Things I don’t care to debate

Filed in National by on May 21, 2007

There has been a sudden and dramatic outbreak of stupidity on the internet tubes. So for the record here of some things I’m interest in debating.

Did Nazi Germany systematically slaughtered six million European Jews during World War II? Yes they did.

Is George Bush is competent? No he is not.

Has human activity is contributed to global warming? Yes it has.

Has Dick Cheney used his office to enrich himself? Yes he has.

Is this economy working for middle class Americans? No it is not.

Is the Earth is more than 10,000 years old? Yes it is.

These are simple facts which are not open to debate. So I’m not interested in hearing anyone’s crackpot theories about how the Jews made up the holocaust, or how George Bush is really a great President. I’m just not.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. Hube says:

    Has human activity is contributing to global warming?

    Does Jason have trouble with his native language? Yes, he does.

  2. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the catch

  3. abovethecanalpolitics says:

    Nice backtrack… its appreciated. About time people stopped debating the past and started looking toward the future…

    So how about Ruth Ann Minner’s budget proposals? Education referendum’s consistent failure in Delaware to pass as of late? or any other topic that would allow for enlightening discussion? All in due time…

  4. Chris says:

    Well good to see you have at least one thing right Jason. Would certainly hate to have a holocaust denier around here.

    As for the others, you of course don’t want to discuss it. You would rather believe you are correct.

    As for the middle class having a tough economy right now…not buying it. The economy is humming along. Yes, there are some individuals who are going through tough times…always are. I feel for those people and hope that right job will come along.

    But even people that are designated as “poor” these days seem to all have cell phones, $200 sneakers, and HBO. Things can’t be that bad.

  5. jason330 says:

    But even people that are designated as “poor” these days seem to all have cell phones, $200 sneakers, and HBO.

    Wingnut BINGO!!!

  6. Mike McKain says:

    People who say such things generally have no access to or contact with the poor and thus speak out of ignorance and stereotypes. While there are undoubtedly some who mooch off of the government and abuse the system, the vast majority work hard and struggle day to day to make ends meat and provide for their loved ones.

  7. Chris says:

    “But even people that are designated as “poor” these days seem to all have cell phones, $200 sneakers, and HBO.

    Wingnut BINGO!!!”

    Once again…your discussion skills outshine us all.

    So I am wrong about that. I have two eyes you know…and they both work. You should try looking around. Trying finding people even in the lowest income areas without cell phones?

    I am stating that in many cases it is priorities that are screwed up. House and food should be the priorities, but whether it is our American culture, or what…I don’t know, so many of our “necessities” are really just luxuries we prefer not to be without.

    So I guess keep believing that our economy is horrible. The worst ever. Meanwhile the Dow will continue through the roof, the real estate market, while not exploding at the rate it was, is still strong, and unemployment is still well below that of those model Social conscious Europeans.

    And while the price of gas is “high”, try filling up in Europe and see how bad we have it.

  8. Chris says:

    “People who say such things generally have no access to or contact with the poor and thus speak out of ignorance and stereotypes.”

    Yes the view from my $10 million mansion is not the best. But I have almost run over the poor with my Mercedes…or was it my Beamer…I forget…

    Once again, the “open minded” liberals speak. If I don’t happen to agree with the assessment that the middle class is worse off than ever, then I must be “out of touch” with the less fortunate.

    For the record…you are wrong.

  9. liberalgeek says:


    FYI Cell phones are not just for the rich anymore. There are plenty of inexpensive cell plans out there that are inexpensive and cheaper and more practical than landlines. Poor people have to call 911 sometimes, too.

    As for the welfare Cadillac defense, you are obviously still mired in 1981. Please try walking through a poor neighborhood to see how the poor live, not just the highlights on Fox.

    As for gas prices, hopefully they will get to a level that encourages smaller cars and more efficient transport. But I fear that it will only mean more record profits for Exxon.

    The Economy isn’t the worst ever, but it isn’t the best either. It has been phenomenal to the top 1%. I’m not there, but I figure if I cancel HBO and start buying second-hand Nike’s I’ll be there in no time.

  10. anon says:

    Trying finding people even in the lowest income areas without cell phones?

    And some of them even have SHOES. I tell you, the streets are paved with gold.

