Archive for April, 2007

Sports Betting Takes Next Step

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 13, 2007 6 Comments

Kudos to Drew Volturo at DSN for continuing to cover the inevitable progression of Delawares Gambling problem into sports betting.  The revenue projections, job projections, and additional tax revenue are making this an offer that the legislature can’t refuse.  Here is the textbook example of the slippery slope…

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Lousy turnout for Castle’s Skin Cancer Lecture

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 13, 2007 10 Comments
Lousy turnout for Castle’s Skin Cancer Lecture

I’ll be generous and say it looks like about eight people. When you account for the Press and Castle’s staff – that means three whole regular civilian people turned out.

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Around the Horn Friday: Special Election Edition I

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 13, 2007 2 Comments

If you live in the 7th Representative District, get out and vote tomorrow, and vote for Bryon Short. Good luck Bryon! We start things off right with Tommywonk (a nutritious part of this delicious breakfast). Tom has a nice piece on one of the many things that brought down Imus, guest rebellion. I am fascinated […]

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Comment Rescue – DE GOP in Critical Condition

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 13, 2007 8 Comments

Disbelief says: …the word is: if the GOP loses this one, its all over but the shouting. Evidently, there is definitely one, maybe another GOPer, who will come out of the closet and switch sides should Short win. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not gloating. I don’t think its a good idea for either party […]

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Imus is Done

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 12, 2007 51 Comments

Don Imus was cut loose from CBS today in the culmination of his week-long battle with his critics. Now I may be alone in this, but don’t think this was quite a fair state of affairs. I am no Imus fan, but a personality that I am a fan of, Bill Maher, was treated to […]

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Bryon Short: The DelawareLiberal Interview

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 12, 2007 2 Comments
Bryon Short: The DelawareLiberal Interview

Bryon Short is the Democratic candidate for the 7th District to replace Wayne Smith. The special election it this Saturday. Bryon and I have been exchanging emails for the past few weeks and I deeply appreciate that he took the time to respond to me and my inane questions and provide the answers to them. […]

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I dare you to find a better example of Irony

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 12, 2007 3 Comments

Honestly you can’t make this shit up when it comes to this administration. did anyone hear about the book Laura Bush read on Easter Sunday to the children? NO? OMG, grab a seat please. Duck for President Do you know the premise of the book? NO?  Duck is tired of doing his chores (mowing the […]

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Kurt Vonnegut 1922 – 2007

Filed in National by on April 12, 2007 15 Comments
Kurt Vonnegut 1922 – 2007

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Mike Castle to Avoid Questioning at the Beach

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 11, 2007 28 Comments

Mike Castle will be receiving a series of “happy ending” massages from the media on a two day stint in Sussex County beginning tomorrow. At 11 a.m. on April 12, Mike Castle will be joined by the state’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control secretary John Hughes at the picnic pavilion in Cape Henlopen […]

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Wonky Wednesday: Politics Is Not a Spectator Sport

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 11, 2007 3 Comments

Woody Allen has been quoted as saying, “80 percent of success is showing up.” This is particularly true in politics, and thus I am presenting two opportunities in which you can make a difference by showing up. Delaware for Obama is organizing in Delaware, and the folks involved have asked that we help pass the […]

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Duncan Black Makes a Great Point

Filed in National by on April 11, 2007 3 Comments

Today’s botched announcement that the service men and women (who Michael Castle treats like so much disposable human garbage) get to be deloyed to Iraq for 15 straight months prompted Eschaton to post this: Call to Service As far as I can remember, there hasn’t been a single plea for people to enlist in the […]

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Delaware has a credit card problem

Filed in National by on April 11, 2007 1 Comment


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Uber Conservative speaks out regarding Iraq

Filed in National by on April 11, 2007 2 Comments

“Nothing positive comes from Iraq,” the pope said, which is “torn apart by continual slaughter as the civil population flees.”> That bastard is aiding and abetting the enemy. Doesn’t he know that this kind of talk only emboldens the enemy?! Who the hell does this guy think he is?

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