I was just thinking

Filed in National by on January 3, 2008

If I take a gob of my spit which has living organisms in it, and launch it into the fireplace tonight while snuggling with my wife which then kills the living organism that was growing in my saliva

is that abortion?  I didn’t want the spit in my mouth after all, but god put it there didn’t he?

Life is so difficult

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hiding in the open

Comments (65)

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  1. Mat Marshall says:

    THAT explains the Mexicans!!

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    Sam Harris has made the same point. With the intervention of scientists there are skin cells that can generate life. So every time you scratch your nose… same concept.

    Or what about the embryo that doesn’t implant – what’s that?

  3. feralkid says:

    Go whole hog and throw yourself in.

  4. disbelief says:

    Well, if you’re snuggling with your wife and she doesn’t spit you’re one up on the rest of us.

  5. feralkid says:

    Here’s a little coin-flip morality for you!!!

    http://tinyurl.com/24tuvt [editor’s warning: aborted fetus photo]

    Just my 10 cents worth….

    Sleep well.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    For the record, that is my editor’s warning above.

  7. I think you miss the point about abortion. A fetus will develop and become a live person unless there is a physical interruption (miscarriage) or surgical intervention (abortion).

    Something from your body which contains DNA is not the same.

  8. feralkid says:

    How odd that the same warning to potential surgical victims is often verboten. Can’t show them pictures of what they’re about to have done, now can we?

  9. donviti says:

    what about a zygote? can I knock that off?

  10. donviti says:

    Hey feral, when can you show me a picture of a zygote?

  11. donviti says:

    I don’t miss the point about anything Mike

  12. feralkid says:

    Better yet….

    I call this one “Blind Liberty”

    [warning: aborted fetus photo]

  13. disbelief says:

    There was (is?) a show on cable TV that televised surgical procedures. Why is it that the Right-to-Lifers love that stuff?

  14. feralkid says:

    Truth in advertising.

  15. donviti says:

    I didn’t ask you about a fetus…find a zygote for me please or a one month old fertalized egg that has been “aborted”

  16. feralkid says:

    No. I’ll show you the pictures that make you puke, Adolf.

  17. Dana Garrett says:

    “A fetus will develop and become a live person….”

    Finally, a pro-lifer that got it right. The fetus is not not a person; it can become one.

    The issue about abortion isn’t merely about human life. If people were so hot & bothered about human life, they would never have any growth removed from their bodies.

    The question is, is a zygote or a fetus a human person? Clearly not in the former case. In the latter–well, I think Roe v. Wade got it right. Viability is a sensible measure.

    Feral doesn’t want you to see a pic of a human zygote because there is no way you can look at one and think person.

    Well, here is one. This is what pro-lifers believe is all that it takes to be a human person:


    Can you see the soul in all that ooze?

  18. feralkid says:

    The average abortion takes place at 8-10 weeks.

    The pictures accurately reflect what happens in the majority of cases.

    You can dress it up in ambiguity all you want.

    You stand for what I have shown you. Enjoy the pride you must feel.

  19. feralkid says:

    “If people were so hot & bothered about human life, they would never have any growth removed from their bodies.”

    Has there been any instance of these growths ever separating from the host and leading lives?

    Oops, I stand corrected.

    You and your liberal snots are perfect examples of cancers.

  20. Dana,

    Thanks for the thought but the fact is a growth from your body will not develop into anything except in many cases cancer.

    I know before Roe V Wade there were abortions and after Roe V Wade there will be still be abortions. Years ago abortion was a way out to avoid shame but certainly not now and repeat abortions are growing. I would prefer we offer the things which will reduce abortion as much as possible-health care, support for adoption, protection from physical threats, financial freedom for women etc.

    Lastly, I do not sit in judgement of any woman who has an abortion or express any anger towards her but I am eternally hopeful for children, born and unborn.

  21. donviti says:

    My spit never had a chance last night. It was my spit and regardless of what you all say. I get to decide what to do with it!

  22. feralkid says:

    Considering what you stick in that mouth, I’m not so sure there wasn’t other DNA.

  23. Von Cracker says:

    They don’t call it the Feral Kid for nuttin’!

    Ok FK – a hospital is on fire and you can only go back in ONCE to make yourself the HERO (and subsequently, Ted Nugent will play your next birthday party where Chuck Norris is the doorman). There’s the Newborn Baby Ward and a fertilization clinic chock-full of fertilized eggs.

    Which group do you save?

    …..thought so.

  24. anon says:

    Hmmm… that’s a tough one. Are they brown babies or white babies?

  25. anon says:

    …or Iraqi babies?

  26. donviti says:

    who said he was going to go back in? He might have to take care of the ones he saves

  27. Von Cracker says:

    And Protack – the only way to reduce abortion is through proper education, not the authoritarian way of saying “DON’T DO IT” aka abstinence-only BS, but actual education on sex, safe sex and maturation process of each gender. No games, no JEEBUS BLAH-BLAH, it should be only – this a rubber, this is your penis, this is how to use it! This is what can happen if you don’t use it……then show a picture of a drunken & spent Brittany Spears.

