Comment Rescue: The GOP/Mike Castle Super-Spin Cycle

Filed in National by on July 19, 2007

At Delawareliberal we are glad to bring you tomorrow’s GOP spin today !!

When you read about this evening’s protest of Michael Castle’s long record of supporting Bush and his vanity war you will no doubt read this…

This is a DC-based and Soros-funded liberal special-interest group trying to undermine Castle’s political support in Delaware with the intention of defeating him in 2008 and using people’s legitimate passions about the war to do it.

The fact that GOP political insider, Dave Burris has come home from vacation to lay out the GOP’s spin is a clear indication that Americans Against Escalation in Iraq is having a real impact here in Delaware.

See you at the protest.


Weather Update: It is going to storm by 5:00 and clear out by 6:00.  Nice protesting weather.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Dave says:

    Who’s on vacation?

    “The fact that GOP political insider, Dave Burris has come home from vacation to lay out the GOP’s spin is a clear indication that Americans Against Escalation in Iraq is having a real impact here in Delaware.”

    The fact that I’ve commented on the waste of time that you’re about to participate in is a clear indication that I read Delaware Liberal.

    The irony in the fact that you’re using me to try to boost attendance while ignoring that you yourself are being used is priceless and will most certainly carry me through the next few hours.

    And Mike Castle being protested by Sorosites will most certainly earn him a badge of honor among Delaware’s GOP. So you’re actually helping out a great deal.

    Maybe I should buy the beer….

  2. Dave says:

    Oh, that’s right. I can’t buy the beer. I won’t be around. I’m supposed to go out with Mike Castle for dinner tonight at 7:00.

    Oh, well. I guess George will have to buy the beer after all.

  3. jason330 says:

    You are so freaking out. I’ve heard this tone befor.

    Have a nice dinner.

  4. Dave says:

    I’m sure I will. We’re having dinner at your house.

    No one is freaking out because no one cares. For me, this is simply an opportunity for me to mess with you, and for that I thank you.

  5. jason330 says:

    I’m happy to bring a bit of happiness into the life of a Mitt Romnmey man.

  6. Chris says:

    Ooohh! I sure hope I didn’t miss the protest! It always reminds me of watching monkeys at the zoo. Actually, the monkeys spend their time a little more productively.

    Hope you guys had fun….