Blast from the Past: Kennedy is not Ready

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 19, 2008

I was culling through some old articles by Clinton supporters and found this excerpt on a pro-Humphrey blog in 1960:

Kennedy is a great candidate, young and energetic. But with a mere 7 years in the Senate, he just doesn’t have the experience that Senator Humphrey has. Humphrey has twice as much experience in government than the upstart Senator from Massachusetts. His inexperience will limit his ability to stand up to the Soviets as they attempt to expand their influence in our hemisphere. He will be unwilling to protect our interests in Germany and will likely abandon this ally at the first sign of trouble.

Add to this that America is still not ready for a Catholic president. Sure, people say that they are ready, but we all know that those promises are left at the entrance of the polling place. Let that sink in.

Finally, if Kennedy does win the nomination, the likely Republican candidate is Richard Nixon. Think of how the experienced Nixon will tear apart the untested Kennedy in the expected first debates on television. All of America will be able to see Kennedy’s inexperience in live audio and video. Kennedy will be exposed as the politically immature fraud that he is. Then his cult following will fall apart and America will elect Richard Nixon. I don’t know if America is ready for that, either. Let’s give Kennedy a few more years to learn the ropes.

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  1. FSP says:

    Kennedy was ready?

    I’m a young chap, but I remember being told something about a “Bay of Pigs” and a “Cuban Missile Crisis” in his first two years.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    So…The Cuban Missle Crisis was a failure???

  3. disbelief says:

    I remember Camelot too.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Truth be told, I think I’m younger than FSP, so my memory of Kennedy is from The History Channel.

  5. anon says:

    a pro-Humphrey blog in 1960

    Man, those guys were ahead of their time!!

  6. nemski says:

    nemski wags finger at FSP.

    1. Bay of Pigs was an CIA/Eisenhower operations. You know better.
    2. Cuban Missle Crisis . . . umm, we won that.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Man, those guys were ahead of their time!!

    I think it was when the Internet was the teletype…

  8. FSP says:

    “1. Bay of Pigs was an CIA/Eisenhower operations. You know better.”

    He decided to go in, and went in without air support.

    2. Cuban Missle Crisis . . . umm, we won that.

    Yeah, but it never should have happened in the first place, and Kennedy gave up the right to ever invade Cuba as part of the deal.

  9. nemski says:

    I cannot believe you and many other Republicans are so fixated with Cuba. It’s your fault I can’t smoke Cubans.

    Anway, if you had mentioned Vietnam, you would have had me at Vietnam.

  10. G Rex says:

    “Think of how the experienced Nixon will tear apart the untested Kennedy in the expected first debates on television.”

    If you haven’t heard this before, people who listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon kicked JFK’s ass on the issues, but people who watched it on TV thought JFK won. Huh, there’s a new idea for campaign reform; debates should not be televised because morons vote for image over policy ideas!

    Oh, and Vietnam was LBJ’s war.

  11. Al Mascitti says:

    G: I expect the same will happen this time — Obama’s youth vs. McCain’s age will color the experience for TV viewers.

    In a way, technology gives us the candidates we deserve. Abraham Lincoln had a rather high, thin speaking voice and was widely considered an unattractive man. It would be almost impossible for him to be elected in the TV age.

  12. jason330 says:

    people who listened to the debate on the radio thought Nixon kicked JFK’s ass on the issues,

    Hyperbole alert.

    In fact people who listened to the radio gave Nixon a slight edge over JFK.

  13. G Rex says:

    Come on, Jase, Kennedy left the stage crying like Hillary Clinton. (Now THAT was hyperbole, and a metaphor as well.)

  14. liberalgeek says:

    I think that’s hyperbole and analogy… But I wasn’t an English major.

  15. Joanne Christian says:

    WoW–In continuance of my search for best 2008 blog post, I came across this. I just had to resurrect in light of “things”. Good post Geek…I do remember the ‘ol Humphrey/Kennedy days, and there was also that guy who said the Russians were our friends….