    You have to love her built-in porn name! And it will be put to use someday very soon….

  28. Von,

    You attribute views to me which are not mine.

  29. donviti says:

    but Jeebus loves me

  30. anon says:

    then show a picture of a drunken & spent Brittany Spears.

    link please

  31. Von Cracker says:

    Not saying you follow the Abstinence-only crap…but you did mention about informing, though not in a truly educational sense….

  32. Von Cracker says:

    Anon – if you can’t find one out there in the ether….then there’s no help for your internet skilz! 😉

  33. anon says:

    well if Brittany is played out, we’ll just have to go down to the mall and find another one.

  34. Von Cracker says:

    Well according to plenty of Jeebus’ so-called followers – he doesn’t like trim, since he was never married and therefore, following the LOGIC, never had a piece of the proverbial pie.

    It’s sad, you know, with all that divine power I’m sure his skills would’ve made Ron Jeremy appear to be like a two-pump chump!

  35. feralkid says:

    “the Newborn Baby Ward and a fertilization clinic chock-full of fertilized eggs.”

    There would be no godless “fertilization clinics” if conservatives could clean house. (BTW, God already made the best environment for conception: the womb.)

    And, thus, without a room full of unethical human experiments, your “choice” could not exist in a moral world.

    Nonetheless, it’s clearly a daunting problem you’ve invented, and unlike a liberal, I couldn’t just throw other people’s money at it.

  36. donviti says:

    you are a pussy Feral. Can’t answer the question

  37. feralkid says:

    Fine. I’m a pussy.

    You’re an anus, you fat little wop.

  38. donviti says:

    when it comes down to it, you are like all the rest.

    I’ll answer VC’s question.

    I’d save the kids and not the fertilized eggs. BECAUSE THEY ARE EGGS NOT PEOPLE.

    you don’t answer the question which is so pathetic, yet not surprising….

  39. feralkid says:

    I don’t answer questions not grounded in reality.

    Speaking of which, here’s more spine than you’ll ever have:


    (warning: graphic)

  40. donviti says:

    apparently you do based on how you have approached this entire thread my boy

    simple question you refuse to answer. You have been exposed for what you are.

  41. anon says:

    hey Geek, let’s send all tinyurls to democrats.org…

  42. feralkid says:

    The question was designed to deny equal humanity to one group and force a ranking.

    How about this one:

    In a burning house is donviti or his grandmother. Who do I save?

  43. anon says:

    The question was designed to deny equal humanity to one group and force a ranking.

    Pregnancy does the same thing.

  44. feralkid says:

    Oops, I forgot. Reproduction is just a conspiracy to keep women down.

  45. Von Cracker says:

    He won’t answer because it’s proves that one has more ‘value’ than the other, which in turn, destroys Feral’s argument.

    He can’t decide when life begins, so he’ll just, like most GOP issues, go to the extreme and play it off as being the norm or standard.

    What most people do is take the cynical approach: It’s not true unless there is sufficient evidence to prove otherwise (unless it’s about a SkyDad, which, to me, is just a high-form of exceptionalism, you know…humans are too kick-ass just to die and be no more; there HAS to BE SOMETHING ELSE!!!). But not folks like Feral; they’d rather wish it was so and pretend that it is…..

    Nice deflection though, FK; you should consider a career as a GOP press secretary! …”We won’t comment on a hypothetical…”

  46. Von Cracker says:

    easy answer – DonViti. His grandmama had her long life.

    Sorry Don!

  47. feralkid says:

    Or better yet, pick which of your relatives get to live or die.




    Come on.


  48. liberalgeek says:

    If Feral is a pussy, does that make him a feral cat?

    And, no, I won’t redirect tinyurls to a dem site. He wants to make his points that way, fine. We know how he operates. I just don’t want to see him bitching when donviti posts a picture of a veteran.

    I suspect that I have a threshold for censorship, but I ain’t there yet.

  49. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and Feral, I choose the mono-zygotic relatives, if I must choose.

  50. feralkid says:

    “I just don’t want to see him bitching when donviti posts a picture of a veteran.”

    I’ll make my address available to anyone I post a picture of, if donviti will do the same.

  51. Have a great weekend, I am still eternally hopeful for all children, born and unborn.

    My oldest son will be a Dr. in 4 months and when he did his OB/Gyn rotation he mentioned the magiacal part of the APGAR test where you get to do an evaluation of a newborn. The first person to hold an infant, he said it changed his view of children forever.

  52. donviti says:

    thanks VC!

    and you are a still a pussy Feral.

    Von Cracker smacked you around plain and simple

  53. R Smitty says:

    OK, I’m playing and I am not a go-along to play-along party guy, either. I have a mind (one that is God fearing…get over it) of a free will…

    There would be no godless “fertilization clinics” if conservatives could clean house. (BTW, God already made the best environment for conception: the womb.)

