Archive for October, 2007

This may be the week

Filed in National by on October 15, 2007 7 Comments

… that historians look back upon, to see how and why, either Delaware’s proposal for a Wind Farm went forward, or died a political death, much to the chagrin of 94% of Delaware’s population.The king, leading the fight to the Black Gates of Delmarva…..was Tommywonk. Between his hustling from radio station to radio station, he […]

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I wasn’t expecting nada from Christian

Filed in National by on October 15, 2007 9 Comments

I expected to get at least a “thanks, but no thanks” to this invitation. In fact, I really expected to get a “Sure, I’ll talk to you.” I mean heck – I’m not a bad guy. But nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch…. I wasn’t expecting that. Dave – you’re giving your charge Someone is giving Christian […]

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The Iraq War

Filed in National by on October 14, 2007 1 Comment

Tom Carper and Mike Castle are right. Nobody gives a shit about this “nightmare without end.” No. body.

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What different eyes see

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 13, 2007 5 Comments

Here we have a Reuters headlineIRS says rich getting richer: report Here we have a First State Politics link on the same IRS data The top 1% paid as much in federal income taxes as the bottom 95% combined. The data showed that the fortunes of the bottom 50 percent of Americans are worsening, with […]

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What I just read

Filed in National by on October 13, 2007 0 Comments
What I just read

I have to say I learned quite a bit reading this book.  It was a nice compliment to the Steve Berry book “The Third Secret”.  I thought the book was good, not great, but good.  I learned that the founder of mormonism was a fraud.  That he was arrested on the east coast for fraud […]

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More proof David Brooks is an asshole

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 12, 2007 4 Comments

Yes, we already knew that.  Here is further proof though Under the Clinton plan, if a family making up to $60,000 a year put $1,000 into a new 401(k) account, they would get a $1,000 matching tax credit. The plan would create millions of new investors. Struggling families could choose mutual fund options and participate in […]

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FYI, Bush wins again

Filed in National by on October 12, 2007 0 Comments

He got what he wanted, again.  No one is talking about Iraq.  what a kick in the crotch man.  The arguement isn’t even about bringing troop levels down to pre-surge numbers.  Sad man, just sad. 

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Filed in National by on October 12, 2007 3 Comments

Can you still have money when you are dead?

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Reason 2,268 To only envy my good looks

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 12, 2007 0 Comments

Listen I know what it is like to want to know about a star’s life. I understand you guys/gals don’t want to know, but want to know at the same time what is going on with people’s private lives. I’m here to tell you, they are normally train wrecks! The baggage that comes along with […]

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and now, your hypocrisy moment of the year

Filed in National by on October 11, 2007 8 Comments

the Family Research Council IS worried about censorship

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Teaching brown people. More Noble than killing them.

Filed in National by on October 11, 2007 6 Comments

If the war in Iraq is so noble, why aren’t you and your sister serving our country there? —Donald Pence, San Francisco I understand that point, but there are many ways to serve our country, and I think my skills are better suited for teaching and representing the U.S. in Latin America through UNICEF. I […]

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Open Letter to Joanne Christian

Filed in National by on October 11, 2007 59 Comments

Dear Mrs. Christian, I would like to congratulate you and thank you for seeking elected office first as a member of the Appoquinimink School Board and now the 14th Senate District seat until recently held by James Vaughn. Your record speaks to an admirable public spiritedness and I hold you in very high regard for […]

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Filed in National by on October 11, 2007 37 Comments

If a child is born with Original sin, is he innocent in the womb?

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