Patriot Day: Big Whoop. We are not in Iraq for the oil, we are there to spread Freedom and Democracy.

Filed in National by on September 19, 2007


AMMAN -(Dow Jones)- Unknown attackers have blown up part of an Iraqi pipeline that pumps crude oil from Kirkuk oil fields to the Turkish export terminal, Ceyhan, a senior Iraqi oil official and a shipping agent said Wednesday.”The pipeline was attacked and damaged Tuesday,” the official told Dow Jones Newswires by telephone from Baghdad.

The attack took place in the section of the pipeline connecting the oil-rich city of Kirkuk to the Baiji, home to Iraq’s largest oil refinery. Iraq usually pumps Kirkuk crude oil to the refinery, 250 kilometers north of Baghdad, which takes what it needs before it pumps the rest to Ceyhan.

The official said the pipeline blast was “catastrophic” as it caused huge quantities of crude oil to spill into the Tigris River.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    The forces of patriotism have triumphed today! Our side has successfully filibustered three bills and prevented the do-nothing Democrat Senate from passing them, even tbough they had majority support. It was a good day.

    The first was the attempt by the Democrat traitors to give dirty terrorists (or people who look like terrorists) the privilege of habeas corpus.

    Next was the turncoat Webb’s attempt to require our brave troops to come home for rest. Our troops our real men. They laugh at adversity and don’t need rest. To say they need rest is to disrespect the troops. Why does Jim Webb hate the troops?

    Finally was the attempt by Democrat forces to give DC its very own representative in Congress. Jeez, we just finished shoehorning some extra Reps in Texas and they didn’t like that. Now they want a new one in DC. I tell you, you can’t make a liberal happy.

  2. Selander says:

    I was just thinking about Paul Wellstone. I had the chance to spend time with him in 2000 during the Presidential primary in New Hampshire and truly miss the force of conviction and the clarity of his calls to action.

    You post reminded me of his speech on the Iraq war before the vote.

    There’s a reason he was a professor. Smart guy:

  3. Selander says:

    Sorry that I didn’t keep with the Patriot Day satire in that last post. It’s amusing, though.