Superbowl Predic[k]tions

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 1, 2008

I just saw this excellent link on HuffPo and it reminded me that I wanted to shoot out a post to discuss the Superbowl, as it is the narcotic of the masses.

My prediction is a repeat of the 1986 Superbowl (Chicago v. New England).  That year, N.E. got all of us excited that they were going to make a game out of it when they went down the field and scored in the first 90 seconds of the game.  That was pretty much the end of it.  I think that will be the same thing here.  NY will make a game out of it for a drive or two and then Brady et al will put on a clinic for the rest of the game.


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  1. JohnnyX says:

    If recent history is any indicator, the Patriots will win the game by exactly 3 points…hehe

    At the very least, I think the point spread (I think it’s like 12?) is way too much, especially considering how close the Giants came to beating the Patriots in week 17. Then again, who knows if that means anything now.

    Honestly I’m an Eagles fan so I could give a crap about who wins, but for the sake of making a pick I’ll say take the points:
    Pats – 34
    G-Men – 28

  2. jason330 says:

    Agree 100% w/ liberal geek. Patriots blow out. Boring ass game. Enjoy the guacamole.

  3. R Smitty says:

    What’s really pissing me off about this is I’ve been seeing commercials for a pre-game red carpet show hosted by Verne Troyer, I mean Ryan Secrest. The game has been getting less tolerable over the years, now that’s been added. Thank God I’ll be at Jason’s drinking beer while he’s building his deck.

  4. Puzzler says:

    Jason –

    In 86′ the two teams matched up like David and Goliath. The Bears defense was, to that point, the biggest, fastest, most violent group ever seen. They also had Sweetness, and a good, workmanlike O-line and quarterback.

    I don’t have a dog in this fight. But The Giants’ defense is, physically, very impressive. NE is one of those teams that knows how to win and finds a way. They’ll probably find a way tomorrow- But I hope you haven’t bet money on a blowout.

  5. jason330 says:

    I only put money on games involving thr Eagles, and a wise man once told me that “you’ll never lose money betting against the Eagles.”

  6. Dana says:

    This is one of those games where I’d like to see both teams win: the Patriots for their streak, and the Giants just so Peyton Manning stops being the Manning in every freaking commercial!

    And Jason, that wise man wasn’t very wise! The Eagles are good at two things: losing games they should win, and beating the spread in games they should lose.