Wanted: Information about these shadowy public figures

Filed in National by on April 4, 2007

After reading Donviti’s post, it occurred to me that we hardly know anything about Delaware’s media/pundit elite.

They are the creators, framers and filters of the Delaware’s conventional wisdom and are not shy about using their various platforms to promote their own agendas. They have have no difficulty passing off their biases and preconceptions as the revealed truth in any given political situation and they have the media conduits to pull it off – but who are they?

What shaped their worldviews?

Who do they answer to ?

What did they eat for breakfast?

I’ll give you my list and what little I know, you can add to the list or add to our understanding of this shadowy group of opinion makers.

1) Pete Booker: Chairman of Delmarva Broadcasting. He is a Rotarian and heavy GOP contributor. Other than that all I know is he made the call to get rid of Hannity, and employs both Gerry Fulcher and Al Mascitti.

2) Celia Cohen: Rabid Castle/Carper/Biden loyalist who completely shameless in her devotion to the status quo. Ostensibly a writer for the Dover Post, but her main funding comes from an undisclosed angel donor.

3) Ron Williams: Clueless News Journal political columnist who is completely shameless in his devotion to ripping off Celia Cohen.

4) Doug Williams: Political editor for the News Journal who is either under strict orders from Gannett to NEVER EVER EVER publish “investigative” journalism about elected officials or simply has no interest in the traditional “4th estate” practice of journalism.

5) Alan Loudell: WDEL’s news director and perhaps to the closest thing to a real journalist in the bunch. Even so, Loudel is always eager adopt right-wing frames and prominently feature right-wing partisans and shills as “experts” during his afternoon “news” segments.

Who am I leaving out?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. donviti says:

    you got the bug again I see….

  2. G Rex says:

    Is Jason330 the same Jason, or a confused admirer? Real Jason was funnier.

    As for your shadowy cabal, the only one I know is Pete Booker. Here’s a nugget for you: Pete plays a mean bass guitar. Now that you mention it, Rick Jensen plays bass, as does Tony Snow, and so do I. Coincidence? I think not. In fact, I’m pretty sure Gene Simmons is a conservative, but I’ll have to check my VRWC Rolodex.

  3. jason330 says:

    Hey G –

    My, favorite wingnut, do you know how I know Loudell is a secret winger?

    He says Senator Obama and Senator McCain – but not Senator Clinton. Just Hilary. That dismisive familiarity is a “tell” wouldn’t you say?

    As for the bass. Figures.

  4. Disbelief says:

    If these guys ignore the stories, how can they be considered the pundit elite?

    Seems to me the investigative bloggers like Delaware Watch and Buzzbait of Smyrna fame are the new rising stars of the 4th.

  5. anon says:

    John Taylor
    Senior Vice President
    Executive Director, Delaware Public Policy Institute

    John H. Taylor Jr. joined the staff of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce as Executive Director of the Delaware Public Policy Institute (DPPI) in July 2005

  6. motnewbie says:

    Add Jason Scott to that list.

    Do you know him?

  7. jason330 says:

    Pundit elite…yes…I like it. Maybe I should get some business cards printed up with that. It’s kinda catchy.

  8. motnewbie says:

    Oh! Pundit elite! My bad. Let me specifiy:

    Pundit elite: Dave Burris
    not shy about using their various platforms to promote their own agendas. They have have no difficulty passing off their biases and preconceptions as the revealed truth in any given political situation and they have the media conduits to pull it off: Jason Scott.

    Yeah, it’s good to have you back. My snark appendix was ready to burst.

  9. jason330 says:

    Do you get my email re your new addition?

  10. motnewbie says:

    Yes, I did, thanks (and it was funny in a Seinfeld sort-of way). Sorry for not replying. Quite frankly, I’m being absent minded on many things these last few days, care to guess why?

  11. jason330 says:

    BTW – I just heard Loudell teasing his “Hilary” story on the drive to work. It seems “Hilary” is being challenged by Barack Obama becuase Barack Obama raised more money than “Hilary”.

    Which might open the door for John Edwards to challenge front runner “Hilary”.


  12. G Rex says:

    Don’t all of Senator Rodham-Clinton’s campaign signs simply read, “Hillary?”

  13. jason330 says:

    Like that is relevant.

  14. Let me clarify a few things while this exchange is still relatively fresh!
    (I don’t imagine a lot of you saw my comments the last time I responded to a media critique, as I responded several days afterwards!)

