Q: What is it that you like about the Democratic Party?

Filed in National by on November 11, 2007

A: The Democratic party is the champion of civil rights, our civil liberties, economic justice, firm and fair relations within the international community, and along with organized labor, a check on the rapacious greed of twentieth century capitalism. What’s not to like about an organization with such high aspirations?

On a national level has it recently failed to live up to those aspirations? Hell yes. The DLC, Steny Hoyer, Tom Carper, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are horrible. But leaders come and go, and the mission remains. Just as the mission of the Republican Party: “To Enrich Republicans” endures over time.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (25)

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  1. Dave says:

    Does the Delaware Democratic Party “champion” those lofty goals?

  2. Brian says:

    I wish they did.

  3. jason330 says:

    Like I said, leadership comes and goes. We are on the cusp of a generational shift and it behooves us all to see that the next generation of leaders is dedicated to pursuing those goals.

    I am comforted by the fact that people like Matt Denn, and Jack Markell are on the way up and Minner, Gilligan and McDowell are on the way out.

  4. Brian says:

    I am not as optimistic as you. I do not want more roll over democrats. I want people willing to fight for the people and the State Constitution from all infringement.

  5. Jason,

    I support all of those things. For instance we put together a great universal private health care plan for Delaware. What is the Democratic answer? From Mr. Carney he wants a building block approach of more use of gov’t programs which still leaves people out in the cold. Mr. Markell doesn’t have a plan.

    I am the only union member in the race and I am the guy who took a 40% cut in pay and lost a pension while our CEO left with $16 million tax free. Capatalism works but there are some bad actors in the system.


  6. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host wrote:

    The Democratic party is the champion of civil rights, our civil liberties, economic justice, firm and fair relations within the international community, and along with organized labor, a check on the rapacious greed of twentieth century capitalism. What’s not to like about an organization with such high aspirations?

    Yeah, uh huh, right. The champions of civil rights brought you the New Castle County public school system; ain’t that great? The champions of civil rights have brought you a system in which people really are judged by the color of their skins, by the configuration of their genitals, and their preference as to how they wish to use their genitals, ratehr than by the content of their character or their ability to actually do a job or succeed in a particular school.

    The champions of your civil liberties have passed, and are trying to pass more, limitations on your right to free speech.

    Economic justice? You mean a childish Robin Hood mentality? How is it that theft of property from people who earn it to give to voting blocs people who do not somehow is not theft?

    Support for unions, to be “a check on the rapacious greed of twentieth century capitalism?” Haven’t you noticed? Unions have been slowly (and sometimes not so slowly) destroying the industries they have organized. About the only unions which have not done so are the government employees unions, the ones which organize non-portable employment.

    I’ve said it countless times: If liberals really understood economics, they wouldn’t be liberals.

  7. jason330 says:

    I have a masters degree in business adminstration which means I’m smarter than you.

    Just sayin.

  8. Brian says:

    Jason- Not to diss you, but I have a MSM, a few honors degress and was working on a MPH/MD so am I smarter than you? It is irrelevent… I agree with Protack and Dana. But to get to the point where what they suggest can work, we need to fundamentally rework the entire system and take it back to its original intent and democratic aspiration. To do that all the bad apples, all the corruption, need to be cut through…to cure a disease you have to use the right medicine.

  9. r smitty says:

    I have a masters degree in business adminstration which means I’m smarter than you.

    WTF happened to you?!

  10. jason330 says:

    I was just joking. Trying to lighten the mood and all that.

  11. r smitty says:

    Getting harder to tell. Then again, I’ve been told by friends that I am being wound too tight lately, so who knows.

  12. Von Cracker says:

    “I’ve said it countless times: If liberals really understood economics, they wouldn’t be liberals.”

    I guess Chomsky, Krugman, Buffet, et al are morons then. Who whudda thunk it?

    People who believe in absolutes scare me!

