Mike Castle Bracing for O’Donnell Primary

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 22, 2007

A sure sign that Castle is worried about a Christine O’Donnell challenge is today’s “I’ve got lots of money” story that Wenk got planted in the WNJ.

Elizabeth Wenk lays down her ebenezer, is surprisingly unguarded in her comments to Nicole Gaudiano and is clearly trying to send a message to would be conservative challengers.

“He’s getting prepared for any type of race that may come at him,” Wenk said.

Elizabeth Wenk knows that Castle might be more vulnerable in a primary than a general election for three reasons.

1) In a Republican primary highly energized single issue voters could swamp and out hustle the out of touch and lazy party regulars.

2) Castle will not have the sleepwalking Democratic ticket splitters that he depends on to absent-mindedly pull the lever. And finally…

3) Castle’s primary opponent will be running against Castle only. Not against Castle, Tom Carper and Joe Biden simultaneously. I think the last election shows that anyone running against Castle is also running against the “Tripod” of Delaware politics. The incumbent party views a challenge to any of its members as a challenge to itself and reacts accordingly.

The Bottom Line: Castle did not even talk about elections until two months before November last time out. Now he is hiring a new D.C.-based fundraiser as well as general campaign consultants for strategic advice 20 months out. Hmmm…???

He is freaking, and should be.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    I’d like to be a fly on the wall at that first consultant meeting.

    “Okay I’ve got the giant post-it notes and some sharpies. Let’s look at Mike’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Let’s just brainstorm a bit. There are no wrong answers and no bad ideas. Just let it flow, m’kay.

    Strength’s…hmmm…well…you’ve got tons of money. And…uh…we’ll come back to that.

    Weaknesses. Let’s see. You are a pro-choice Republican with a crazy right wing primary challenge. If you get through that, you are a Republican who votes for George Bush’s ongoing mismanagement of the war and…..Hey, can someone put on a pot of coffee. It is going to be a long night.”

  2. jason330 says:

    I know. Consultants make me think of the movie “Office Space.” What is it with Republicans these days and spending $10,000 on consultants and surveys?

    ANYHOO – I’m still working on getting a statement from Ms. O’Donnell and waiting for a call back from Wenk.

    Right now I’m thinking O’Donnell is going to be easier to get on the phone than Wenk.

  3. steamboat willy says:

    3) Castle’s primary opponent will be running against Castle only. Not against Castle, Tom Carper and Joe Biden simultaneously.

    you may want to fact check that one…

    in 04 only Castle was on the ballot
    in 06 Castle and Carper were both on the ballot, but not Biden
    in 08 Castle and Biden will be, but not Carper.
    in 10 only Castle (If he runs) will be on the ballot.

  4. jason330 says:

    As Charlie Chan used to say, “You see, but you do not observe.”

  5. steamboat willy says:

    ah so

    fake but acurate?

  6. jason330 says:

    Steamy –

    Don’t you find it the least bit interesting that Castle hired a new D.C.-based fundraiser as well as general campaign consultants for strategic advice just after my reporting on the O’Donnell primary challenge?

    On person’s “fake”, is another’s prescient political commentary.

  7. steamboat willy says:

    It is interesting that Castle hired a new D.C.-based fundraiser as well as general campaign consultants for strategic advice just after winning by the slimmest margin in recent history. Having gone from 70% to 60% in the last election.