Liveblogging the Potomac Primary #3

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008

busy night.


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  1. jason330 says:


  2. liberalgeek says:

    damn you Jason Scott!

  3. jason330 says:

    “Bush/McCain republicans ” YES!!

  4. nemski says:

    Jason, u need to change the banner on the comment page.

  5. Joe M says:

    “dv, remember every time he speaks he is speaking to thousands of new people. so a old joke is a good thing.”

    Yeah, but due to TVs and youtube, those thousands of people have likely heard the speech before.

  6. jason330 says:


  7. donviti says:

    he needs a shit brown suit

  8. donviti says:

    Joe M’s got my back byotchski

  9. liberalgeek says:

    I’ll try to get to the banner.

  10. cassandra m says:

    Huckabee needs a new tailor, I think….

  11. donviti says:

    I’d like to steal Obama’s baby

  12. jason330 says:

    “John McCain is an American hero. ” The man is a class act.

  13. nemski says:

    George Bush won’t be on the ballot this November

    : Huge cheer :

    Never gets old.

  14. donviti says:

    oh yeah War in Iraq…

  15. jason330 says:

    I love that he is taking Hillary out of the discussion.

  16. nemski says:

    McCain: Bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran.

    Oh, that’ll come back to haunt him

  17. donviti says:

    over obama’s left shoulder is that Pat from SNL?

  18. cassandra m says:

    So — guess it really is civil war on the repub side!

    Who has the popcorn?

  19. Joe M says:

    “George Bush won’t be on the ballot this November

    : Huge cheer :

    Never gets old.”

    I can’t get the image of a confused Bush hearing that, with a little tear tracing it’s way down his cheek.

  20. nemski says:

    I love that he is taking Hillary out of the discussion.

    Good observation, Jason. I’m sure we will see it in the debates.

  21. nemski says:

    He can control a crowd, can’t he?

  22. donviti says:

    I see a black guy! in the green jacket!

    wow, did they fly him in from Detroit?

  23. nemski says:

    I’m getting teary eyed.

  24. liberalgeek says:

    I just figured out how to get universal healthcare. We just get Congress to approve the funding every year off-budget. It works for Iraq.

  25. Mat Marshall says:

    Dominique is rather miffed. As for me…. I’m tingling with joy.

    BTW, has anybody seen DC numbers yet? What the hell! There’s like… 200 people there, and they closed the polls an hour and a half before Maryland.

  26. donviti says:

    if you’d shave your eye brows they wouldn’t hang in them

  27. cassandra m says:

    I can’t get the image of a confused Bush hearing that, with a little tear tracing it’s way down his cheek.

    If you think about it, most of the election rhetoric and strategy on both sides pretty much disses this guy every day. And he has to wake up to the fact that no one wants to be associated with him or his policies (except McCain, really). That, I think is the BushCo legacy….

  28. jason330 says:

    Banrupcy laws that protect banks and big lenders….Oh snap!

  29. Joe M says:

    The man is inspiring. America needs that to wipe away our disillusion.

  30. nemski says:

    There are more people at Obama’s speech than there are at a Sixers’ game.

  31. jason330 says:

    Oh Matt – I lived in DC. It could be a week befor they know that Obama won by 98%

  32. donviti says:

    it’s all over man, look at white people going crazy for this guy….

    let’s hope he doesn’t get shot. and I’m not joking

  33. Mat Marshall says:

    Did you really? I love the place. It’s beautiful.

    But seriously, their Dept. of Elections is shit.

  34. Rebecca says:

    Staying ON MESSAGE, that takes discipline. It should sound the same at every stop. When the candidate starts to ad lib you’ve got big trouble.

  35. donviti says:


    do you think this guy can’t ad lib though? he is so freaking smoothe man

  36. liberalgeek says:

    Obama/Clinton 08

    Think of it as life insurance. And can you think of a better attack dog in the general election?

  37. nemski says:

    Parents have to parent

    Great stuff.

