Worst Person in Delaware Vol. 1 #2

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 26, 2008

Another tough week to pick just three. Tom Carper was going to make the list this week with his Bush telecom criminal loving FISA vote, but his last guest post gave us the impression that he really means business. (Aside to Tom Carper: I hope you enjoyed the case of Scotch. Please let me know how I can be any further service to you Sir.)

Anyway, here are this week’s winners.

Worse: Unnamed Taser Happy NCC Police Officer

Some people go into police work because they like to play the bad ass. They like bossing people around and get off on the fact that they can shoot people. This type of cop seems to be at work in the NCC police force as we found out this week that while searching for an armed sex offender an unnamed cop found a 19 year old Smyrna HS student listening to his iPod. And oh yeah, he was wearing clothing that resembled the sex offender.

This student, who had the audacity to be dressed in clothing, ignored police commands. Which means the macho cop came up behind him, because I don’t care how thick your teenage carapace of cool is, or how much your rocking out on your iPod to Korn, you are going to notice a cop coming at you with his taser out and his dog ready to bite you.

Long story short, after tasing and allowing the police dog to bite this bystander another suspect was arrested and charged in the rape about an hour later.


Police have apologized to the student. All better.


Charlie Copeland makes the list again. This week we found out that Copeland is either lying and was a party to the discussions aimed at killing off the wind power deal by bringing the final deliberations into the legislature OR he is a big pussy who got rolled by the majority leader.

Either way he tossed his constituents (and the state really) under the bus making him the first back to back Worst Person in Delaware list maker.


Who could not see this coming…. Thurman Adams. Yes he may have strong-armed Copeland into becoming a Wind Power foe, but that is just the tip of a giant iceberg of malfeasance.

It seems Adams said that he would talk about the FOIA bill (SB-4) in the Democratic Caucus in January. The last January caucus time comes and goes and Adams is all “say what?”

Anyway, no SB-4 discussion in the Dem caucus so the only way SB-4 is getting out of committee for a vote is by petition from the Senate.

This is bad news for OOGA people since it would take eleven signatures to force it out and Bruce Ennis could be a crucial swinger. (First time Ennis was ever called that I’ll wager.) Bottom line: I’m not jumping up and down in anticipation.

So let’s tally it up.

– Adams strong arms Copeland (maybe/probably) into being against wind power and for Gary Stockbridge’s insatiable greed.

-Adams says his constituents are so stupid that they don’t WANT to know what is going on in Leg Hall, but
– Adams says he is going to let SB-4 out of committee, and then

– Adams says “screw this open government shit.”

Making Thurman Adams the WORST PERSON IN DELAWARE.

Congrats Thurman !

I have your framed certificate sitting in my desk drawer.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (20)

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  1. John Feroce says:

    “…19 year old Smyrna HS student listening to his iPod.”

    Why do we have 19 yr old HS students?

  2. jason330 says:

    Maybe he spent a year in France with AFS?

  3. John Feroce says:

    “Maybe he spent a year in France with AFS?”

    Maybe :-/

  4. Publius says:

    Hero John Feroce-

    You are a 20 on the relative scale of gender.

    Please party member, do not debate the democriminals! They are wolves! They are not part of the Glorious Conservative Cultural Revolution; they could never understand the sophistication of ideas from our party organs like Hero Rush Limbaugh or Hero Bill O’Reily who always tell the truth, always- the Heroes whose ideas shine like a sun burning up the democommie LIES and DECPETIONS.

    You are right Hero John Feroce, it is good to use tasers liberally on our kids and also old people once they are no longer of use to the Republican Central Party Organization (RCPO); have you tried it yet? The electrical shock gives teenage brains a much needed stimulation and as the Party Central Committee says “a shock a day keeps old age away.”

    How could these democriminals possibly understand this? They would never understand our more complex ideas like “spreading peace and domestic tranquility through inhumanity” or how such slogans are really a humane because they keep the proles in their place.

    Party Member and Hero John Feroce- keep up the good work! Tasers for all.

  5. John Feroce says:

    Who said anything about tasers?

    I was pointing out that we “have 19 yr old HS students” – that’s kind of odd.

  6. Publius says:

    Hero John Feroce-

    Now I understand, you are a special agent of the Central Party Organization Committee (CPOC)! How is Party Hero Leader Jan Ting?

    We should have extracted his DNA and made a clone to work in our Central Party Factory from his 6th birthday until his 86th birthday. This would have been much better for him. Ha ha ha. 19 years old at school! This clearly shows his Epsilon doubleungood public education, and marks him forever as an Untermensch.

    No need to bother with these Democommies party member, we sure have told them. We do not want to stay on this site too long with these left deviationists, or aberrant doubleungoodthinkers. They could infect us.

    Keep up the good work party member.

