Drinking Liberally. Holy shit edition

Filed in National by on December 14, 2007

This gets about as live blogging as you can get edition short of the panties hanging off the doorknob.  Right now it is 1:30 am and I, donviti am at my wits end.   It has really been as monumental an evening as a blogger can fathom.  All I will say is that my sexuality was put into question by more than one person tonight!

 Can you f’ing imagine?  A delaware blogger that was as close as it came to fraternizing with the Who’s who of delaware’s blogosphere/ “go to the drinking liberally” espionage crew could even come close to having the night that he had tonight?  Honestly it was like hedonism meet “Debbie Does Dallas XXIIV”

HOLY COW!  People hang on to you hats for the sober version of what happened last night (I mean 20 minutes ago).    All I can say is that I have a business card and a phone number that are pulling me in seperate directions that I never thought were possible in the land of donviti….

 RAM would be jealous of the night I had tonight!  woooohooooo

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hiding in the open

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  1. donviti says:

    Oh man the hotties hanging off mf me were for real!

  2. disbelief says:

    I had a night like that once, then one of my more sober buds whispered to me, “Dude, check the Adam’s apples on your ‘dates’.” It was a close encounter of the third kind.

  3. jason330 says:

    Well… going to the Christiana mall to hear James Earl Jones read “A visist from St. Nick (T’was the night befor Christmas)” was fun too.

  4. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host wrote:

    Right now it is 1:30 am and I, donviti am at my wits end.

    Yeah, but how far do you really have to go to reach your wit’s end? 🙂