Mike Castle Thinks Christmas is important

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 13, 2007

So important he had to vote yes to prove it…. Do you need more proof he is a wingnut? Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has introduced a resolution (H.Res. 847) saying, and I am not making this up, that Christmas and Christians are important

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Air and sunlight are also good. (says Castle.)

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Gotta make all those white christians feel less disenfranchised because, you know, everything so stacked against them.

    What’s next? Canonizing Chuck Norris?

  3. jason330 says:

    Castle needs a new campaign slogan (“we only send one so let’s send our best” is played out)

    I’m thinking – “Mike Castle: Because words speak louder than actions”

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Mike Castle: “Our Favorite Worst Nightmare!”

    h/t to The Artic Monkeys.

  5. Arthur Downs says:

    I am one of those who holds his nose and votes for Castle in the general election but must agree with his position on this issue.

    While the cult of the trendy types push resolutions with good words for Muslims and Hindus (just where are the Sikhs)it would seem rather fair and balanced to do the same for a certain (highly commercialized) Christian holiday.

    Castle will be Congressman for life as long as Democrats nominate opponents whose view make him seem moderate by comparison. He is also a rather personable individual.

  6. donviti says:

    and in a nut shell that is why we call people like you wing-nuts art.

    No one said Castle shouldn’t agree it is the fact that some ignoramous had to waste the tax payers time and money to even freaking present on the house floor so a moron like Castle would vote to say that Christmas is important.

    It is pretty obvious without a vote that the day is important. Can you name another religious holiday in this country that everyone else has off?

    doesn’t that tell you it is important already? do we need to vote on it?


  7. anon says:

    Next, a commemorative coin with a Christmas tree on it. I’ll take comments on what should be on the other side…

  8. ANNON II says:

    Christmas is only partly ‘Christian’….and has been since its inception (or is that conception)…and this was waaaay before the so-called ‘commercialization’ of our era. Who goes out and spends at random? These are the folks who commercialize the holiday.

    In my family we begin with a budget and try to stick to it.

    On Christmas day the budget was in action (we would send a list letter to Santa and ask which one present they ‘really’ wanted…that determined the number of gifts per family memeber.

    When the kids were little we celebrated Jesus’ birthday on Christmas eve w/ a bakery decorated ‘Happy B’day baby Jesus’ cake. We sang carols and Santa arrived w/a bag full of toys: one for each child (yes, we invited friends & neighbors to join us) provided by their respective parents.

    Christmas is not what it is…it’s what you make it! Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

    Who needs to be reminded that Christmas is important? Morons!!!!!

  9. Von Cracker says:

    “Next, a commemorative coin with a Christmas tree on it. I’ll take comments on what should be on the other side…”

    How about a .50 caliber BAR M2?

    It works in so many ways….

  10. disbelief says:

    How about “Haliburton” printed around the edge of the coin with a picture of an eagle claw gripping the world with a couple drops of blood coming out?

  11. jason330 says:

    One member of the group allegedly yelled, “Oh, Hanukkah. That’s the day that the Jews killed Jesus,” she said.

    Oh my.

  12. Arthur Downs says:

    As a rather devout Deist with a rather broad tolerance for all people of good faith, I seem to be smelling a hint of the stench of deophobia in some of the above comments.

  13. LIZ ALLEN says:

    To All americans (those in Delaware) time to put down the Torah, Koran and Bible, and pick up the Consitution, the document truly in destruction mode.

  14. disbelief says:

    Arthur, religion doesn’t have anything to do with my ability to tolerate anyone who’s not a pain in the ass.

  15. So is Christmas not important? The event it celebrates changed the world. Is it less important than the hundreds of days, weeks and months honored by Congress?
    why would anyone have a problem with this? You are not being liberal, just reactionary.

  16. Steve Newton says:

    Sorry but you are way off base with this one. I am Catholic (oh, by the way dv, everybody also gets Easter off) and unlike many decided by conscious adult choice to be baptized into that faith at age 45 after having been raised agnostic leaning toward atheist.

