Liveblogging the Potomac Primary #2

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008

the last thread got too long…


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  1. jason330 says:


  2. jason330 says:

    Okay I’m turning on the TV.

  3. jason330 says:

    Someone should throw rocks at cassandra’s window and get her to come out and play.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Gotta watch Buchanan on MSNBC

  5. nemski says:

    Some Clinton slogans:

    Where Do You Want Clinton To Go Today?

    Ding-Dong! Obama Calling!

    It’s Just For Me And My Clinton.

    It’s Different in a Clinton.

    Things Go Better with Clinton.

    Clinton Is Good For You.

    and the winner . . .

    Happiness is a Cigar Called Clinton.

  6. Joe M says:

    What the fuck is up with DC?

    I want numbers, goddamnit!

  7. nemski says:

    Again from the NYT:

    Here’s something to think about. As of the end of the year, Mrs. Clinton had actually raised more money in Virginia, Maryland and the District than Mr. Obama had raised. The totals include money from both individuals and political action committees, a.k.a. “special interests”: Mrs. Clinton: $11.8 million; Mr. Obama: $8.3 million.

  8. jason330 says:


  9. liberalgeek says:

    I heard a former Hillary Staffer saying that Hillary would need to sweep PA, TX and the other big one. Wine must be kicking in.

  10. donviti says:

    here is a number

    (picture me holding up a finger)

  11. nemski says:

    CNN says Obama is ahead of Clinton in the delegate count for the first time.

  12. jason330 says:

    DC has about 1,000 registered Republicans.

  13. nemski says:

    Mmm . . . wine

  14. Joe M says:

    Hey Don! Eat shit!

  15. liz allen says:

    I was supporting Edwards, he’s out…thought about Obama…didnt want Clinton…then I started researching Obama…and I have been saying for last few days….I am politically homeless…Obama has a lot of crap, which most people are unaware of….its all going to come out…and then he could be toast….thats all.

    I am still policitically homeless.

  16. donviti says:

    why is clinton all excited?

  17. nemski says:

    We’ve been trying to teach dv people skills. Sadly, it isn’t working.

  18. jason330 says:

    See, the rest of us are just witting around bullshitting and Nemski is out finind info.

    Good on ya!

  19. liberalgeek says:

    Hillary looks shaken and is everyone using U2 songs this year?

  20. donviti says:

    i have two hands up now for you

    guess what I’m typing with

  21. jason330 says:

    Tatoo from fantasy island just handed clinton flowers on MSNBC

  22. donviti says:

    what is finind?

    sounds kind of scandanavian

  23. liz allen says:

    cuz she has all the supers wating in the wings.

  24. nemski says:

    To answer ur question from earlier Jason, I think 62 – 48 is a big win, especially in a state that was suppose to be closer.

  25. donviti says:

    I think a cloud rains on liz everywhere she goes.

    sort of like Charlie brown

  26. donviti says:

    liz are you a homeless vet by chance too? Edwards would have really been your guy

  27. nemski says:

    Hey, does anyone know if there is a mercy rule in the primaries? I mean Obama will probably win 8 in a row. If this was a ping-pong match it would be over by now.

  28. Joe M says:

    “i have two hands up now for you

    guess what I’m typing with”

    Darn, I was going to continue with another insult, but I’m just too turned on to do it.

  29. nemski says:

    Loves the Clinton You Hate.

  30. donviti says:

    I thougth the mercy rule was 7-0 in ping pong and 11-1

  31. liz allen says:

    As Brokaw jjust said, “obama riding so high and so fast and may not have a clear idea…of whats coming his way”,

  32. donviti says:

    the hillary supporters remind me of Republican supporters, sort of blind to the real deal

  33. nemski says:

    Uh-oh, Nightline is doing Porn tonight: Porn Stars vs. Porn Pastors.

    Porn Pastors? Yeah, when I viewing porn, I want my pastor right there with me.

  34. donviti says:

    it’s not like Obama is stoned….

    Clinton was riding high for 8 months and HELLO
    she is getting her ass kicked right now Liz.

    you need a stiff one woman

  35. liberalgeek says:

    What did they call Presidential candidates that were doing well before we had rockstars?

  36. jason330 says:

    My TV is out. Damn you dish network!

    Keep me informed SVP.

  37. Joe M says:

    What’s a porn pastor?

  38. donviti says:

    Damn tweety just made a good point how Clinton has been trying to create opportunity for People like Obama. ouch

  39. nemski says:

    Found Fox News — I HATE KARL ROVE!!!!

  40. jason330 says:

    What did they call Presidential candidates that were doing well before we had rockstars?

    Marching band stars?

  41. donviti says:

    a porn pastor is code for a Catholic Priest or Ted Haggarty

  42. nemski says:

    Hillary is talking now.

  43. donviti says:

    good question geek. I got nothing yet

  44. nemski says:

    Why wear a shitty-brown ugly pant suit?

  45. liberalgeek says:

    …dressed in a striking monochromatic (brown) suit.

  46. donviti says:

    Spanish doesn’t roll off of her tongue at all…wow, so staged amn

  47. nemski says:

    Hillary is reading a list of her good friends. LOL.