  38. jason330 says:

    It was a great place to live pre-kids. We loved the city. Getting your car inpsected though…Oy.

  39. Rebecca says:

    #38 Don, That’s how mistakes get made and the press has a feeding frenzy.

  40. donviti says:

    did the scroll say “hillary talks to Texans after losing Dc, Md & Va” ?

  41. Mat Marshall says:

    Geek…. I disagree. Clinton would drag him down, hard. Throngs of his supporters who were so revved up would question his judgment fervently.

  42. liberalgeek says:

    but no one would shoot him and she is one hell of a politician.

  43. donviti says:

    wasnt this the part where he inserted Ceasar Rodney?

    that was Ad libbing

  44. nemski says:

    I haven’t seen the Democrats this energized this early in an election cycle ever.

    We start getting energized around October and then it is too late. It’s freaking February and we’re coming together. Amazing.

  45. donviti says:

    he’s ad libbing now isn’t he?

  46. liberalgeek says:

    No that’s mad-libbing. Insert local historical hero story here.

  47. jason330 says:

    Hillary is finished.

  48. donviti says:

    and Nemski is old too so he would know

  49. Rebecca says:

    Cynicism is a sorry kind of wisdom!

  50. donviti says:


    did you get to see him in Wilmington?

  51. liberalgeek says:

    Nemski, you are right. 20K people showing up in February, in Wilmington, on Superbowl Sunday… Incredible.

  52. Mat Marshall says:

    Hillary is finished.
    Mostly. If she gets both TX and OH, she’s got a shot. An Edwards endorsement in OH, a win from momentum in TX, or a close, close second in both will seal the deal for Obama.

  53. jason330 says:

    I’m seriously getting the feeling that Obama is going to be the nominee.

  54. nemski says:

    nope, we had poo-poo to do. I’ll journey to Philly or elsewhere to see him though. I think it will be very important for my ten-year old to see him.

  55. liberalgeek says:

    Go get ’em Barack!

  56. jason330 says:

    Edwards…that’s right. C’mon John. Yes We Can!

  57. donviti says:

    I just whispered I love you to my tv. I think he looked right at me too

  58. Joe M says:

    I love his close!

  59. jason330 says:

    OMG what a contrast.

  60. nemski says:

    Oh, that’s what it sounds like when Hillary gets her ass kicked

  61. liberalgeek says:

    Holy cow, McCain has people up there with him that are older than he is.

  62. donviti says:

    and I just lost my chubby…

    is he in a closet?

  63. Joe M says:

    Good lord, hearing McCain after that was a shock!

  64. nemski says:

    Hey, what’s my grandfather doing on TV?

  65. Joe M says:

    McCain has the undead on his side! EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!

  66. Rebecca says:

    Old man following youthful energy and hope. Wow!

  67. nemski says:

    I thought Dwight Eisenhower was dead.

  68. donviti says:

    oh man this awful. LMAO

    how freaking horrible….

  69. liberalgeek says:

    The Manchurian Candidate

  70. cassandra m says:

    The world looks good for Obama right now, but you can’t count the Clintons out til they are out. OH and TX are functionally the last stand of what exists of the Clinton Machine.

  71. donviti says:

    is he reading from a teleprompter?

  72. Joe M says:

    After this weekend and tonight, OH and TX are starting to look pretty good for Obama.

  73. jason330 says:

    I keep looking at the scrolls. Obama didn’t just win tonight. He crushed!

  74. nemski says:

    is he reading from a teleprompter?

    No, he doesn’t have his glasses on.

  75. liberalgeek says:

    Cass- agreed. They are fighters and they won’t go quietly into that dark night.

  76. cassandra m says:

    McCain needs to stop reading from a teleprompter — this is making him look more like Uncle Jun every day.

  77. jason330 says:

    is he reading from a teleprompter?


    Obama may have been as well.

  78. Joe M says:

    *clapclapclap*YAAAAY… BRAAAINS!*clapclapclap*

  79. donviti says:

    HOPE? oh my…here he goes, the POW stuff

  80. nemski says:

    McCain’s speech is the sound of America turning off their TVs.

