Obama Coverage Report Card

Filed in National by on February 4, 2008

Delaware State News: Drew Volturo A

Volturo got straight to the heart of the speech and got the numbers right. He found some people from Milford and got some great quotes from them.

Wilmington News Journal: Beth Miller C

Miller’s story was good – but her editors killed her with the crazily misleading banner headline: 16,000 people ? WTF – WILLIAMS. GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS!

Delaware Grapevine: Celia Cohen B

Celia turned in a workmanlike column. She got the numbers right and had a good sense of the vibe. (In other words she didn’t say that it was ten hippies – which, frankly I was expecting) Her one error. She said that Obama had kind words for Tom Carper. That was news to me and I had a pretty good spot. I did hear Obama talking up Biden – but didn’t hear any kind words for Carper.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. disbelief says:

    What the hell is this quote from Celia? “People in Delaware dance with the ones who ask them. The state is so small, so resigned to being overlooked, that the voters fall for whoever gives them a sidelong glance, the bat of an eye.”

    What are we? A bunch of stage audio visual club members sitting along the gym wall either wishing we were donviti or wishing he would ask us to dance?

    Based on Celia’s theory, Protack would have been elected King-for-life a decade ago.

  2. Al Mascitti says:

    He did say something nice about Carper working to bridge the divide between Ds and Rs in the Senate. Backhanded compliment, perhaps, though in the context of someone who says he wants to bridge that divide, maybe just a plain old compliment.

  3. Sagacious Steve says:

    Al’s right. It was obligatory, and the ratio of Obama’s Carper to Biden praise was about 1 to 10, but it was there.

  4. jason330 says:

    Good point Dis.

    As for Carper – I must have coughed at the exact wrong (or right) time.

  5. jason330 says:


    Sorry about the “dead tree” centrism of this post. I’ll remedy that with an update.

  6. Pandora says:

    Just got back from helping out at the Obama Orange Street Headquarters. Is there such a thing as too many volunteers??? Not a chance! The place was packed.

    I did hear the comment about Carper yesterday at the rally. What I didn’t hear was applause following. There was applause for Biden, however.

    Just put my Obama for President sign up. They have them at the Headquarters.

    Obama 2008!