Sorry DH, Mike Castle sounds out of it

Filed in National by on September 5, 2007

Listen to this audio clip and you tell me if Mike Castle doesn’t sound a little stroke addled.

WDEL Audio clip

I only heard part of his chat with Allan Loudell this afternoon, but he sounded pretty lost in space until Loudell asked him about running against Joe Biden. Then he seemed to perk up a bit.

Granted, some of that hemming and hawing as well as many of the uhhmms…and long pauses could be chalked up to the fact that Castle’s views on Iraq are vaporous and don’t translate well into English. But some of that sounds like a stroke patient to me.

Note: Mike Castle is 68. His health is a legitimate issue this cycle. However, I think the are biggest legitimate issue of this campaign is that Castle has supported George Bush for six years on Iraq – and now he is lying about it.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. dh says:

    Or maybe he is tired of repeating his position over and over and over all the while knowing that it doesn’t matter what his position is on Iraq. The organization sponsoring the summer protests (and other similar groups) know that, of all the GOP’s in Federal office, Castle hails from the most Democratic district, so he has a target on his back. Their goal is to do whatever needs to be done to erode Castle’s voter base. So, if that means disseminating a few unsubstantiated rumors regarding Castle’s health…

    As for the audio clip, if saying uhm (as I’ve noticed Castle has done often throughout his career) qualifies one as suffering from the after effects of a stroke, then I must have been having pretty serious strokes continuously over the past 30 years. Imagine, all of those physical examinations and I didn’t find out until now (yay for the internet!!). Thank you, Doctor.

    The debate over what to do in Iraq is an extremely important one. That should be the issue, not carrying on Karl Rove’s legacy of running negative campaigns based on unsubstantiated heresay (with a dash of outright bullshit).

  2. jason330 says:

    So he sounds fine to you…hmmm ? uhhm… ahhh…. uhhmm….okay.

    Anyway, you sound like you are trying to paint me as one of those scary “operatives” Mike keeps going on about.

    I’m just a lowly constituent who wants my Rep in Congress to break with George Bush on Iraq and start representing me. Shocking, I know.

  3. Jason, this is WDEL but not Allan Loudell.
    The clip is Castle talking with a news reporter named Frank, just sayin.
    oh, and your point is a stretch!

    I took it that since Castle has NO INDEPENDENT THINKING about Iraq and has instead gladly glommed onto the Bushco line (which has a hovering 70%+ DISAPPROVAL RATING from the American people MIKE), Castle was displaying a dis-ease with the subject. It sounded as though he did not write either the legislation or the letter he has been credited with.

    Castle has been chastized for taking the Bushco bull to heart that we must begin this redeployment by next spring. On whose recommendation does that opinion rest? Even the WNJ put the question out there today in their view: STOP PLAYING POLITICALS MIKE CASTLE.
    Refreshing to hear this from that editorial board even though they neglected to print Castle’s name, he is the obstructionist to a reasonable debate. Why wait until next spring at what costs? Castle is taking the position of pure evil. He is taking the next thousand American deaths. He is stealing the next 200 billion dollars. He is causing the next 100K Iraqi deaths. He is causing the next 50K life altering maimings. He is not funding the returning vets. He is incurring foreign debt for our children to repay. Mike Castle, you wear the pains of this war if you say you want to wait until next spring to take our people out.

  4. jason330 says:


    I think that I allow for the possibility that it is castle’s ideas rather than his mind that is weak.

    But speaking of stretching, I think your take on the NJ editorial is a bit of a stretch.

    The idea that this adds up to calling Castle out is cracking me up.

  5. It is the best they could muster, have a heart!