    First, just a factual point:
    I am NOT WDEL’s News Director; Chris Carl is our news director and Rick Jensen is the program director.

    I am simply a news anchor/reporter/interviewer.
    Of course, I have some influence over a few of the stories which get on-the-air here, inasmuch as some of my interviews get cut-up for inclusion in the news. But Chris bears the burden of day-to-day local story assignments, not me.

    (I do try to get to 60+ newspaper and broadcast websites each morning… and I pull articles that I think could be “fodder” or quality material for our talk show hosts, our news department, and myself.)

    By the way, I too would nominate some bloggers as increasingly influential individuals in the media food-chain, although more so because of their impact on journalists, officeholders, and others in the “game”… less so (so far) on the mass audience.

    I’m sorry if someone perceives my occasional reference to Senator Clinton’s first name in first reference (usually in a tease) as a sign of bias. I have said “Barack” or “Obama” before without using the full name; on the Republican side, “Rudy” for the former New York Mayor. More to the point, I’ve probably said “Rummy” many more times on-the-air with reference to the former Defense Secretary.

    Why don’t you go to MY WDEL blog, where I did a piece on the “YouTube” attack ad? You’ll note I referred to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Senator Clinton, and the former First Lady. (Long before I realized my usage would come up in a discussion!)

    I think you’re over-analyzing it. Remember: When I use such references, I’m just trying to be conversational, or looking at the clock as I bring in traffic, or both.

    I still hold to the “old-school” view that journalists should strive for objectivity and attempt to get different sides.

    (Not that the public isn’t two-faced on the issue. Most people will tell a pollster they treasure the person who tries to be non-partisan. Yet, just look at trends in cable TV news, and you see the very opposite! Lou Dobbs became much more valuable to CNN after he became more opinionated, and latched onto his “America-first” cause.)

    I do not consider it my role to proselytize for rightwingers, leftwingers, conservatives, liberals, progressives, Republicans, Democrats, libertarians, or for anyone else.

    (One small exception: Everywhere I’ve worked, I’ve tried to raise awareness of international issues, particularly those which get short shrift in the U.S. media. Of course, inevitably, that bumps against the “consultants” who say mainstream Americans don’t care about those stories, and you risk driving away your audience.)

    Interestingly, one of my first major guests after the British captive release was a chap from Inter-Press service, and one of my Middle-East contacts with family connections in Iran. Why don’t you google Inter-Press Service? I can just about guarantee you neither one of those guests would end-up on Fox, or even CNN!

    As a journalist, and as a former debater, I can only commit myself to try to bring you a variety of voices from different sides of the political spectrum.

    While it’s not for me to play “talk-show host” and give you my personal views on all the issues of the day, I will only tell you that my views cut across the ideological spectrum. (That does not mean “raging moderate” either!)

    If we had the pleasure of engaging in a little political debate at a late-night party, you’d probably find me simultaneously playing ‘devil’s advocate’ with nearly everyone. It’s just me!

    I DO have strong views. They just don’t comport to the ideological framework of either major political party, or any minor party.

    I would hope this makes it easier for me to keep an open mind as I interview journalists, experts, and newsmakers every day.

    I hope this gives you some insight.

    Allan R. Loudell
    News Anchor–Reporter–Interviewer
    1150 A.M. — WDEL Radio & http://www.wdel.com
    Delmarva Broadcasting Company
    2727 Shipley Road
    Wilmington, Delaware 19810

    (302) 478-2700 — Extension: 161

  15. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the reply. I shoudl have mentioned that as far, as the shadowy media cabal members go, you are the most accessible.

    I’ll reply to your reply in a full blown post.

  16. Hi Jason,

    Before you respond, you may want to check out my blog on the WDEL website… if you haven’t done so.

    If you haven’t seen my posts, you might get a better handle as to where I’m coming from.

    In particular, my February 25th post on Bank of America cards, my January 29th post on the Fairness Doctrine, my January 12th post on media treatment, my December 19th post on the unreliability of conservative/liberal labels; and, especially, my December 6th post, “Rebuttal to Rick Jensen’s example of Liberal Media Bias”.

    One more point… Accessibility of other media people: It’s possible the others don’t want to start the precedent of responding to every blog or every critique, because once you start, it can eat up a lot of time and take someone away from his or her primary responsibilities! I’m just guessing.

    But it does hint at one of the biggest problems in journalism today: Time-management!

    Allan Loudell