More proof David Brooks is an asshole

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 12, 2007

Yes, we already knew that.  Here is further proof though

Under the Clinton plan, if a family making up to $60,000 a year put $1,000 into a new 401(k) account, they would get a $1,000 matching tax credit. The plan would create millions of new investors. Struggling families could choose mutual fund options and participate in the capital markets. They’d be encouraged to move away from a month-to-month mentality to a saving-for-the-future mentality.

Yep, Davey, you got me because getting a $1000 tax CREDIT at the end of the year is going to incent me to stop living paycheck to paycheck.  Never mind the fact that gas, food, education, healthcare and oh just about everyotherfuckingthing on the planet is going up.  Except lead based toys at Walmart though.

and to sum it all up if you read the whole article.  He basically is calling Hillary a Hamilton Republican. 

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hiding in the open

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  1. I noticed something more important about David Brook’s article.

    You’d think that in this and every election, the Republicans would want to continue this tradition. You’d think that they’d start every election by putting themselves at the kitchen tables of middle-class families with ambitious kids. Their first questions would be: What are the barriers to their mobility? What concrete help do these people need to realize their dreams?

    Yet at the Republican economic debate in But there was almost nothing that touched concretely on the lives of the ambitious working-class parents who are the backbone of the G.O.P.

    Sometimes the candidates seemed more concerned with massaging the pleasure buttons of the Club for Growth than addressing the real concerns of the middle class. They talked far more about cutting corporate taxes, for example, than about a child tax credit for struggling families.

    At other times, they sounded as if they were running for a ceremonial post.

    The article may have been critical of Sen Clinton but I see it as more of wake up call for the GOP.

  2. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    Dave Burris deleted the comment about, “What does Joanne Christian and Mitt Romney have in common post.
    Only because Dave is sensitive to the fact that his Picture Of Mitt at the top of his page now has serious consequences as Christian is a Mormon. Plain and true. And Mitt Romney is a Mormon -Plain and true.
    Christian won’t declare herself a Republican. Won’t disclose the Mormon issue.
    – -BTW, Dave DELETED this watered down issue on HIS Blog.
    Hey Dave, I see you a lot at the Odessa Sunoco these days. You are rather “rotund”.

  3. "When Keepin' it real goes wrong " - Nance says:

    – And Joanne Christian’s signs look like crap. Who picked the layout? Your guy’s from D.C. who take your two times money?
    -Or was it Charlie Copeland’s firm that printed the signs at a marked up price tho the party and Christian volunteers?

  4. r smitty says:

    Holy spam Batman! You are on a roll tonight, freaky feelings-got-hurt anonytroll. FSP, here, DWA (as “Anonymous”)…where else?

    Getting ready to get your religious intolerance on again?