Someone needs to straighten this guy out!

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 5, 2007

This was a very bad move by the Americans to push for this law [oil sharing agreement],” said Issam al-Chalabi, a former oil minister. “Now it looks like . . . the Americans are after oil — they will bring their Exxons and Chevrons and they will control our oil again.”

hahahahah oh man, laughing my ass off on that one.  He’s a hoot.  We are over there to spread democracy dumb ass!  We don’t want your fucking oil….


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:


    I thought it was funny that one of the “benchmarks” that Iraqi’s “failed” on was the “failure” to pass oil legislation that turned over all oil profits to Exxon and Chevron in exchange for a few magic beans.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Nah! Cheney doesn’t want oil, doesn’t have anything to do with this. Greed? From Republicans? Couldn’t happen.

  3. Chris says:

    If I read this correctly. It is taking all of the Iraqi wealth and instead of having it concentrated in one or two regions, it is basically redistributing the profits throughout the countryside. Geez, you would think you liberal whack jobs would be FOR the law. Isn’t redistribution of wealth one of your Golden Rules?

    I have to tell you, I read the whole article and I must have missed the part that said all the Iraqi oil would be pooled and handed over to Exxon. Unless I was unaware that Exxon is the new Iraqi Central Government…

    So when you nut jobs stub your toe…was it Cheyney who left the box on your floor?

  4. donviti says:

    now chrissy, your next step would be to go read about the oil sharing agreement and see what the percentages are that go to the Oil co’s. The length of time the contracts are for and compare them to other oil sharing agreements.

    report back to me and let me know what you find.

    redistribution of the wealth to the wealthy is not a golden rule for liberals, maybe for Republicans