  13. Dana Garrett says:

    1. FDR
    2. Very Pro Union until the 80s
    3. Equal Rights Amendment
    4. The Voting Rights Act
    5. Dennis Kucinnich
    6. Jerry Brown
    7. George McGovern
    8. Reproductive rights legislation
    9. Progressive taxation
    10. Affirmative action
    11. Separation of church and state
    12. Employee Free Choice Act
    13. Honoring cultural pluralism
    14. John Conyers
    15. Paul Wellstone
    16. Sherrod Brown

  14. jason330 says:

    17. Dana Garrett

  15. kavips says:

    Here is how I see it….there is mush in both parties. Each party has candidates that really belong in the other party…..

    The question can only answered when one cuts thorough the bullshit, and backs a candidate against the wall, and says, “ok, now vote.”

    When push comes to shove, and someone will get hurt badly by the outcome of a vote, Republicans tend to favor the rights of corporations over the rights of everyday people. These two dichotomies have fought each other since the beginning of our nation. Republicans take the Alexander Hamilton’s position; Democrats take the position of Thomas Jefferson.

    Republicans are better at protecting corporations. Democrats protect the people……..

  16. Dana says:

    Jason wrote:

    I have a masters degree in business adminstration which means I’m smarter than you.

    Just sayin.

    Well, George W Bush has an MBA from Harvard, which means that he’s smarter than you, right?

  17. Dana says:

    Dana Garrett wrote, as his reasons for supporting the Democratic Party:

    1. FDR
    2. Very Pro Union until the 80s
    3. Equal Rights Amendment
    4. The Voting Rights Act
    5. Dennis Kucinnich
    6. Jerry Brown
    7. George McGovern
    8. Reproductive rights legislation
    9. Progressive taxation
    10. Affirmative action
    11. Separation of church and state
    12. Employee Free Choice Act
    13. Honoring cultural pluralism
    14. John Conyers
    15. Paul Wellstone
    16. Sherrod Brown

    Thatnks! You just mentioned fifteen reasons why the Democratic Party is bad! President Roosevelt gets a pass, because he fought and won the war, but the rest are all reasons to support the GOP!

    Dennis Kucinich and Jerry Brown? You’re joking, right?

  18. Dana says:

    Kavips wrote:

    Republicans are better at protecting corporations. Democrats protect the people

    Really? Well, if that’s your attitude, perhaps you ought to ask yourself one simple question: if you go after those evil ol’ corporations, what happens to the jobs that the wonderful people have?

  19. anon says:

    Family and Medical Leave Act…Direct Student Loan Program… Increases in minimum wage

  20. Tyler Nixon says:

    A new Dana?? Interesting. Welcome!

    kavips – considering the Democrats can’t take corporate donations fast enough now that they are in power (they will outstrip Republicans, if they already haven’t), I am curious where they are protecting the interests of “the people”.

    Gosh, we all know corporations give big money for nothing, and politicians have no motive to return the favor. The Democrats are no better than Republicans as far as kneeling before corporate interests. The entire tax code is one big corporate protection scheme.

  21. ANNON II says:

    Tyler…don’t you mean (corprate protection) scam?????

  22. Brian says:

    “People who believe in absolutes scare me!”

    The only absolute worth believeing in is Liberty and it does not scare anyone- it sets everyone free.

  23. kavips says:

    new Dana, it is a matter of power. In the seventies, corporations had too little. In the 00’s they have to much….

    The optimum years occurred between 92 – 00.
    When government shrank, tax revenue rose, the deficit dropped, the surplus climbed.

    To fix the economy, phase out the Bush tax breaks, and stop spending 400 billion on the war.

    Tyler: the corporations have no one else to give money to, but the Democrats. At this late date, to bet on a republican after suffering through 7 years of Cheney/Bush, is a investment worse than placing the same funds into Powerball tickets at the nearest Seven/Eleven…….

    Democrats, being starved for funds over the last several years, don’t know how to behave with this new influx of cash. Perhaps they should take lessons from Scrooge McDuck?

  24. Brian says:

    But do not be fooled by the democrats either. The two party system is inherently undemocratic as long as special interets run and pay for the show.

  25. Brian says:

    “if you go after those evil ol’ corporations, what happens to the jobs that the wonderful people have?”

    This proves my point that it takes an entire restructuring to give you back your liberty, and make your economy belong to you.