  48. Joe M says:

    “Why wear a shitty-brown ugly pant suit?”

    Goes with the piss-colored one she was wearing yesterday.

  49. donviti says:

    I wonder if she is wearing her big underwear underneath. you know to go along with the everythings bigger in Texas theme

  50. nemski says:

    El Paso . . . where Obama passes Clinton.

  51. nemski says:

    BTW, Bill isn’t getting any tonight.

  52. liberalgeek says:

    My wife likes the outfit.

    Hillary sounds awful. She must have spent the day balling out staffers.

  53. donviti says:

    a lot less hat and a lot more cattle? don’t cattle shit all over the place?

  54. nemski says:

    . . . resist temptation . . . to make joke about balling . . . must resist

  55. donviti says:

    balling out staffers? isnt that Bills job?

  56. donviti says:

    that beautiful midget that licked my new Jimmy chu’s

  57. liberalgeek says:

    She is really playing up the latino vote. They are cheering anything she says.

    They must have spanish signs flashing “greencards for everyone”

  58. nemski says:

    How come Hillary doesn’t hear the fat lady singing?

  59. jason330 says:

    Clinton has been on everything. Obama not so much.

  60. donviti says:

    oh my she is grabbing her chest in a heart felt plea. OH PLEAAAASSeeeee

  61. liberalgeek says:

    She seems to be doing her Capt. Kirk impression.

  62. jason330 says:

    This stump speech sucks.

  63. donviti says:

    is she wearing that blue stone that Mexicans wear…what is that suff called?

    man how pathetic

  64. nemski says:

    Okay, I’d vote for Hillary over Huckabee.

  65. donviti says:

    LMAO the Mexicans are chearing for minimum wage.

    that’s just wrong

  66. nemski says:

    dv, did u hear that, hillary will give you a raise!

  67. Joe M says:

    Lame and cookie-cutter speech.

  68. nemski says:

    Why don’t the Latinos just join the Republican party and get it over with.

  69. nemski says:

    Well, we found something that Hillary sucks at.

  70. donviti says:

    11 minutes.

    SHE JUST TOTALLY STOLE Obama’s line that all citizens should get Congress’ health care..

    oh that is horrible

  71. liberalgeek says:

    MD polls close in 10 mins.

  72. Joe M says:

    She should be supporting American oil. They can start by extracting it from Bill’s hair.

  73. donviti says:

    you are going to need that money when WFF goes in the toilet nemski

  74. nemski says:

    I got an idea for jobs, why don’t the build a wall between Texas and the rest of the US.

  75. Rebecca says:

    Ya know, she’s just not likeable. Smart, experienced, lots of good stuff, but not likeable. I don’t want to be preached at, I want to be led.

  76. donviti says:

    THANK GOD!!!!!

  77. nemski says:

    Bet she voted for No Child Left Behind.

  78. nemski says:

    Spot on Rebecca

  79. nemski says:

    CNN still on.

  80. donviti says:

    good point that she didn’t mention the other contests. Bush Like to not mention the Past and look ahead.

    Denial baby, denial.

  81. donviti says:

    does rebecca want to be laid?

  82. jason330 says:

    The TV came back on but the wife just said, “I’m sick of her pie head” and changed over to MSNBC.

  83. liberalgeek says:

    Did anyone see Brokaw on The Daily Show?

  84. nemski says:

    cnn cutting away . . . thank god

  85. nemski says:

    from last night?

  86. donviti says:

    does brokaw have water balloons under his eyes?

  87. liberalgeek says:

    J- did you see the conversation that my wife and son had tonight?

  88. jason330 says:

    #92 No. was it on the last thread?

  89. liberalgeek says:

    N – Yes. He was pretty funny.

  90. donviti says:

    I don’t think Brokaw likes the questions he’s being asked

  91. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, It bears cutting and pasting. BRB w/ it.

  92. donviti says:

    andrea mitchell greenspan

    aka frog mouth

  93. donviti says:

    one more face lift and her eyes are on her forehead

  94. nemski says:

    Is Andrea Mitchell’s head attached to her body?

  95. liberalgeek says:

    Son(11): So the Dems are down to just 2?
    Wife: yes
    Son: and 2 on the Republican side?
    Wife: well 3…
    Son: yeah, Ron Paul. There were Ron Paul people at my school last Tuesday (school is a polling place). We were making fun of them.

  96. jason330 says:

    Clearly no poetry in El Paso 2 night.

  97. donviti says:

    what is the statute of limitations on “Breaking News”

  98. nemski says:

    From the NYT:

    D.C. Delays: The Board of Elections in the District tells the Associated Press that it will have no results until 10:30 p.m., even though the polls closed, as scheduled, at 8 p.m. (Keep those fingers crossed, NBC)

    Freaking idiots!

  99. donviti says:

    also is it breaking news when you know it’s coming?

  100. liberalgeek says:

    33 minutes to get to 100 comments. Wow.

  101. liberalgeek says:

    Polls closing. Obama wins.

