Do they fire this leaker

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 9, 2007

You know damn well they wont

What’s funny is you know that the Administration couldn’t wait to get this video out to scare the public. Unfortunately the leaker will never be found and our efforts were wasted.

Typical, but hey we are safer.

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hiding in the open

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  1. I just read this. Remember the panic that Bushco underwent in the days leading up to the Patraeus – Crocker report? (given on the 11th) This falling into their laps on the 7th must have been waaaaay too tempting. Way.

  2. Disbelief says:

    Its good to know our secret service can keep a secret except when they can’t.

  3. Duffy says:

    So leaking information about programs to monitor Al Qaeda is bad? Funny after the NYT leaked info about the SWIFT transfers that was just fine.

  4. anon says:

    after the NYT leaked info

    The NYT doesn’t leak – they PUBLISH leaks.

  5. Read the story D’OH. This was not a generic leak.
    This was a leak that created havoc on the company that originally acquired the video. When this company gave it to the WH secretly on the 7th Sept, it was stressed to keep it confidential. The leak of the existance of this video compromised that request for confidentiality but worse, it divulged to al Qaeda that Americans were able to hack into Arab media software. Bad for America.

  6. kavips says:

    Everyone knows damn well the republicans won’t fire Dick Cheney. However, the American should. The people have the ability,and now the duty, and the honor-bound among us should begin drumming Congress to dust off Kucinich’s amendment and begin the debate.

    Just an inquiry under a Grand Jury oath, would add another 1 million nails to all republican’s coffins in 2008.