You heard it hear first

Filed in National by on January 8, 2008

I’d hate to interupt the awesome Blow Job Obama is getting from the MSM but….. is it for a reason?

Isn’t there a reason they are trying to TANK Edwards?  The guy finished 2nd place in Iowa for God’s sake, he doing well in NH and he barely gets mentioned when the talk about the Dems is carried on.

                     Obama’s message is Bipartisanship and we need to get along

 and           Edwards’s message is fight the gready corporations.

Has everyone fucking forgotten that NBC, MSNBC is owned by GE?  YOU KNOW THEY MAKE BOMBS and are behind the push for Nuclear Energy right? 

 WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE….this is still the MSM

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    I hope we don’t have an Obama hangover… there’s a lot of hype going on right now.

    Compromise, bi-partisanship, an end to “partisan bickering” – those are rightwing frames the Republicans are using to run from the fact they screwed up this country. If you like Reid and Pelosi you’re gonna love Obama.

    I admit I haven’t seen a lot of Obama speeches but I went to his website and didn’t find shit about the economy.

    Yes, there is an Edwards blackout. Same old.

  2. disbelief says:

    The GOP thinks it has its best chance against Obama. Vested interests, such as GE, owner of many news sources, might be pushing for Obama in the hopes of getting the GOP in the White House another four years. Kind of like why Delaware GOP is pushing Carney; the weakest link.

  3. anon says:

    If we get an early win for Obama that will help the GOP pick McCain, because McCain will hammer Obama on foreign policy and fear.

    So Obama will have to pick a VP with foreign policy chops (Hello Joe Biden!)

    And oh crap, with a President Obama will we need people like Chris Dodd to filibuster Democratic bills?

  4. G Rex says:

    I like Glenn Beck’s take on this; Barack Obama is like a Toyota Prius. You buy one because of what it says about you as a person, not because you want to save the planet. White GOPers will vote for Obama because they can look in the mirror and tell themselves they’re not racists after all, and white Dems can tell themselves how progressive they are.

  5. G Rex says:

    Oh, and it’s also Oprah showing George Soros who the real power player is.

  6. Von Cracker says:

    We’ll see about the Obama-caused Fear Mongering.

    One issue that hasn’t received much play from the Corporate Media is the idiotic “Is America Ready for a Black President?” tripe.

    It hasn’t been an issue up to and even after Iowa. So when you soon hear it echoing through the Sunday Talk Show circuit, on the covers of the weeklies, and the GOP internet trumpets the bogus talking points (like blacks are going to riot if Obama loses the General), you know then that the GAME IS ON!

    It will be the last card the GOP/Texxon can play….riling the Unseemly Base, Southern Style.

    “Obama, Call Me!”….says the blonde prom queen

    ….I’d still rather have Edwards as the nominee, but Barack will do nicely….

  7. Von Cracker says:

    Glen Beck is a bigot and had ZERO credibility.

    …he’s afraid to say what he really thinks (or, more likely, what he was told to frame) about the issue, so he comes up with an idiotic Chicken or the Egg analogy.

  8. cassandra m says:

    Glenn Beck’s take is just more of the usual repub impugning of motives when you can’t quite figure out how to engage on issues.

    Beck is a stone idiot.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Now we gonna fight, Donviti. You can put all the deformed veterans you want, but when you start going all “Liz Allen” on my candidate, It’s On!

    I like Edwards, but I prefer Obama. Perhaps his position statement on using fiscal v. monetary policy to stimulate the economy is light. His message can start to get us out of the Bullshit that we have gotten to.

    Remember, Edwards let himself get bullied just like Kerry and Hillary to vote for the war auth. Granted Obama didn’t have to vote on it, but he took a stand against it before any of them. And he has cast it in terms that make sense. “I’m not against war, I’m against DUMB WARS.” That’s the sentiment I can get behind.

  10. Karl Rove says:

    Please trash Obama for us.


  11. donviti says:

    Hey, I’m just saying and you all freaking know it. You put your dicks in the glory hole and when the wall fell over you realized what was tugging on the other end.

    Don’t be all gaga is what I’m saying.

  12. anon says:

    Obama has the cleanest hands on the war, true. But by election time the biggest issue will be the economy, not purity on the war.

    I am assuming Obama and Edwards will both start winding down the war, Edwards maybe even a little faster. So I have to choose on the economy, not the war. And on the economy I prefer Edwards.

