Ho-Hum… More BushCo Lies

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 13, 2007

Remember the big arrest in Germany of terrorists?  Well, the good news is that they are still terrorists, not some foreigner in the wrong place at the wrong time.  But now, the Director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell has withdrawn his statement about the role of the new anti-constitution “Screw Protect America Act.”  Initially McConnell stated that the law had been instrumental in uncovering the plot… then his bout of Gonzonesia wore off (due to a healthy dose of complaints from people in the know) and he retracted that assertion.

I swear, these guys have stretched the truth so far that it may never get back in shape.


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  1. That on top of Petraeus lying about arming the Sunnis is one hell of a stinkin bunch of shit.

    Today I picked up the Delaware State News and twinnies Castle and Carper each had twin letters published on the editorial pages. Twin prices of shit. I will do a post on it tomorrow.
    We need action from congress immediately. Atrios just posted about the collapse of the Iraqi oil field negotiations.
    Two months ago Biden and Cantwell put forth a bill to state clearly that we had no interest in controlling their oil so that they would trust us. Where is that bill Tom Carper? Where is that bill?

  2. Disbelief says:

    The pervasive attitude that “its only a lie if you get caught” is getting a little old. Its to the point where I’ve added incumbent speeches to the list of stuff I’ve banned my kids from watching.

    Its farce come alive. It is not ‘like’, but exactly the South Park episode where the Catholic priests met in Rome because of the problem of child abuse. The conclave stated that the issue was, “How do we keep the children from telling on us.” This farce exactly describes current political attitudes toward us. “How do we keep them from finding out the truth?”

    Seriously; Dem, GOP, whatever. If they voted for the war, vote them out.

  3. jason330 says:

    It is only a lie if you get caught – and even if you get caught, so what? To borrow a phrase from Keith Olberman, No truth – no consquences.

    And Geek is right. Never getting the truth back into shape is the worst part. The Bush years have done such damage to the mechanisms of accountability that they may never function again.

    You can’t have guys like Carper and Castle sitting silently on the sidelines during the Bush years only for them to spring into action when the next President takes office.

    What are they going to say, “Checks and balances are central to our system of Government.”


  4. What are they going to say, “Checks and balances are central to our system of Government.”

    That is the gist of Mike’s letter: it is time to cooperate on the hill to stand behind the president. And he loosely blames the DEMs for the lack of political/diplomatic progress in Iraq “congress has been comsumed by in-fighting”.

    He repeats the bull of the benchmark report on redeployment numbers and dates….all of what Petraeus and Crocker declared as NEW is old.

    The two thousand to immediately return were already scheduled to come home. The 30,000 of Bush’s “drawdown” are the same surge numbers added since January. The military self-destructs without these actions.

    We do not want this crap to continue: two billion US$$ spent a month, 60 US dead a month.
    We need to bring 100 thousand home by spring.

  5. jason330 says:

    Nancy do you have the text? The delaware state news site sucks and Castle did not post it on his site (for some reason…hmmm..?)