Masters of Our Own Domain

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 14, 2007

In anticipation of the onslaught of new readers/commenters/tormentors with our upcoming ad campaign, we have registered a domain name for the blog.  We are now  Your old address will continue to work, but now when you are telling someone that they need to  read this really cool blog, you can say “just go to”  Note it isn’t .com.  I’d like to say that it is because we are too cool for old .com’s, but it’s really because someone beat us to the punch.

This will also make it easier if we decide to expand the blog and run it somewhere else where we can do more advanced blog stuff.


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  1. Plans for DelawareLiberal.Net « DelawareLiberal.Net | November 19, 2007
  1. jason330 says:


  2. motnewbie says:


    Launched a scud, did you?

  3. anon17 says:

    Damn, that avatar is SOOOOO cool!

  4. jason330 says:

    Very funny.

  5. motnewbie says:

    Damn, that avatar is SOOOOO cool!

    Thanks! Unfortunately, I worked way too long on it…something like five minutes.

    Very funny.
    You love me.

  6. motnewbie says:

    Damn, that avatar is SOOOOO cool!
    Thanks, but unfortunately, it took me way too long to create it. Something like five minutes.

    Very funny.
    You love me.

  7. motnewbie says:

    Hey, I just tried another comment and it won’t post! You’re mad at me for that avatar, aren’t you? C’mon, you love it! You know you do!

  8. jason330 says:

    Shh _ I’m working on a radio ad that is going to make the Pharisees gnash their teeth in dread.

  9. G Rex says:

    What, did Soros finally pony up and write you a check?