A Guest Post from Senator Tom Carper

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 13, 2008

Donviti –

I am displeased to find out that you have joined others at Delaware Liberal in disparaging my reputation because you have a problem with my so-called “voting record.”

Frankly, I expected more from you. Although I’m from West Virginia I have a deep respect for your people and flatter myself to think that I have some things in common with noble new world sons of Victor Emmanuel III like yourself. Traits that we no doubt have in common include; an abiding love of opera, a natural way with the ladies, and an eagerness to settle questions of honor with violence.

Again, like you, these are things that I don’t exactly go around bragging about, but neither do I keep my God given talents on a trophy shelf. So when I say that if you call me a fucker again I will “convince” you that it was a mistake, I’m sure you get the fullness of my meaning.


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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. jason330 says:

    He has a way with words.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Dear Senator,

    Please take note that neither Tommywonk nor I have taken to using those naughty words when we were describing your piss-poor voting record. Next time you are having a beer with Hube, ask about me. He thinks Tom and I are the only sane ones here.

    Oh, and the torture thing…Love it. I’m hoping to be waterboarded myself.

    Your humble servant,


  3. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    McDowell is a Delmarva Dingleberry.

    Carper is a duPont Dingleberry.