Yes, They Can

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 24, 2008

Prairie View University is an historically black university in Texas.  With all of the gerrymandering in Texas, their early voting polling place was over 7 miles from their school.  As it turns out, the Republicans didn’t put it far enough away.  This is what Obama is doing to America, and I like it.


h/t HuffPo

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  1. nemski says:

    Cool video.

    From the local Fox station,

    Students, joined by civil rights attorneys and local leaders, carried “Register to Vote” signs and wore shirts that said “It is 2008 and we will vote.” The total crowd was estimated at about 2,000 people, police said.

    Prairie View Mayor Frank Johnson praised the student protesters as “wonderful kids.”

    “Until they spoke up, there was only one early voting place in the entire county,” Johnson told a Houston newspaper. “They spoke up but everyone is benefiting from what they are doing.”

    The Waller County courthouse is the only full-time early voting site in the county. Last week, under pressure from federal officials, the county decided to open three early voting sites.

    Waller County administrators agreed to add several area early voting sites, but the polling places are not scheduled to open for several days, cutting into the early voting period.

  2. Pandora says:

    I like it, too. This is the true difference with Obama. People are signing on and getting off their butts. That’s what will lead to change.

  3. Shite. That brought tears.
    It is time for a humble American like Obama to give us the chance to righten the nation. It’s fucking a sinking ship.