My kind of apology

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 13, 2007

I’m sorry you were offended that I called you an asshole.  I still think you are an asshole.  I’m just sorry you were offended.

“After the debate today, I went to Mitt Romney and apologized to him because I said I would never try — ever — to try and somehow pick out some point of your faith and make it an issue,”

when a baptist Minister lies, do his pants automatically ignite into flames?

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hiding in the open

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  1. ANNON II says:

    Is that the source of the ‘Liar, liar pants on fire’ expression???

  2. eblack says:

    so do you criticize someone when they honestly ask about tenets of a person’s faith? let me ask you… what do Christians believe? do they sincerely believe three people live in one body??? that’s unique. wow. it’s a good question. if we ask a Christian that… ask me… would they be offended?

    I wouldn’t. i’d grow some skin. love is accepting all questions and loving people in spite of what they believe. Huckabee wasn’t attacking someone. he was asking a question. Let’s get it staight.

    Keep up with Mike Huckabee News – eblack44

  3. donviti says:

    I think we will pass on keeping up with mike huckabee news.

    he wasn’t asking a question.

    Asking a question is Hi, how are you today?

    what huckabee did was more like, “Don’t you turn left on Jackson street to get to that 7/11?”

    hardly a question my friend, but thanks for visiting

  4. Steve Newton says:

    Flash! Latest Mike Huckabee question in an “innocent voice”: “And don’t the colored really like watermelons and fried chicken?”