  7. liz allen says:

    iNFECT YOU! you are infected, affected and do a great job at deflection….GRAND OLE PARTY= GRAND OLE PERVERTS GOING DOWN FOR THE COUNT.

  8. cassandra m says:

    I have your framed certificate sitting in my desk drawer.

    You should really do this. Make up certificates, frame them up in a real desk drawer, and send the awardee the picture.

  9. PI says:

    Thurman deserves the recognition, but please don’t leave out his cohort, Tony DeLuca. DeLuca has taken hold of the reins of power with such a grip I don’t think you could blast him loose. Tom Sharp lives in the body of Tony DeLuca…..yuk!

  10. publius says:

    “iNFECT YOU! you are infected, affected and do a great job at deflection….GRAND OLE PARTY= GRAND OLE PERVERTS GOING DOWN FOR THE COUNT.”

    Dear Female Demonazi,

    Please refer to Subsection A of the Thought Criminal Acts and see your violations; She-Wolf. Know that your democommie chatter will not persuade me to join you in your Great-Society-New-Deal fascist pogrom. I am a proud organ of the Glorious Conservative Cultural Revolution. Deviated Pervert, Metrosexual Democriminals will meet Hero Mukasey’s re-eduation chambers soon at the Ministry of Peace and Love; becuase Hero Carper has joined us and he brought along all the people in your DLC under the Broad Banner of “Managed Collectivism, Power & Stability FOREVER”- A Glorious slogan from our DLC brothers and sisters.

    Once again proving that the DLC fooled all of you Civil Liberty Hugging progresso-nazis.

  11. Rebecca says:

    Senator Adams wouldn’t understand cassandra. Or he’d get all upset and have Senator Veneables pray about it.

  12. publius says:

    “Tom Sharp lives in the body of Tony DeLuca!”

    Enough said, evil metrosexual demohitlers.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    “evil metrosexual demohitlers”

    Never expressed so eloquently….

    …The spirit of the fat nepoteat-suckler, Jonah Goldberg is strong in this one…..

  14. publius rocks! I just knew some supremely creative people were sitting around the compound.

    Remember DeLuca-gate? The was Minner’s trip with DeLuca to Australia to fetch the going rate that the Aussies would pony up to purchase our toll roads. Nice.

    Some adventurous soul should dig back and expose who travels with Minner and how much it costs us. Her McDowell-gate to the Netherlands comes to mind. And there was the obscene trip to the Carribean that legis stuck on our tab that Dana Garrett exposed some time ago.

  15. publius says:

    Party File: Hero Jonah Goldberg

    Party Member: R in good standing

    Committees: RPOC, CPOC, CPCO, RPSP

    He is a Hero but lower leader publicspeak confutalk organ Alpha.

    He would never be seen with a Demonazi.

    He said on TV, much to our objection, “[my book] is part of our Glorious Conservative Cultural Revolution’s ‘Plan to Control the Proles.’ We take their minds through our Fox organ, and books like mine, we control all else through the other Beta organs within the government to ensure our development and growth.” And by doing so, he revealed our plans with the DLC. He was penalized.

    Now, Democriminals this is your final warning join the Glorious Conservative Cultural Revolution or meet Hero Mukasey and Hero Bill Kristol and Hero Paul Wolfowitz who will stand above you at in the re-education chamber.

    Like the Party says, “if you want to see the future imagine a boot stepping on a human face, FOREVER.” One cannot go against the will of the party or its many organs.

    You metrosexual demohitlers should know your place. Got it dipshits.

  16. nemski says:

    Was the kid who was tasered dressed like a black kid? Just wondering.

  17. Dana Garrett says:


    Do you condemn McDowell for his part in trying to destroy the prospect of wind energy coming to Delaware?

  18. liz allen says:

    Publius: sounds like “Armageddon Alex” who speaks on Watson’s show with this “alien speak”.

  19. publius says:

    Dear Female Democommie,

    I do not know what you are referring to but I recognize a islamofasiguts code in your words. Continue, but know, I hope you like wearing orange and flip-flops.

    Hero Mukasey can deal with you if you get out of line.

    I am an Alpha, I am from the Ministry of Truth, we are here to help you. We are here to welcome you to your Brave New World.

    It is not to late to for you to become a hero of the Glorious Conservative Cultural Revolution.

    The offer may not come again. Only minor re-education would be needed.

  20. Fuck you Dana. Are you still busying yourself with the crap that comes out of Charles Potter and Al Mascitti that I am some kind of McDowell tool?
    Any sane person would read my term “McDowell-gate’ as referring to my disapproval of his obstructionist stand on off-shore wind. Was it so difficult to interpret DeLuca-gate as disapproval of Delaware solving the De DOT TTF depletion by the sale or lease of a toll road? Answer me that.
    Sheesh. You are always harping on your IQ. I challenge your common sense. Two different animals.