  81. liberalgeek says:

    75 – 24 in DC. Nice.

  82. Joe M says:

    I’m waiting for him to start feeding his young with the acorns packed in his cheeks.

  83. donviti says:


    you think? where was one in Wilmington?

  84. cassandra m says:

    Yes LG — and they are fighting, for their inevitability still, which I think means that they are about to get lethal.

  85. Rebecca says:

    Blink, blink, blink, grin. That is as anoying as Chimpy’s smirk.

  86. donviti says:

    Joe LMAO still laughing

  87. liberalgeek says:

    Do we have assisted living facilities in the White House?

  88. jason330 says:

    He just looks crazy. AND he is gonna take the “down with hope” tact.

    As for the Clinton’s: Remember The Sage Words of Nicole Dursey.

    We are 10 points down in every state. In TX they happen to be ten points down, but they are used to it.

  89. Mat Marshall says:

    I actually didn’t catch Obama’s speech… mom’s resolved to ban politics from the household for the time being. Too many fights. I’ll catch it on YouTube soon enough.

  90. liberalgeek says:

    Nemski – is that true?

  91. donviti says:


    you can’t kick your mom’s ass?

  92. liberalgeek says:

    Mat, what’s up with that?

  93. jason330 says:

    Now it looks like everyone on the rostrum is reading along.

  94. donviti says:

    NO it’s not, he is parrotting McCain lol

    he ran to Canada

  95. nemski says:

    lg, is what true?

  96. Mat Marshall says:


    I could, but I’m taking the high road and waiting for her to swing first ;-).

  97. nemski says:

    No, i wasn’t an POW. I didn’t serve, but I respect all that have.

  98. liberalgeek says:

    I thought you were saying you were a POW…

  99. Joe M says:

    Metaphor time on speeches:

    Clinton – the melody of a carbon drill

    Obama – a rock concert

    McCain – a WASP nest

  100. donviti says:

    Olbermann just slammed McCain

    I think Matthews admitted Obama gave him a chubby

  101. jason330 says:

    Olberman: new rule. always speak befor Barack Obama. Nver after Obama.

  102. Mat Marshall says:


    She’s a Clinton supporter. And a vehement Obama hater. After much mockery, we just got into flat-out yelling matches. It’s just for the best that the house remains Independent for now.

    Granted, when he won Iowa, I was blasting “We Are The Champions” through the floors. I plan to do it again if he gets the nod.

  103. Joe M says:

    “Olberman: new rule. always speak befor Barack Obama. Nver after Obama.”


  104. liberalgeek says:

    Better watch it, Mat. She’s a woman, and they have ways to kill you slowly without you even know that they are doing it. Have someone taste your food.

  105. donviti says:

    you know you are pathetic when….

  106. cassandra m says:

    You are not wanting to mess with your mom, Mat, until you’ve gotten grad school paid for.

    And she is still holding the keys to your car, right?

  107. nemski says:

    DC 89%
    Obama 76%
    Clinton 24%

    MD 4%
    Obama 68%
    Clinton 30%

    VA 94%
    Obama 63%
    Clinton 36%

  108. liberalgeek says:

    Is that why she made you come home early from the Obama party?

  109. Mat Marshall says:

    Oh, don’t you worry. Tonight was burgers. Dad uses the grill. He’s an Obama man. I will live on another day.

  110. liberalgeek says:

    68 in MD is awesome.

  111. Mat Marshall says:


    In all seriousness, I love my mom. This was just a move towards peace.

  112. Joe M says:

    How is it that the party hacks are so vehement against McCain but he still gets the votes?

    This is probably the wrong place to ask this, but is the Republican party so far removed from their people?

  113. donviti says:

    well hillary is winning texas and ohio so you might not 😉

  114. donviti says:

    I love your mom too

  115. nemski says:

    From the NYT:

    The lopsided nature of Senator Barack Obama’s parade of victories on Tuesday gives him an opening to make the case that Democratic voters have broken in his favor and that the party should coalesce around his candidacy.