    The paint brush is stroking wide and thick here and I despise that (as Jason has come to know about me). You closed-minded bastard. What about couples who can’t conceive for one reason or another? I guess God hates them, hence their condition and they are sinners for utilizing the one way that can allow them to conceive?

    I’ll give you slack in that I don’t think you meant it that way, but think before you stink.

    This is why people sitting on the extremes of left and right (and lib and con) can never work things out. Everything is so freaking black and white in those worlds. Dare to see colors for once.


    DV – this is officially my GRRRRR moment.

  54. feralkid says:

    “What about couples who can’t conceive for one reason or another? I guess God hates them, hence their condition and they are sinners for utilizing the one way that can allow them to conceive?”

    Who says conception is in the cards for everyone? Maybe God has other plans for such folks. You’re supposed to be “open to children”, not petulantly entitled, nor desperate to the point of mental instability or unhappiness.

    If in-vitro is okay, God certainly didn’t intend for it to be done shotgun-style-medical-Vegas gambling. Eggs should remain unfertilized until use, each one processed and implanted individually.

    And donviti, you’re not just an anus. You’re a goatse!

  55. R Smitty says:

    Who says conception is in the cards for everyone? Maybe God has other plans for such folks. You’re supposed to be “open to children”, not petulantly entitled, nor desperate to the point of mental instability or unhappiness.
    (I see your following paragraph, but settling here)

    WOW….so I can then conclude from that logic that any medical advance beyond what was known 2000 years ago must be an abomination. How is that an example like I gave before can’t possibly be God-willing?

    Free will, brother, free will.

    This, of course, is intended to be answered by FK. I’m pretty sure what I’d expect otherwise. 🙂

  56. R Smitty says:

    Damn it! I tried to update my comment, but it FAILED! Here is the actual comment I tried to run with:

    Who says conception is in the cards for everyone? Maybe God has other plans for such folks. You’re supposed to be “open to children”, not petulantly entitled, nor desperate to the point of mental instability or unhappiness.
    (I see your following paragraph, but settling here)

    ….so I can then conclude from that logic that any medical advance beyond what was known 2000 years ago must be an abomination. How is it not possible for the example I gave in the previous comment be God-willing? Sorry, I just don’t buy the concept is an abomination. Some uses of it? Possibly, but I’m not condemning what I do not know.

    Free will, brother, free will.

    This, of course, is intended to be answered by FK. I’m pretty sure what I’d expect otherwise. 🙂

    (I picture the authors of DeLib clawing their eyes out over this part of the discussion)

  57. feralkid says:

    “….so I can then conclude from that logic that any medical advance beyond what was known 2000 years ago must be an abomination. How is it not possible for the example I gave in the previous comment be God-willing? Sorry, I just don’t buy the concept is an abomination. Some uses of it? Possibly, but I’m not condemning what I do not know.”

    It’s not that you’re ignorant. It’s just that so much of what you think you know just isn’t so. Liberals are notoriously bad at understanding medical ethics. You like to invent all the what-ifs to avoid the carnage of what-is.

    Clear and simple: the procedural shortcuts and waste that result in destruction of human life are abominations.

    I fully believe in contraception…that is *preventing* conception, whether it be common sense, or more pharmaceutical or mechanical in nature. However, once sperm and egg shake hands and the body accepts it in the wall of the uterus, then there are things in motion that require one to denigrate human life in order to change the outcome. The boundary of “when” is simply an interpretative rationalization. The only definitive boundary is really before sperm and egg met.

  58. Von Cracker says:

    So all those college students who got busted for underage drinking at 20 and a half years old should have their convictions overturned and the fines returned…you know ’cause they were really 21….

    “Liberals are notoriously bad at understanding medical ethics.”

    …any proof of this or do you just wish it were so because it would make you feel better about yourself?

    Political conservatism and religiosity does not equate in any sort of way to Medical ethics, idiot.

  59. feralkid says:

    The legal drinking age has been such a smashing success in the first place, I’ll reserve my comments on where to draw it. It’s like putting a fresh coat of paint on the sign that says “Welcome to Chernobyl!”

    I would feel better if all liberals to massively die off from STDs. No, not “better”….amused….that’s the word I was looking for.

    Political liberalism and lack of morality/religiousity does not equate in any sort of way with scientific proof that what one does is free of ethical issues, retard.

  60. Von Cracker says:


    Your rage is affecting your ability to make any sense. And wanting people to die, especially fellow Americans, Patriot, is not a rational or a moral response, no matter what the political affiliation.

    All this, and you’re questioning someone’s ethics? Funny.

  61. feralkid says:

    STDs are earned. I encourage you to earn them, quickly and efficiently.

  62. Von Cracker says:

    Do you want someone to feel your pain? Is that it?

  63. anon says:

    I think socons are at greater risk from STDs (Vitter/Foley/Craig/Haggard…)

    Something about socons makes them dive right into the seamy side of life.

    Or is it that guilt over their attraction to the seamy side turns them into socons? Chicken and egg, I never could figure it out.

    Check your closet, FK.

  64. feralkid says:

    Nothing but your sister in there.