, “Sir what kind of shit is it! Boss, “The man said it was just a regular shit.” The manager replies back, “OK but make sure he has a note from his doctor indicating he has an eligible medical condition that permits him to shit here!”

  5. M.Opaliski says:

    I know this is more or less a partisan blog, and when you can take a shot at an R you will, and being partisan, you should.

    But, not only is this months old, the other name on the Bill is Adams …

  6. liberalgeek says:


    Actually, I was kidding. I hope that came through, but perhaps not. I try to make fun of myself at least once a day, whether I need it or not. Then again, perhaps Adams has an investment in toilet paper…

  7. M.Opaliski says:

    Not the first time I missed a joke …