Biden in Talks To Head off Clinton Scorched Earth Program

Filed in National by on February 18, 2008

I heard this on Olberman tonight and I got the feeling that Gore was sounding out Biden, Richardson, Edwards and Pelosi on how they could work together to make sure Clinton does not try to destroy the Democratic party. This is how the is covering it:

Los Angeles, 19 February, : A key group of Democratic super delegates is being organized to try to forestall a volatile party convention in August. According to press reports over the weekend, former vice president Al Gore, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and three former candidates in the current contest, Senator Joseph Biden, Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico and former senator John Edwards, have held talks on the danger of allowing the nomination fight to continue into August.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. nemski says:

    Sounds like the Democratic Party leadership is finally, finally, finally getting a clue.

  2. jason330 says:

    After WI and TX this will all be moot. Let us pray.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Fingers and toes crossed Jason!

  4. nemski says:

    Before I pass around the Kool Aid, here are some quotes from Americans regarding the whole super-delegate mess. (This is from a Jack Cafferty “file”).

    Patricia from Pittsburgh writes:
    Contrary to the “Evil Hillary Tries to Steal Nomination!” story that some talking heads have flogged for weeks, the truth is that the superdelegates are primarily loyal to the Democratic party–not to specific candidates–and therefore they will support the candidate who has the best chance of beating McCain in November. That more are leaning toward Obama is an indication that party leaders are lining up behind him as the new “establishment candidate.”

    Eric writes:
    Jack, As a lifelong Democrat and a two time Clinton voter, I have to say I’m unnerved by the prospect that the Republicans could be right about something. If Hillary is willing to manipulate the superdelegate system to her advantage, then the Clinton-hating Republicans could be right, “The Clinton machine will do whatever it takes to hold onto power.” It’s a shame.

  5. cassandra m says:

    I dunno. I’m not yet feeling the threat of the Clintons Turning Superdelegates Into Zombies move yet. It is going to depend upon how close they are in delegate count when all of the votes are counted, and frankly, how willing these Superdelegates are to demoralize a huge group of Democrats and motivated Independents. Supporting Hillary in the face of pretty clear popular vote for Obama would be a good way to kill alot of the current excitement and participation in this election season.

    But I do hope that Howard Dean is noticing how Superdelegates are a silly anachronism of the Democratic Party now.

  6. Brian says:

    Dean and all those guys better get on the ball if they do not want another republican presidency. I know tons of repubs who will vote for Obama, but will vote against Hillary just becuase she is hillary. If you want to win, if we want the platform to win, we should listen to Biden becuase he is doing the right thing.