  11. Rebecca says:


    Try feeding yourself for a week on $21. That’s what food-stamp recipients receive and it hasn’t been raised in 11 years. Hope you like peanut butter. Not Jiff, the cheap house brand that contains 2% mouse droppings. Oh, you’ll be spreading it on stale bread from the clearance table.

    After a few weeks of malnutrition see how well your brain works.

    Or maybe that’s already the problem?

  12. Disbelief says:

    Actually, Rebecca, if Chris is following true to form of other Delaware Republicans, his brain damage is more likely the result of alcohol rather than peanut butter.

  13. donviti says:

    uh, chris the numbers don’t lie bro.

    47 million people without health care is a start to show that the economy is not benefitting the middle class.

    the fact that it takes 2 incomes to maintian a household is another fact that should bely to you a quality of life that middle america no longer can afford stay at home moms.

    the fact that our savings rate is as low as it was during the depression is another pretty big bullet you might want to look into.

    the fact that gas prices now can be ADJUSTED for inflation and are at record highs is a tell tale sign as well.

    do a little research on how many americans live below the poverty line dude

    honestly, you are wrong on this one.

  14. Duffy says:

    “47 million people without health care is a start to show that the economy is not benefitting the middle class.”

    Correction: they do not have health *insurance*. Big difference. Health care costs are clearly a problem but that’s an entirely different matter.

    “the fact that it takes 2 incomes to maintian a household is another fact that should bely to you a quality of life that middle america no longer can afford stay at home moms.”

    Strange. I seem to be able to afford it and I have 4 kids. Believe me, I’m not rolling in cash either.

    “the fact that our savings rate is as low as it was during the depression is another pretty big bullet you might want to look into.”

    Driven largely by our consumerist culture…

    “the fact that gas prices now can be ADJUSTED for inflation and are at record highs is a tell tale sign as well.”

    please cite proof that this is so.

    “do a little research on how many americans live below the poverty line dude”

    The difference you’re missing is that things widely available to middle and lower class people now were luxuries 20 and 30 years ago. How many people in the 70’s had central air vs. now? How many people had 2 cars in the 70’s vs. now? That’s not to say that all is fine and dandy for the poor, it isn’t. Nor is it to say that a plurality of poor people don’t have their economic priorities screwed up.

  15. anon says:

    How many people in the 70’s had central air vs. now?

    uhh, a lot of folks with central air are afraid to turn it on in Delaware.

    I seem to be able to afford it and I have 4 kids. Believe me, I’m not rolling in cash either.

    You are one medium-sized medical crisis away from poverty. But of course, all you have to do is sell your extra car and your cell phone and you’ll be fine.

  16. donviti says:

    I expected better from you duffy,

    I would think you know how an economy works and that just because someone has a cell phone, ipod and 2 cars doesn’t correlate to them living high on the hog.

    as for the gas prices:

    take a look

  17. Mike McKain says:

    Chris, you continue to confuse your comments. There are people in the nation who are poor. Really poor. There are people who still do not have plumbing inside of their house, who live without heat in the winter, who go to charities to get fans in the summer, who eat Ramen noodles not because their lazy an in college, but because its all they can afford. I think you are confusing the lower middle class for the poor.

    Chris, I’m not speaking as a liberal idealogue, I’m writing facts on a page. I only assume you write out of ignorance because you are wrong – dead wrong – that the poor have it easy. I live and work in a poor community; I see these things every day. Some of what you see is an attempt to maintain what little dignity they have left, or to allow their children to have the dignity that they do not have.

  18. Mike McKain says:

    “they’re lazy and in college” is what that should read. Yay for editing.

  19. Duffy says:


    My point is that the baseline of what poor, middle class, and rich are have moved significantly. Things that only rich people could afford 20-30 years ago now are common place, i.e. cell phones, 2 cars, central air.

    You seem to be very familiar with my financial situation, I’m curious how this is so.

    As Mike notes, there are indeed poor people in this country. However, what some people classify as “poor” isn’t.

  20. donviti says:

    if I in any way implied that I know anything about your finances I apologize I don’t…

    so if somone had a tv in the 1970’s that didn’t have one in the 1950’s that means that they weren’t poor.

  21. donviti says:

    so if If someone has a cell phone and makes $15000.00 a year but someone in china makes $1500 a year and doesn’t have a cell phone that means that the American isn’t poor?

    come on duffy

  22. boogieman says:

    A closed mind makes for a hard head. anyhow, your construction of sentences needs some work, with all the “is is”. What is that about?