  102. nemski says:

    Brokaw is saying that Hillary will need to be more aggressive. That’ll work out well, since she is so likeable.

  103. jason330 says:

    Wolf Blitzer on CNN right now:

    Obama wins MD picks up 99 delegates!

  104. nemski says:

    What’s the difference between a substantial win and a significant win?

  105. jason330 says:

    Sorry …99 is the total number on the dem side in MD

  106. Joe M says:

    “Clearly no poetry in El Paso 2 night.”

    I have a feeling poetry wouldn’t go over so well in El Paso.

    25% of the people would be saying “Whut the hay-ull is she talkin bout”?

    The other 75% would be saying, “Que?”

  107. donviti says:

    and I was number 69 on both threads…woohooo

    the hottest blogger baby

  108. nemski says:

    I wish Olbermann would just rip off Matthews head and shit down his neck.

  109. liberalgeek says:

    Nemski, we writers try not to overuse and single word, so you try to mix it up with different words. The exception to this rule is the word “suck.”

  110. nemski says:

    3 for 3. 8 in a row.

  111. jason330 says:

    I’m starting to think that Obama is going to be the nominee.

  112. donviti says:

    where did this “firewall” crap come from?

    that word has Clinton campaign talking point or something

  113. liberalgeek says:

    It’s the Rudy strategy.

  114. donviti says:

    ruh roh, women voters for Obama in Md


  115. nemski says:

    great news dv

  116. jason330 says:

    It’s the Rudy strategy.


    Great strategy Hill!

  117. donviti says:

    my dog sneezed on my keyboard

  118. donviti says:

    did you know that Gloria Steinam is the mother of that twirp on CNN

  119. nemski says:

    Gag. Buchanan is absolutely right. If Hillary doesn’t attack Obama, IT IS OVER!

  120. Joe M says:

    “my dog sneezed on my keyboard”

    Don, earlier you had your penis out. Why is your dog in your lap, too?

  121. liberalgeek says:

    Obama was getting the backing of two-thirds of men and nearly six in 10 women, according to preliminary data from exit polls of voters conducted for The Associated Press and the television networks.

  122. jason330 says:

    Obama to speak in Madison.

  123. nemski says:

    Obama is coming out . . . who will have a better speech, Obama or Clinton?

  124. Joe M says:

    “Gag. Buchanan is absolutely right. If Hillary doesn’t attack Obama, IT IS OVER!”

    I don’t think so. Negative politics have not played well in the primaries. Even a slime like Huck retracted a negative ad against mitt.

  125. liberalgeek says:

    Obama enters the room to U2 also. Bono is everywhere.

  126. donviti says:

    that was funny

  127. cassandra m says:

    Listening to NPR and they seem obsessed with whether or not white people and whether women are voting for Obama tonite — guess they are using that as a proxy as to how much Obama is eating into Hillary’s so-called base. I sorta wish they would tell me what % of white people voted for McCain and Huckabee tonite.

    (Stop throwing rocks at my window! I’m still in recovery up in here…)

  128. liberalgeek says:

    I appreciate you guys taking time out from cow-tipping to come see me tonight.

  129. jason330 says:

    I like “Change we can believe in” better than

    “Stand for Change”

  130. donviti says:

    did obama have a midget present him with cheese?

  131. cassandra m says:

    I think you guys need to mark these live-blogging thread for Adults Only…

  132. liberalgeek says:

    We missed you Cassandra. Welcome.

  133. nemski says:

    Obama can read from a list better than Clinton.

  134. liberalgeek says:

    We didn’t know how much DV would be commenting.

  135. nemski says:

    OK maybe not. LOL

  136. donviti says:

    you don’t see bums “Stand for Change” usually they are sitting.

    I’d much rather give a bum change that is sitting. Standing for change is intimidating

  137. jason330 says:

    Heloooo Cassandra,

    On the last thread I said that the media is stuck in a 1965 time warp – with all the “Virginia voted for a black man” crap.

  138. donviti says:

    keeping it real LG

  139. nemski says:

    I wanna have Obama’s baby.

  140. donviti says:

    yes but you didn’t win Texas and you have to win texas to really win dude

    so basically even if you win 30 states and don’t win texas you don’t win.

    Texas sucks man

  141. nemski says:

    Obamaican. LOL

  142. jason330 says:


  143. donviti says:

    this whisper joke is getting old

  144. nemski says:

    Is Dave Burris an Obamacan?

  145. cassandra m says:

    Yes, and all of that leaves Ed Rendell looking like he is ready for his robes making PA seem like the last bastion of segregation or something.

  146. jason330 says:

    Texas will come around. (he says with his fingers crossed)

  147. donviti says:

    he is a fucktardican

  148. nemski says:

    dv, remember every time he speaks he is speaking to thousands of new people. so a old joke is a good thing.

  149. cassandra m says:

    Some of my best friends are Obamacans…

  150. liberalgeek says:

    OK, new thread coming right up.

  151. donviti says:

    see all the young white males for Obama?

    is that by design? how do those people get back there?

  152. cassandra m says:

    It’s Madison, WI, dude….

  153. liberalgeek says:

    new thread open. Please move.