    But I am also an American citizen living in a constitutional republic, one of whose premises is not to have the government privilege ANY religion over another or even over non-belief.

    This resolution is not just stupid, it’s downright chilling. Did you actually read it? I quote some specific parts:

    “Whereas there are approximately 225,000,000 Christians in the United States, making Christianity the religion of over three-fourths of the American population…” So what? Does this include Mormons? The current leader in the Republican race in Iowa doesn’t seem to think so.

    All it seems to prove is the famous 19th Century concept of “Tyranny of the Majority.”

    “Whereas Christians identify themselves as those who believe in the salvation from sin offered to them through the sacrifice of their savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and who, out of gratitude for the gift of salvation, commit themselves to living their lives in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Bible,,,,”

    Congress has absolutely NO business having a religious opinion.

    “Whereas the United States, being founded as a constitutional republic in the traditions of western civilization, finds much in its history that points observers back to its roots in Christianity….”

    Now Congress is writing history? I would be willing to bet you that not more than three people who voted for this resolution even have the slightest idea of the distinction between Salvation through Grace and Salvation through Works, or how either relates to American political history and thought.

    [Aside: how can you tell a politician–any politician–is mangling history to serve his/her own present agenda? Check to see if the lips are moving.]

    “Whereas for Christians, Christmas is celebrated as a recognition of God’s redemption, mercy, and Grace…”

    Once again–with profanity for sake of clarity: Congress has NO DAMN BUSINESS making this comment.

    To reiterate: I am a Christian. I am an American citizen. It makes me no happier to have my government spend my tax dollars in an act of pandering political masturbation than it does to have those idiots gift their constituents with earmarks, declaim piously about the Armenian genocide, or bail out people who knowingly assumed loans they didn’t have the resources to repay (and before anybody jumps my shit here, I have also castigate the government and the banks; read my blog).

  17. JohnnyX says:

    Wow, Steve, “pandering political masturbation.” An excellent summary of what this amounts to.

    I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment, as someone who is the flipside of your religious stance (i.e. raised Catholic and sent to Catholic school for 12 years only to end up currently teetering between agnostic and atheist).

    Look, I have no problem with Christmas, nor do I have a problem with any other religious holiday. But I think a resolution like this declaring the specific importance of any of said holidays is a stupid waste of time.

    If you need the government’s seal of approval to confirm the importance of your religion and its holidays, then you should probably be questioning how valid or important they really are in the first place.

  18. Jordan says:

    Does anybody remember a similar resolution not too long ago saying the same things about Islam. Because I do. If they wink at Islam, why shouldn’t they wink at Christianity as well? I thought that is what this is really all about. To expose the Democrats that winked at Islam but not at Christianity. If I remember correctly, the Islam resolution was the Democrats idea.

  19. Art Downs says:

    If I remember correctly, the Islam resolution was the Democrats idea.

    Please play fair and not call attention to double standards and hypocrisy.

    Throw that kind of stuff down a convenient memory hole.

  20. Jordan says:

    It was a Ramadan resolution. And Castle voted for it.


    The Bill said, “Recognizing the commencement of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal, and commending Muslims in the United States and throughout the world for their faith.”


    I have no problem with any of this as long as Congress is not showing favoratism. And I don’t think they are.

    But I do think that the following Dems who voted for Islam, but against Christianity are showing favortism.

    Reps. Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.)
    Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.)
    Diana DeGette (D-Co.
    Alcee Hastings (D-Fl.)
    Jim McDermott (D-Wash.)
    Bobby Scott (D-Va.)
    Fortney Stark (D-Calif.)
    Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.)

  21. jason330 says:

    Favortism, Shmavortism.

    I don’t think Congress needs to be in the business of passing this type of bullshit resolution.

    What next? “Puppies are Cute. All in favor say Eye…”

  22. Jordan says:

    “I don’t think Congress needs to be in the business of passing this type of bullshit resolution.”

    This may shock you. But I agree with you. This is all a waste of tax payer dollars. Congress needs to get those spending bills passed.

    Still, I have a lot more of a problem with those 9 Dems above than with Castle. And I am not exactly a big Castle fan.