    But as Cracker said, Barack will do nicely too. Either way we win.

  13. donviti says:

    so basically anon and VC,

    you went to the bar, found a hot chick, hit on her she turned you down, but her fat friend slobbered on your shoulder so you settled?

    Awesome! I love a democracy in action

  14. anon says:

    We’re from Delaware. We’re not even in the bar.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    As Ted Haggard once said: “Oh well, a mouth’s a mouth.”

    It’s better getting laid than just taking your balls and going home so you can play world of warcraft with all the College Republicans until dawn! 🙂

    Again, if Edwards is still in the race by the time the DE primary comes around, he’ll have my vote….in the meantime; I’ll keep making arguments for his nomination.

  16. G Rex says:

    “Glenn Beck’s take is just more of the usual repub impugning of motives when you can’t quite figure out how to engage on issues. Beck is a stone idiot.”

    Irony, thy name is Cassandra.

  17. donviti says:

    beck is a stone idiot G

  18. The GOP should be happy. Should Obama be the nominee, the GOP will have another four years.

  19. anon says:

    Mike M. you are just saying that to get over on Christine.

  20. donviti says:

    Get over? or Get on?

  21. G Rex says:

    Don V, the point is that the entire Dem field is running on the same platform, so you have to differentiate between them based on something other than the issues. The same is true, to a lesser degree, on the GOP side, but at least there are legislative and/or administrative records to point to. Now that Biden’s out, the only candidate with a record to run on is Richardson, and nobody’s paying attention to him.

  22. donviti says:


    read my lips and say it with me. Beck is an idiot. rush limbaugh without the oxycontin

  23. G Rex says:

    Funny how an idiot managed to sell 10 times as many books as Barack Obama…

  24. cassandra m says:

    the point is that the entire Dem field is running on the same platform

    If you haven’t been paying attention (which, I suppose, is a given if you are listening to Glen Beck), I guess you can make this point. Especially since the entire repub field is busily working on who can ratchet up both the fear factor and the belligerence factor.

    DV, how do you know Beck is without the drug enhancement? He seems to have the permanent addlement of someone who is all to familiar with living via enhanced chemistry.

  25. John Feroce says:

    “The GOP should be happy. Should Obama be the nominee, the GOP will have another four years.”

    There’s a lot of truth to this statement.

    Clintons don’t forgive and forget. They will have their people back Bloomberg and Obama will be history.

  26. Arthur Downs says:

    Has everyone fucking forgotten that NBC, MSNBC is owned by GE? YOU KNOW THEY MAKE BOMBS and are behind the push for Nuclear Energy right?

    The above angry words are the mark of an idiot.

    What kinds of bombs does GE make? Quite a few moonbats have implied that big, bad GE is a major defense contractor.

    Decades ago, GE was a player and had acquired RCA. RCA was into consumer products and had a defense operation (primarily radar) at Moorestown. RCA is now only a label on imports. The GE defense sector was sold to Martin Marietta and then merged with Lockheed. There old CRT plant in Syracuse NY now is involved with continued production of the SQQ-89 Sonar for the Navy and Moorstown makes the AEGIS Radar system. GE has nothing to do with these major systems and handles a lot of financial paper for department stores.

    How can moonbats be so ignorant?

    GE is more into financial services and entertainment than anything else.

  27. cassandra m says:

    GE is #12 on the list of Top 100 Defense Contractors

    They make engines for fighter planes, embedded computer solutions, power systems and they are still a designer and builder of nuclear power reactors. It was on their behalf that BushCo wants so badly to trade nuclear technology to India — the people who have not signed the NPT.

    Perhaps they do not make bombs, as DV noted, but they most assuredly are part of the BushCo Leave No Defense Contractor Behind program.

  28. Al Mascitti says:

    GRex: Actually, Obama outranks him on Amazon, which is harder to fool that the best-seller lists. But even if Beck sold more books, more of the people who bought Obama’s actually read them.

  29. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    On Feb. 5th my vote goes to Edwards!!!!

    BTY DV…enough of the fat girl insults.

  30. donviti says:


    I promise I will abide….my apologies

  31. donviti says:

    Thanks Cassandra for the “bitch” slap on Arthur

    No offense of course… i’ve done my share of offending

    the DV abides

  32. donviti says:

    if the mark of a person not being an idiot is by how many books they sell then explain L. Ron Hubbard

  33. G Rex says:

    I concede the point, Don V.