Filed in National by on February 14, 2008

Cry baby.

“Representative Wayne Gilchrest was defeated last night in the Maryland Republican primary. Blah blah blah.. His integrity and spirit cannot be replaced.”

What a freaking girl Mike Castle is. I swear. It was his first direct statement about ANYTHING that wasn’t full of caveats and however’s and it was to cry about his buddy getting his ass handed to him.

Well buck up little buckaroo. Your fellow wishy washy Bush enablers are dropping ike flies. You’ll be free to spend more time with the family sooner or later too.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    I’m looking for a picture of Castle standing primly on the steps with all the GOPers who walked out of the contempt vote….

  2. Al Mascitti says:

    If you knew more about Gilchrest, Jason, you wouldn’t be so uncharitable. The Eastern Shore is a very conservative area, but Wayne Gilchrest was no brain-dead conservative legislator; even if a Democrat wins the seat in November, his replacement will probably be more conservative than he was. His environmental work especially will be sorely missed.

  3. jason330 says:

    If guys like Gilcrist and Castle showed a little more “integrity and spirit” when it came to facing down Bush they wouldn’t be in this situation..

    By enabling Bush – they enabled the wing nuts in the party. You can’t shake hands with the Devil and say you were only kidding.

  4. G Rex says:

    Ahem, Wayne Gilchrest was one of two Republicans who voted for a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq last year, and said he’d personally file the articles for impeachment if GWB bombed Iran. Hardly an enabler.

  5. Miss AO says:

    If you want to cheer… heck, I’ll cheer with you.

    Doesn’t it bother you that you’ve got so many conservatives who agree with you?

  6. cassandra m says:

    Gilchrest is certainly more of a real moderate than Castle is. What I want to know is how it is that repubs think that moving more to the right will help enhance their fortunes.

  7. Rebecca says:

    Miss Anonymous Opinion,

    I didn’t understand your comment but, I would observe that the environment is an issue that some conservatives actually agree with us on. They can’t be wrong 100% of the time, at least not all of them. Ya know, the old Lincoln quote about fooling some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.

  8. jason330 says:

    I include all Republicans who did not stand up to Bush and refuse to go along with his wacko agenda as enablers. Castle, Gilchrist, etc, etc. Republican “moderates” were the only group that had a shot on turning back the craziness and they did NOTHING.

    BTW is anyone surprised to know that Mike Castle STILL refuses to apologize for working for Bush here in Delaware?

    Okay then.

  9. Al Mascitti says:

    Fine, Jason, but those of us who don’t think the wars on Iraq and the Constitution trump all other issues are willing to take moderation where we can find it.

  10. Al Mascitti says:

    Sorry, I should have added this to the previous post —

    This is not the only sign that the Republican Party isn’t merely in disarray, it’s self-destructing. I know you read FSP; look at all the posters there (not including Dave himself) who think the problem with the party is that it’s not ideologically pure enough. One effect of the Limbaugh/Hannity/Coulter echo chamber is that these people really think their radical ideas are mainstream. They are literally marginalizing themselves without any help from us.

  11. R Smitty says:

    NOOOO!!!! AL! PLEASE don’t lump me into that “pure” designation! NOOOO!!!! P-U! Yuck! Bleah! I am as UNpure as they come!

    No, wait…I mean, I am as far from pure as you can get!


    Hey, I want and emphatically support the need for diverse thoughts and beliefs working together to shape the party. We have seemingly lost that ability and until we get it back, yes, we are in a heap of dung of trouble.

    Limbaugh/Hannity/Coulter – they make up one collective idiot.

  12. donviti says:

    it’s only a war Al, don’t worry about it, you are right, there are more important things going on in this country other than a few people dying here and there

    Jason, stop over reacting it’s just a silly war, there are things right here im Merika waaaaayyyy more important than our soldiers

  13. donviti says:


    all joking aside what exactly is a Conservative republican these days?

  14. jason330 says:

    DV is right though. There was a moment when all thinking people knew that Bush was a total nut.

    All Republicans who stood silent after that point are guilty. However moderate they claim to be, they are first and formost cowards who deserve our scorn.

  15. X Stryker says:

    Michelle Malkin was in full huff mode defending the conservative talk radio circuit on Rasmussen. She sounded a little like this: “You can’t throw us under the bus! We sell your books! We marshall the troops! You liked us when you agreed with us, didn’t you! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”

  16. jason330 says:


    That made my day.

  17. MissAO says:

    Rebecca, I’m sorry, I wasn’t referring to Al’s comment about environmentalist causes, I was just saying that a lot of Republicans are happy to see Gilcrest go since in July he voted for troop withdrawl to be finished by April 1st of this year, Jason doesn’t seem to appreicate that he’s celebrating the ousting of someone who, IMHO, is an ally to his number one cause.

  18. jason330 says:

    Too little too late.

  19. Johnny Longtorso says:

    Yeah, so in place of a moderate, the 1st District gets a wacko Club for Growth disciple. What a good trade.

  20. jason330 says:

    He has to get elected. If the district was moderate enough to elect Gilchrist why not elect a Democrat?