Yes, I’m going there

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 27, 2007

I don’t get it To take a spin on Kanye West’s most famous quote, “Black people don’t like black people”

I’m puzzled why blacks aren’t getting behind Obama in bigger droves. We had a corrupt moron running Philadelphia get re elected a few years ago, we had another moron BOMB a home in Philadelphia that got elected, we had a mayor on crack in our nations captial, heck we have a black mayor doing god knows what right here in Wilmington, Mayor Barry even while on crack get re-elected and yet black people nationally aren’t getting behind this guy?

Seriously people why the fuck not? Is he uppity? Is he to bougie? Help me understand why someone wouldn’t be prould to vote for someone that has the chance to change the history of black people in one fell swoop. Could you imagine blacks having someone to look up to besides athletes?  I was just wastching CBS and there was an elderly black woman and she said he isn’t ready yet.  WTF?  And the president we have now was the Governor of Texas and look at the bang up job he did

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  1. Why Blacks Like Hillary Over Obama « kavips | November 29, 2007
  1. anon says:

    Oh no you di-int!

  2. donviti says:

    bunch of pussies to afraid to comment about black people….

  3. Alan Coffey says:

    Maybe black people don’t read Delaware Liberal? Who else could comment with any authority?

    Does Oprah count?

  4. donviti says:

    are you saying black people can’t read? or that they don’t have computers?

  5. JohnnyX says:

    Personally, I don’t get it. In terms of getting the concerns of black people to the forefront, I would think it doesn’t get much better than having the president be “one of yours.” Maybe it’s because he grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia instead of the south like Jackson, or a big city like Sharpton? Or that he’s not a Baptist minister like both? Is he not flashy enough? Beats me.

    By the way, let me take the opportunity to introduce myself – Hi, I’m JohnnyX. I’m interested in science education, molecular biology and genetics, punk rock music, video games, and liberal politics (among other things). Any of you who have browsed the dreadful Delawareonline forums before may have seen me there. I stumbled across this site a week or two ago and have decided my efforts would be much better spent posting here. That place is like banging your head against a brick wall.

    Anyway, my hope is that future posts I make will be a little more intellectually stimulating than this one. Maybe I’ll even stir up some righties and make them angry at me. The possibilities are endless!

  6. donviti says:

    thanks for visiting Johnny x

    please next time feel free to give us your turn ons, turn offs and your penis size

    we are all about content over here

  7. JohnnyX says:

    My answers are, in order:

    curly hair and green eyes; fanny packs; enough to do the job.

    Anything else I can enlighten you on? Haha

  8. Donviti,

    Let me counter with this question. Why are so many democrats and African Americans locked in to Sen Clinton?

    Possibly, the choice has been made that whether or not she is the best choice for President they might assume she is the best candidate . Clinton seems to have bamboozled the early crowd and Mr.Obama is having a tough time breaking through that aura of the Clintons?

  9. Brian says:

    This commercial seems to sum up Hillary’s position:

  10. Dana says:

    Kind of difficult putting John Street in that list, since Republicans simply don’t win the top job in Philadelphia. You win the Democratic nomination, and you win the general election.

    And it doesn’t take a majority to win the primary, just a plurality; Michael Nutter won the nomination with about a third of the vote.

    But at least Mr Nutter will be better than Mayor Street — given that he couldn’t be any worse.

  11. Dana says:

    Maybe you need a demographics survey of your readership. To start, 54 yo white married male, employed, Catholic, Republican.

  12. Rebecca says:

    Is that true?????

  13. Rebecca says:

    oooops. Maybe I’ve got the wrong Dana?

  14. donviti says:


    get your own blog and ask questions.


    you do

  15. ANNON II says:

    Don: My guess is it has something to do with Bill Clinton being considered the ‘first black president’ by many.

  16. It is out on the intertubes that Hillary suggested to an Iowan crowd that she would bring Colin Powell back to help with foreign relations.

