Sports Betting Takes Next Step

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 13, 2007

Kudos to Drew Volturo at DSN for continuing to cover the inevitable progression of Delawares Gambling problem into sports betting.  The revenue projections, job projections, and additional tax revenue are making this an offer that the legislature can’t refuse.  Here is the textbook example of the slippery slope…


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  1. doctornick says:

    It is Superbowl Sunday and a guy, Al let’s say, is meeting with his bookie. The bookie is worried because Al is a horrible gambler and has lost money on every bet he has made over the course of the football season.

    Al walks in and says “Well this is it, I need to win some money back today or I’ll be going into next year in a deep deep hole.”

    The bookie says, “Well, hockey season is comming up and I can take any bet you want to place.”

    Al grunts and says, “Hockey, what the hell do I know about hockey?”

  2. Disbelief says:

    These two guys walk into the casino and bet their social security checks.
    They lose it all because casinos that pay out go broke.


  3. doctornick says:

    It’s funny becuase it is true.

  4. G Rex says:

    What happened to the old argument; “They’re just gonna do it anyway?” Heck, just last week I lost 5 bucks on the NCAA bracket. Stupid Florida! Oh wait, I just admitted to illegal gambling! It’s worse than I thought!!!

  5. Tyler Nixon says:

    Doctorb Nick,

    Reminds me of that joke…

    Husband : What do you mean you lost $300?!?

    Wife : You lost $ 6000!!

    Husband : I KNOW HOW TO GAMBLE!!!

  6. steamboat says:

    Wife (a nurse) comes home and says:

    “we are going out to dinner tonight, I won the Epstein baby pool at work.”

    Husband (a fireman):

    “How come you’re allowed to gamble and I’m not?”

    Wife: “because A) you loose and B) I wasn’t gambling”

    Husband: “How can you say you weren’t gambling if you won the BETTING pool?

    Wife: “because I scheduled Mrs. Epstein’s C-Section.”