Breaking: Levin Not Running (No, Really)

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 17, 2008

WDEL is reporting that Alan Levin has decided not to run.  Jason, you are a mensch.

h/t A Dem operative friend


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  1. anon says:

    Run, Dave, run!!

  2. Anony says:

    interesting, i heard from sources close to his family that it was almost definite that he was GOING to run.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Or U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”

  4. Sagacious Steve says:

    Or Lovin’ Spoonful’s “Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?”

  5. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    Proving once again….he has more sense than the politicos.

  6. anon says:

    Protack has done the GOP a favor; they just don’t know it yet. Strine sounded panicky when asked if he had another candidate. He’s probably on the phone with Michele Rollins right now.

  7. disbelief says:

    What about the pizza delivery dude?

  8. Annie says:

    Hey, do you think people would listen FINALLY to Judge Lee???????????
    One mo’ time!

  9. disbelief says:

    Don’t think a re-run of the oldest Dewey Party Boy is gonna’ fly.

    Prince Johnny Still?

    Ooh!!! Atkins!!!

  10. anon says:

    Listen to the Strine audio; they need somebody self-funded.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    By the way, still nothing over at FSP. It’s the proverbial crickets chirping over there.

    On another note, do any of you think that Protack scared Levin away?

  12. Selander says:

    Alan Loudell has an interview with him during the News at Noon here at WDEL. Happy days indeed for Dems. – Selander

  13. Belt Way Boys says:

    Copeland for Gov !

  14. Sagacious Steve says:

    I wonder if they put the full-court press back on Charlie Copeland. After all, in Delaware, there’s no self-funding like duPont Family self-funding…

  15. jason330 says:

    What a day for my internets tubes to be clogged all morning.


  16. liz allen says:

    Jason you da man! You called it, when most professional pundits continued to wish and hope! While the reign of terror of the Bush regime rages on….any republican joining in now, would have to completely overhaul the republican party, before they could even think about a serious candidacy. With the stock market going down, housing crash, credit card companies fraud, and more on the horizon…the closer we get to voting day….the less chance any repubican can win.

    Perhaps the Party should do a restructing from the top down, and get back to its real republican roots. boot the neo cons and crazies!

  17. donviti says:

    “another one bites the dust”

  18. disbelief says:

    No one listed to my theories before, but…

    Don’t waste the time, effort and money on the big races. As Liz pointed out, the State GOP is f*cked and getting more f*ckederer every day.

    Look to the House and County goverment. Start a real grass roots campaign at a local level, dump the ‘big picture’ leadership, and essentially go to guerilla warfare tactics run by local leaders who have credibility.

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Dis, I think you are right. There are a lot of other battles that we can fight. Hopefully, with the Republicans in shambles, we can parlay that into some new seats for Dems, and even get rid of some DINO’s. I’m looking at you Gomez!

  20. anon. says:

    Remember you heard from me first, Burris had a phone conversation with the NJ today and is considering a run for Govenor. No joke!!

  21. anon says:

    That is Greek tragedy.

  22. disbelief says:

    I think Burris’ best bet is talking to Castle and saying, “How about letting some younger blood take a shot at it, dude.”

  23. G Rex says:

    What, no liveblog on RAM’s state of denial address? It sounded like Carney wrote it for her, but unfortunately wasn’t there to help her with the big words.

  24. jason330 says:

    RAM is a terrible speaker – but the really horrible part is that she is just as bad today as when she was first elected.

    I mean c’mon!! Take a class…buy a video…for god’s sake crack a book on public speaking. You are the freaking governor!!


  25. Tyler Nixon says:

    I heard Jack Markell is going to avoid the backstabbing bloodbath that will be the Democratic Gub primary….by switching parties to run as a Republican.

    Jack should ask himself, which do I really want to be more : the Democratic Nominee for Governor or the Governor?

    He would kill Carney in a general.

  26. jason330 says:

    That’s odd. I heard the same thing about John Carney.

  27. Tyler Nixon says:

    What, that Carney would kill Carney in a general?

    Imagine the consternation amongst Jack’s Democratic backers. I guess we would find out who really “backs Jack”.

  28. G Rex says:

    That one I find a bit hard to believe, Tyler. I’d like to believe it, mind you, but why risk going against a state where voters pull the “D” lever out of sheer instinct? Besides, he should beat Carney in the primary anyway.

  29. anonomous says:

    Jack will not switch. After all, why should he?

    So far today, the conversation has come up with 4 registered republicans that all stated they want to change to be Democrats to vote in the primary. The Delaware Democratic party will now grow significantly due to Markell, who is doing an incredible job at broadening the umbrella so that more people come in.

    Change is on its way, with many new Dem registrations to vote for the best choice in the primary, JACK MARKELL!!!

    All you displaced Republicans that have been let down, you can join re-register to change party from Feb. 5th until the end of March to have a choice for Delaware’s governor in the Democratic primary.

    Vote for Jack in the primary, because he will make Delaware do much better for all of us!!!

  30. anon. says:

    I told you so! Check out FSP. I broke the story three hours ago right here at DL.

  31. Tyler Nixon says:

    G – my skills at satire must not be up to par…

    In all seriousness I think your analysis is probably spot-on.

    Good call anon!