Stricken from the Record

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 17, 2007

Since 2001, over a million records in the National Archives have been hidden from view, due to fear of terrorists.  Here is a fun quiz to see what sorts of things have been removed.  Some of the documents were available for 100 years.  I just find this silly…


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  1. Hube says:

    The ones Sandy Berger took sure ain’t there …

  2. anon says:

    The ones Sandy Berger took sure ain’t there …


    From the Bush Justice Department, as quoted in the Wall Street Journal:

    ‘There is no evidence that he did destroy originals. We have objectively and affirmatively confirmed that the contents of all the five documents at issue exist today and were made available to the 9/11 Commission.

    But some people won’t let a bad conspiracy theory go.

    On the other hand, the White House emails that were sent using RNC email servers sure aren’t there anymore. Remember, the White House is run by guys who think Nixon should have burned the tapes.

    Favorite comment from the above-linked story: “These guys are so corrupt their scandals have scandals.”

  3. Puzzler says:

    What, did they have a team of monkeys working on this?

    Seriously, this is probably the work of brilliant and imaginative eggheads, who unfortunately weren’t provided with any adult supervision.

    The same dynamic lead us into Iraq.