Q: “Are we (Chrysler) bankrupt?” A: “Technically, no.”

Filed in National by on December 21, 2007

Link to that Lousy Left Wing Rag Called the Wall Street Journal

Chrysler Chief Executive Robert Nardelli told employees the company is headed for a substantial loss this year and is scrambling to sell assets to raise cash, according to an account by two people present that Mr. Nardelli confirmed.

“Someone asked me, ‘Are we bankrupt?'” Mr. Nardelli said at the meeting. “Technically, no. Operationally, yes. The only thing that keeps us from going into bankruptcy is the $10 billion investors entrusted us with.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Thank you Mr. Bush for the crappy economy.

    Thank you Minner/Carney for the crappy economic development policies.

    Thank you Chrysler managment for all the gas guzzlers.

  2. donviti says:

    good thing we don’t make fuel efficient cars.

    that would have never saved them. It cost too much money and those damned health care costs are eating up the profits too

  3. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec. , Independent Party of Delaware says:

    Just another reason to support universal single-payer health care in Delaware… Slogans aren’t
    going to do it. Unifyed action will.


  4. liz allen says:

    Chrysler is going goin gone…..because of healt care cost in Delaware. GM just laid off 5200 more workers….more and more companies are leaving Delaware…but you won’t hear it on local radio or the Snooze Journal. Where are the stats coming from: the non proift agencies having to deal with literally thousands of citizens who lost their homes, jobs, while the companies left are looking to leave the country. Our only hope in Delaware is SB @177 universal health care which will take care of our health care problems, cut workmans compensation, lower your car and homeowners insurance while bringing you and your Doctor (which you choose) your facilities, and get the government out of our lives and en FOR PROFIT health care. That is the only solution if the dover dimwits elect to do Markells, Carey or Protacks plans., watch our health care costs escalate even faster than they are now…its facts folks…go to delaware watch and LISTEN to the interview which explains healthcare for Delaware and you will understand WHY WDEL will not permit the topic to be discussed.

  5. Frank says:

    Well, they haven’t made a car worth a damn in 30 years.

    This surprises us how?

  6. liz allen says:

    Frank: they can make that cheaper by $1500 -$1900,…in Canada or Europe or Asia! It health care driving business from the United States. Business will go where there is a universal health care plan, or no health care at all to worry about.

    By 2015 expect to pay about $15,000a year out of your pocket for health care..that is the rate of inflation occuring now. We are entering stagflation!

    Carney, Denn, Markell and Protacks plan will make that trend escalate faster, as their plans keep the insurance companies taking as “their profit” 45 cents out of every health care dollar.

    This is economics….its the economy stupid! as they say. If you haven’t seen Sicko, where the history of todays’ system was laid out, you will understand why he lobbyist and th jackals (just like those pictured re: wind power—are lining up to sink tons of money in the campaign coffers of our candidate running for Governor. Dont be bamboozled, and hoodwinked into believing any of their plans will work. None of theirplans have been reviewed by ANY outside group to prove it. SB 177 has had such scrutiny, by 3 independent groups, all stating that econonicaly, single payer health care was the onlyanswer! Thats a fact…now ask Carney, Markell, Denn and Protack who has given such heavy scruitinzation to their “plans”!

  7. I appreciate the interest in health care as it is the most important issue in 2008.

    A brief comment though. Our pan, Delacare is universal and while one insurance company “gets our business” the only thing the insurance company does is provide the administrative part of the plan, they would make no medical decisons. The limit of their profits is for the services provided.

    Also, Delacare is designed to limit health care increases to inflation on an annual basis.

    The Chrylser corporation is indeed in big trouble but that is up to the management to provide the leadership to design, build and sell quality cars.

  8. donviti says:

    protack obviously pays his internet bills people