Archive for February, 2008

Saturday funnies

Filed in National by on February 16, 2008 1 Comment


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Delaware’s Winner and Losers of the Week

Filed in National by on February 16, 2008 0 Comments

Losers 1) Buddy Wagner C’mon dude. Man up. That’s all I’m saying. 2) Nancy Wagner There is no way that a state legislator hooking her husband up with a $68k per year state job that is created and funded through earmarks is not a career killer. (Unless you happen to be a Delaware legislator.) Winners […]

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Welcome New Democrats (Not Named John Atkins)

Filed in National by on February 16, 2008 15 Comments

From today’s NJ: In conversations with a number of Republicans, I have learned of their new interest in the Democratic party and candidates. Part of this is the maturing of the Democratic Party, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. My disillusionment with the Republican Party is nearly complete. The GOP has slipped away from […]

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For G REX – Obama’s Top Ten Campaign Promises

Filed in National by on February 15, 2008 3 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] Drink the kool Aid G. You know you want to.

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Clinton Determined to Use Super Delegates to Steal Nomination

Filed in National by on February 15, 2008 16 Comments

But Celia Cohen says not to worry because our leaders are good and of pure of heart. Hillary Clinton will take the Democratic nomination even if she does not win the popular vote, but persuades enough superdelegates to vote for her at the convention, her campaign advisers say. The New York senator, who lost three […]

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Commercial Ghost Towns

Filed in National by on February 15, 2008 1 Comment


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This may be a dumb question….

Filed in National by on February 15, 2008 11 Comments

But has anyone called Mike Castle to see where he stands on telecom immunity? Does he agree with Bush? I haven’t been around politics long enough to know if this is a first but it seems to me there can’t be many times in the history of our country that the President basically says that […]

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Corrected: Pete Schwarzkopf Totally Smacks Down Strine

Filed in National by on February 15, 2008 10 Comments

In what was perhaps the most compelling five minutes of radio that I’ve ever heard, Pete Schwarzkopf methodically, deliberately and brutally called out Terry Strine, Donna Stone, and Bob Valihura  for their efforts to kill legislation that seeks to protect the rights of manufactured housing residents. The most searing comments were leveled directly at Terry […]

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Comment Rescue: Windpower, Education, and John Carney

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 15, 2008 10 Comments

Fonzy writes: I thought I would try and bring this thread back to liberalgeeks’ orignal point with another example of John Carney’s hard work to try and get this sucker done. Wind power firm offers partnership with Del Tech. liberalgeek – if I didn’t know better, I’d say Carney reads your posts. I was thinking […]

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Mr Bush You are a bad liar

Filed in National by on February 15, 2008 6 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] If you need to be brought up to speed what immunity for the telecoms is about watch it.  I’m pretty sure one of Delaware’s idiot’s (not biden) voted for immunity. Editors Note: Tom Carper sold out for a measly $92k.

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Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 20 Comments

Cry baby. “Representative Wayne Gilchrest was defeated last night in the Maryland Republican primary. Blah blah blah.. His integrity and spirit cannot be replaced.” What a freaking girl Mike Castle is. I swear. It was his first direct statement about ANYTHING that wasn’t full of caveats and however’s and it was to cry about his […]

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Your Legislators Listen

Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 0 Comments

One of the cool things about Delaware is that if a State Rep gets some letters or a handful of phone calls on some issue it is a big deal. Bottom Line: Nobody wants to be standing next to McDowell when the music goes off.

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A belated Happy Valentine’s day ladies…donviti Style

Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 5 Comments


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