  116. liberalgeek says:

    meta comment:

    we broke 100 comments on three separate threads tonight.

  117. jason330 says:

    Can you be anti-hope? That’s Al Mascitti’s take as well.

  118. Mat Marshall says:

    God dammit, I need to start consolidating these….

    I left the party early because I had to walk the neighbor’s dog and go to school the next day, which sucked, because it was incredible there. Sorry I missed you! Tim told me you showed up, and I saw your interviews. Good stuff. I’ll catch you at another event, I’m sure (let’s say early November?).

  119. jason330 says:

    Does it count if you me and DV were 200 of them?

  120. Joe M says:

    “Hillary is knocking on the window saying Hey guys, I’m still out here.”


  121. Mat Marshall says:

    “I love your mom too”

    Well played.

  122. liberalgeek says:

    DV, you leave his Mom alone. We know about you.

  123. jason330 says:

    I kid.

    I think DL is well positioned for the general election.

  124. nemski says:

    Maybe McCain should have Brokaw deliver his speeches.

  125. donviti says:

    i take what’s given my man

  126. liberalgeek says:

    Mat, I’ll see you on Primary night for Governor.

  127. donviti says:

    Maybe McCain should have Brokaw deliver his speeches.

    marble mouth over marble mouth?

  128. Joe M says:

    Allright, I gotta work tomorrow.


  129. jason330 says:

    getting rid of bad democrats…is it happening in MD?

    the field and has been reporting some good numbers from the precincts that have reported. Cautious optimism…

    Stoller calls in to tell me that they have two precincts in. Montgomery County #521 which went 59% to 35% for Wynn last time, went 508 votes to 167 this votes this time around for Edwards.
    Also, Prince Georges County 13-13 which went 60% to 38% in favor of Wynn last time, was 415 (Edwards) to 432 (Wynn) this time.

    Can it happen here?

  130. donviti says:

    Very good point about the discrepancy on age between Obama and McCain

  131. jason330 says:

    Later Joe!

  132. donviti says:

    good night all time to go pee on Nemski’s lawn

  133. nemski says:


    2/19: Hawaii, Wisconsin
    3/4: Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont
    3/8: Wyoming
    3/11: Mississsippi

  134. Mat Marshall says:

    Looking forward to it, Geek.

  135. liberalgeek says:

    ‘night Johnboy.

  136. jason330 says:

    ‘night DV

  137. jason330 says:

    Thanks Nemski – I was just wondering about that.

  138. liberalgeek says:

    Nemski, I think I’m going to get that on the front page…

    But I’m not staying up for the Hawaii results, that’s for sure. Polls close at 1AM EST.

  139. cassandra m says:

    Good night everybody!

  140. donviti says:

    night mrs. marshall

  141. jason330 says:

    Thanks for making DL your choice for live blogging results Rebecca.

  142. nemski says:

    Nite all, lots of fun, but best of all was the huge spanking Hillary got.

  143. jason330 says:

    Night Cassandra.

  144. jason330 says:

    Later Nemski.

  145. jason330 says:

    Obama won with white catholics union guys. The lesson: white catholics union guys want to win in November.

  146. jason330 says:

    You got that right LG

  147. liberalgeek says:

    Or they are tired of white women ordering them around… 🙂

  148. jason330 says:


    I’m out on that note.


  149. liberalgeek says:

    Nora was the brunt of a joke earlier. I’ll not rehash it now…

  150. liberalgeek says:

    500 comments on these threads tonight. Nice.

  151. jason330 says:

    Oddly. The last two threads each had 160 comments.


  152. liberalgeek says:

    always with the last word…

  153. jason330 says:


  154. liberalgeek says:

    Ha! I’ve been watching for just that kind of crap!

  155. jason330 says:

    You win.

    Unless I set my alarm for 3:00 am.


  156. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    No bedtime story from DonHoni??? Turn on the nightlight………….

  157. donviti says:

    what do you want to hear sexy?