  17. G Rex says:

    Interesting question Don V. Is Obama polling low with blacks because he’s been acting too white? My knee-jerk WASP answer is that it’s like black kids in school hating on other black kids who do well academically. What about the Oprah Winfrey factor? Is Oprah black enough, or is she seen as an Oreo?

    Maybe he should trade suits with Deion Sanders for starters. You know, pimp it up a bit.

  18. donviti says:

    sadly G

    I think you are correct. he needs some atheletes to support him. Barkley would be a good one

  19. cassandra m says:

    I am breaking my self-imposed temporary blog exile (work commitments) to respond to this — this NYT article is from February, when the discussion about Obama was different (and we can address some of the idiocy the Stanley Crouch and Debra Dickerson put themselves through). There was a poll in SC a couple of months back that did have Obama leading among black Democratic voters. And it looks as though Obama’s support among blacks is strengthening — largely via black men, black women still support Hillary. There is also the undercurrent of thinking in older, southern black voters that Obama would be in grave danger should he win.

    But I think that the take away here is that African Americans are no where near as homogeneous as the pundits, the self and media-appointed spokespeople for African Americans and white people in general seem to perceive. This election provides some real choices and it should be a good thing that African Americans are not simply choosing the person who looks most like us.

  20. donviti says:

    start tomorrow rebecca 🙂

  21. donviti says:

    I’m not saying it isn’t good, I’m just shocked based on formerly elected officials

  22. Brian says:

    Here is what my friends the Welfare Poets say:

  23. donviti says:

    brian, have you left your computer today?

  24. Brian says:

    hahaha….sure. I got an e-mail with this from a friend. I am just bored.

  25. cassandra m says:

    The Welfare Poets certainly don’t address Donviti’s question, although that video is an awesome piece of propaganda. I’d love to know who was playing the trumpet in that — it was the best part of the song.

  26. Brian says:

    Cassandra thanks, let me try to answer Donv’s question, my friend Eric who sent it to me said, “they are expressing the deep dissatisfaction and disaffectation with both political parties that they see as one big machine….” I posted it because I thought it was pretty interesting and it shows that real answers are needed for our generation, not the old answers not the fabrications, but answers that will lead to substantial gains for human freedom- answers that change the way we frame our debates and do not rehash the same old divides between us all. And answers that do not come from the machine. I do not know if it is propaganda, but I do know they think the current state of affairs is not acceptable to a large number of black people. Well, you can ask, how do you know that, I mean, you are a white guy, well we have lots of races on both sides of the political divide in my family so I can always ask. And, I’ll send out DonV’s question and let you know what they say.

  27. Brian says:

    Ok Cassandra I asked, my sister-in-law who is black (please do not blast me for non-pc language, if I call her an African-American or something like that she’ll hit me because she hates that…)and she tells me that the black people she knows out there do not particularly like any of the choices out there right now; she continued, “I think if they want to get real and connect with the people, and make a difference in the lives of the people and put all of us as Americans first and leave us alone…that would work for a change.” She also said,”If I go out and look, I do not see any of these people living in this community.”

    Her cousin jumped in, “because we know they are going to try to get him like a JFK.”

    My sister-in-law continued, “we want someone that does the best for everyone; I hope Obama can do that; we know Hillary is a big sell out and do not want her, but what are we going to do…point is after 2000 election when that …. got into office we know our vote does not count.”

    So that was her opinion, and she felt that even though Al Gore was the best bet, and technically won, that most people did not get what they wanted.

  28. anon says:

    From 2005:

    Tyrone: (shrugs) Probably right, then. Speaking of Obama, I need to get t-shirts printed up to sell.

    John: I can do that on the web. What do they say?

    Tyrone: Don’t You Dare Kill Obama

    John: How about Don’t You Dare Kill Obama (… and we know you’re thinking about it)

    Tyrone: Niiiiice.

    John: Or You Kill Obama and WE WILL BURN SHIT DOWN

    Tyrone: Even better. Nobody wants their shit burned down.

    John: Glad to help.