Around the Horn Friday: Fat Man With Presents Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 21, 2007

No, I’m not talking about Santa, Dave Burris and his little elves had a big day this week bringing 5 bills to the Senate to provide a significant amount of transparency to Delaware’s government. Dana reprinted the press release with commentary. And Nancy gave it some good press.

While I’m talking about Nancy, she celebrated her 50th birthday on Sunday. She has spent most of her second half century fighting with Al. Fun to watch.

The other big story this week was the non-decision bullshit with windpower. Need I really say who is on it like white on rice? OK, it’s Tommywonk, with not 1, not 2 but 3 insightful posts on the subject this week. I haven’t had 3 insightful posts since I started blogging. Kavips also has a post reflecting the good press that this could have provided for Delaware.

Not only does Tommy do windpower, but he’s a great source for yard waste ban info, too.

The Snooze Journal is getting some bad press for their stupidity. You know it’s bad when Nancy agrees with Hube about how bad they are. In addition, Mat Marshall smacks down a letter writer for the standard right-wing drivel they spewed. Hube has a post dissecting the poor Spanish of an “order in English” critic in Delaware Voice.

Kilroy is heading down to talk to Beau Biden to request a criminal investigation in Red Clay. Good luck buddy.

Delaware Libertarian has a bone to pick with our right-wing nutjob state legislators. This time it’s about same sex marriage.

Pulling back the lens from Delaware, in Arizona, Biden hasn’t gotten on the ballot according to Dana. Paul Smith compares Huckabee to the Democrats of the past 35 years. Over at JttR, Gary thinks Huck is perfectly poised to win. And Ryan Mc (welcome back, Ryan) has coverage of the back-handed compliment of Bob Kerrey toward Obama. And over at Common Sense Political Thought, Art Downs shows how the Clintons can never win with the haters like him.

Looking across the pond, Paul Smith points out that Q.E.II is now the oldest monarch in English history.

Thinking globally, mynym has a skeptics view of global warming and posits some inherent contradictions.

Zooming out to a galactic scale, Joe M reflects on the small location that we occupy in the Milky Way and the legacy of Carl Sagan.

Going even further out, Hube has a clip from CNN of a man that looks like a character from Star Trek.

Duffy has another quiz that will determine what spice you are. Duffy thinks his spice sounds like a stripper name.

This is the last update before Christmas, Joe M has a graphic reminding us about the reason for the season. Have a Merry Christmas. Find some time to think about the soldiers that are in harms way in Iraq and Afghanistan and about the families that aren’t celebrating with them this year. And the ones that will never celebrate with them again…

Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men.


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  1. donviti says:

    the worst time of the year for our military. Being apart from your children tears at you. I think people have forgotten how long 15 fucking months is. try spending that time away from your newborn.

    oh, but I forgot, it’s what they signed up for

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    Cool around the horn. I’m a huge Sagan fan. Pale Blue Dot is one of the most thought provoking books I’ve read.

    I especially loved the reason for the season, of course. I was hoping someone would wish me a Happy Winter Solstice!!!

  3. Rebecca says:

    Happy Winter Solstice Dorian!

  4. liberalgeek says:

    and a joyous Festivus.

  5. To me, the “Fat Man” will always be Jerry.

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    Thanks Rebecca!

  7. Homo Neanderthalis says:

    Nobody wished me a “Happy Grugrgckrork.”


  8. anon says:

    But at least you have cheap auto insurance.

  9. donviti says:

    I don’t even know what the hell that is!?

    How about I just say screw off so that I know for sure I offend all of you regardless?

  10. RickJ says:

    How is it that people are offended by a stranger wishing them a “Happy __________”? In the past week, I’ve been wished a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holidays, a Happy Channukah, and probably a “Broken Keyboard” – although that was from an anonymous Protack fan, so it doesn’t count, because of his anonymity. Take happy blessings where you can get them.

  11. For the record, I have never been offended by anyone wishing me a happy, merry or good anything. And no one to whom I have ever wished a happy, merry, good, or nice anything has ever been offended. I suspect stories to the contrary are, naturally enough, the confabulations of contrarians.

    It should be, and likely is, the case that Reverend Bob can wish Rabbi Stan a merry Christmas and receive a good-natured happy Chanukah in return with all the warmth and good-will traditional in many cultures at this time of year.

    So let’s all give this “War on [insert your pet holiday]” crap a rest.


    And may the god of your choice bless you.

  12. donviti says:

    what if you don’t believe in God Mike….

  13. Tyler Nixon says:

    Ah yes, Mahaff…the one, the only “Fat Man”…

  14. Al Mascitti says:

    Tyler, isn’t he supposed to be laying a finger aside of his nose?

  15. Tyler Nixon says:


    That green stuff ain’t mistletoe!

  16. donviti, your choice would then be “none of the above.” Or “any.” Or “whatever.”